Whimsical System

Chapter 1501: Behind the scenes manipulation

"No way, Chu Feng! Are you really sure? Stay a while longer, that's what you said!"

The Thirteenth Lord is obviously very excited. Chu Feng can stay here for a while. That is indeed a good thing for the Thirteenth Lord. At least he does not need to rack his brains every day to think about how to deal with those who have ghosts. .

"Almost, but it also depends on the situation. After all, at this time, it is not very certain to say anything!

If this matter is easy to solve, then the time I extend out will naturally be unnecessary!

However, according to my estimation, this matter should not be so easy to solve. After all, there are a lot of troubles that are entangled together. The key is that many people seem to have formed a union. I don't know what is going on in this city anyway. Even if it is unified now, those people are still not at peace!

At this moment, the feeling is like that many problems have been entangled, and many things are entangled, and it is difficult to separate at all!

But now it’s not easy to sort it all out, so I'm very confused about what to do! "

Chu Feng was very worried, and at the same time he didn't know what the current situation was.

At this time, it is fine to say that he is too worried, or that he is unclear about his "sexuality"! Anyway, many problems are stuck together and there is no way to solve it. This is a state that Chu Feng currently feels.

Compared with Lord Shisan, his situation is much better, because Lord Shisan doesn’t know so much at all, and he basically doesn’t know the specific information, so even if he wants to worry, he might not be able to find it. Come to the opportunity, because he doesn't know what he should worry about.

It's just that in this matter, he also has some things to worry about, such as how to plan this matter, how to arrange personnel to do these tasks!

In fact, to put it bluntly, this series of issues are still relatively difficult, at least in the previous state, there is a lot of complexity in the deployment of personnel, and the funding is not sufficient, although he does not have much money Concerns, but when there is no funds, even if you don’t worry, you should worry!

So now he has thoughts about the old man, because according to Chu Feng's introduction, the old man now holds a large amount of wealth. If he can get this wealth in his hands, then the construction of this city may be on track in an instant.

"You may be thinking about more things, so I don't really understand what your current troubles are, but one thing I can be sure of is that the current state must be a little inappropriate. In fact, I have been I am worried, if this matter can be implemented into reality, would you say it will be more secure!"

Actually, he didn’t mention anything accurately, but Chu Feng was able to understand, because before that, he was only able to talk about the old man’s affairs, and now that the Thirteenth Lord is unwilling to mention it, it also explains this. This thing must seem a little inappropriate.

"Almost, I understand the meaning of your sentence! Although it is too early for you to say that sentence, it is completely understandable!

The construction of the city really requires funds. If he can get his funds, then all these problems may not be considered problems!

But what I am more worried about now is that he has so much money in his hands. Will he not re-establish a group that can completely protect himself?

After all, he had such a high status at the beginning, and now the base is naturally breached, but their organization may not die as easily as we imagined!

So I am worried that they should still be secretly surviving in a certain corner now, and they even want to borrow the funds to make a comeback.

And if we can seize the opportunity to destroy them completely, there may still be a chance.


But if they wait until some time, they have achieved their goals and achieved their plans.

So for you, this is something that directly threatens your current dominance! "

This matter is very serious and beyond doubt, it is indeed a difficult matter to judge and affirm!

What Chu Feng said made him completely hear what he said, but he was always hesitating how to implement this matter.

In fact, to do this thing, it has basically become a certainty, but the thirteenth master does not know how to do it.

"I can basically understand what you mean, and I also know the seriousness of this matter!

It’s just that I don’t know how to find this cause. Now that the city is unified, if there is another war, the people will probably suffer again!

Maybe you don't know, I just promised to the people in the city some time ago that as long as I am in one day, then the city can have one more day of peace!

You said I only said this sentence for a few days, and there have been some riots in the local area. Even the robbers are so rampant, I don't know how to deal with it!

Now that I wake up every day, it’s my brain swelling and I don’t know how to start.

Those problems know that they must be solved, but how to solve them has become another thing that I have to face! "

The words of the Thirteenth Lord are very true. Indeed, the current riots coupled with the rampant thieves, it is definitely not seen in this city before the war.

Therefore, it is clear that all of this is being "fucked" in secret by someone, otherwise it would never create such a "chaotic" situation.

However, in the current situation, the people in the city would never consider this aspect at all.

In the face of this matter, the common people would only think that the thirteenth master did something unfavorable, and he could not manage the city reasonably.

Compared with the previous official forces, there is no comparable "sex" between them.

As for the current result, it also confirms what the "manipulator" behind the scenes hopes to achieve.

"I fully understand your situation, and I can also find out what your problem is. In fact, what you see now is just a superficial phenomenon!

If you really want to solve these current problems, it is not enough to rely on suppression or public order management, because as long as someone wants to trick you behind the scenes, he will definitely be able to figure out a way to make you feel at a loss!

So if you want to resolve this matter, you must find out the organization behind it.

And only in this way can you truly achieve what you want to achieve! "

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