Whimsical System

Chapter 1489: Interaction introduction

"I believe it will happen one day, in fact, I have achieved the result I hoped.

It's just that this kind of result came too suddenly, and he has become my subordinate just like you, so more or less, the relationship between friends will seem a bit distant.

But it doesn't matter, everything is from far to near, as long as I work hard, I believe I can be friends with him, including your other friends, I can also chat with them and establish a deeper friendship! "

The words that the Shisanye currently said were also something that did not exist in the plan. It seems that the Shisanye really hopes to get acquainted with those friends of Chu Feng.

After all, he had heard Chu Feng talk about them more than once before. So at some point, he did have such thoughts. After all, in this city, Lord Thirteen had no friends at all, and all he had was his subordinates.

For those subordinates, he has no way to communicate with them heartily. Although Chu Feng's appearance has helped him solve the problem of friends, if he can have more friends or survive in other spaces, For the Thirteenth Lord, this is indeed a major experience in life.

The two were communicating with each other. When they fully reacted and were about to communicate with the soul body, they found that the soul body was listening to the conversation between the two of them, smiling with relish. I don't know what he thought of at this time, anyway, seeing his smile didn't seem to be deliberate.

"You seem to be very happy. Did what we said amused you?"

Chu Feng asked casually, the current expression of the soul body is something that Chu Feng has never seen before. Maybe it is also very beautiful for him at this time. Although this state is not lasting, it is estimated Everyone who is in the heart will experience happiness from it.

"It’s really interesting to hear you chat. It feels like I’m also involved in it. Although what you say is not of much interest to me, I can feel it from your words. Happy!"

No one knows whether what the current soul body is saying is true or not. At this time, the soul body’s head is full of hatred and plans, and if the current sentence is really what he feels in his heart, then he can only say it. This incident is too surprising!

However, accidents are accidents, which is not surprising, anyway, everything has a cause and effect. Even if it is a wicked person, there must be a time of tenderness.

So the appearance of this moment is not surprising, and the disappearance of this moment is also reasonable.

"Well, you've been listening to it for a long time. Actually, the two of us are just competing with each other.

Now that the quarrel is over, it is naturally time for the two of you to get to know each other. Let’s introduce each other! "

Chu Feng, the middleman, broke away directly from between the two and gave the rest of the time to the two of them. When the two old enemies met, although they had their own ghosts in their hearts, they still pretended on the surface. A very friendly look.

"Hello, I am the master of this city. There is a string of number thirteen in my name, so people here basically call me thirteenth. If you don't mind, you can call me like that.

Even if you are in your free time, you can call me thirteen. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, if we are friends, we call each other by name, it is perfectly acceptable! "

The first one to introduce is the Thirteenth Master. He didn't even know Chu Feng's analysis of his name. As for what the serial number in this name represents? The Thirteenth Lord never said it, and Chu Feng didn't investigate it. Anyway, the name is just a code name. It's useless to know so much, it's better to just accept it naturally.

auzw.com and after the introduction of the thirteenth master, the soul body also has the plan to introduce.

It’s just that he really doesn’t know how to introduce himself, because he has no name at all. Since he became a soul, his name has become a very distant thing for him, even he himself I don't remember clearly.

As a result, after thinking about it, the soul body just made up a name for himself.

"Hello, my name is Haifeng, the sea of ​​the sea, the peak of the mountain!

I am a very ordinary person with no legendary experience. Just like my name, it is very common and casual!

Usually, anyone who has contact with me will give me a fair evaluation!

Anyway, basically they will think that I am a very boring person, and I have no special interests, nor ambitious pursuits. Anyway, living this life is to live, not for others!

If I really want to do a research on myself, then I can only say that I am a person who lives in a vulgar world and has some unwilling ideas but dare not implement them!

Now that this step is taken, it is actually still with the help of Chu Feng, maybe my current plan is not quite suitable for my whole person's evaluation.

But that's just because there is a big gap between the two, in fact, if there were no Chu Feng, then I would definitely not make this decision.

So, after all, I still have to thank my friend Chu Feng, who is also your friend! "

The fabrication of the soul body really has a certain meaning, although both the thirteenth master and Chu Feng know that he is a nonsense introduction.

But for his introduction, the two of them have different experiences.

In fact, even if it was made up indiscriminately, it still had his true shadow on it.

It's just that these shadows are too dim and not easy to be noticed!

"Okay, you two have known each other, and also introduced your own personality!

Although it sounds embarrassing to me on the sidelines, this result is still in my expectation!

Actually, I don’t have any other ideas, I just let my two friends get to know each other and become friends too!

Although my thought sounds a bit incomprehensible, I believe you can understand my good intentions. After all, in the future we will not be able to see you with our heads down. If we can't be friends, then this matter is too sad. ! "

Chu Feng simply explained it. In fact, for this explanation, the meaning of its existence is not to explain one thing at all!

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