Whimsical System

Chapter 1505: Old man debut

"Basically, as long as there are no accidents, it will definitely be in our plan, but it is worth noting that some people have left here now. Because of the special circumstances at the time, we did not stop it!

Therefore, if this matter needs to be resolved, at least we have to resolve them quietly.

Then wait here and wait for them to come back completely before completely solving them, otherwise this matter will cause a big problem! "

Chu Feng elaborated on the current issue of the disappearance of personnel, and for Yu Chufeng's introduction, the basic situation has now been established, anyway, the majority of people stay here!

Solving them first is the one thing that needs to be done most at the moment, and when they are completely solved, the rest can naturally deal with those who have not yet arrived. This is Chu Feng’s plan. Thirteen Ye also agreed.

So in the next plan and deployment, that is naturally a battle plan. The soldiers who were staring there have been completely withdrawn at this time, and more than 40 people are more than enough to deal with a dozen people.

It’s just that the old people’s problems are more difficult to solve. According to intelligence, the old people are also more capable.

And in this process, no one knows what strength the old man has, because he has never made a move, even if he does, the people who have seen him make a move are basically no longer in the world.

Therefore, Chu Feng is more entangled in this issue.

"The old man's problem is now the top priority. If we can't solve him first, then our follow-up plan will encounter many obstacles.

So I decided to count him as a share, no matter what, he must be dealt with first, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

But how to solve this is another key issue. What we must do now is to surround the place first, and not let them escape.

And the fighting time must be shortened, try to shorten it as much as possible, otherwise, after the few who left here come back, they will be out of our encirclement! "

The exhortations made by Chu Feng are basically more realistic for the current situation.

As for how to implement the plan, the Thirteen Lords also had his own ideas.

"Now they don't understand the situation of the old man very well. It is indeed very important to solve him, but they can't be taken lightly. Otherwise, there will be some problems.

So I suggest that since we are going to make a move, we must do our best and we must not have a back hand, otherwise, who can know if they will have any killers!

Now everyone listens to my orders and goes with me. I will deal with the old man. You only need to control those people!

As soon as the battle begins, you must give me your best to deal with them. If you can solve them directly, then you can solve them altogether. If you can't, then control them for the time being!


Anyway, before the old man is completely resolved, you must not let the advantage of the battlefield run to their side. In addition, Chu Feng, in order to ensure the stability of this operation, I will also trouble you to work hard. Let us deal with him together! "

The Thirteenth Lord is indeed without a bottom in his heart, otherwise he would not be called Chu Feng, and now that there is something about Chu Feng, then Chu Feng naturally can't shirk it, even if he is indeed a little tired now, but The matter has reached this point, if he shirks because of fatigue, it is really unreasonable.

"Okay, then let's get ready to act!"

Chu Feng responded happily, and then several people began to make preparations. More than 40 people set off together, which was indeed a relatively shocking formation.

The entire mountain forest basically became noisy in an instant, and then more than 40 people had surrounded the building complex.

When an abnormal situation occurred in the surroundings, the few people led by the old man were also aware of the changes.

However, just when they wanted to investigate the surrounding situation, the thirteenth master directly led his subordinates to rush out.

More than forty people dealt with more than a dozen people. Naturally, it was more than enough. As a result, except for the elderly, I was directly controlled.

"Who am I supposed to be? So it's your little thirteen!"

But in the chaos, the old man seemed to be very calm, as if this matter was not a trouble for him at all, and when all his men were arrested and controlled, the old man It still looks content.

"Old thing, I thought you were already dead! I didn't expect you to be alive, and you found a small place to hide here, you said you are really irresponsible, as a leader You want to betray your power, give such a mess to your grandson, and then escape with a large amount of property alone. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Grandpa Thirteen’s aggressively “forced” every word that people said is basically a direct poke of the truth. Although the old man can’t escape these things, he doesn’t seem to care at all.

"What do you kid understand? I have a big plan. How can you understand it with a short-sighted mouse?

It's just a base, even if it's given to you, how can it be that the base is not playing a big role in your hands now? What's the use other than sending people to guard it?

Speaking of it, you are taking advantage. In fact, you are picking up a burden. When I have a chance to counterattack, the base will still be mine after all, and the base will play the most effective role in my hands. For you, that base is nothing but ruins! "

What the old man said is also in line with the actual situation. Indeed, after the thirteenth masters occupied the base, he has been planning to rebuild the base, but due to lack of funds, he has no way to do this. Put ideas into reality.

In order to prevent damage to the facilities in the base, the Shisanye could only send people to guard it.

As a result, up to now, he has not benefited from the base at all. On the contrary, this manpower and material resources have been consumed a lot.

"Old thing, you are still daydreaming there, I tell you, even if this base is a cumbersome, then I am willing to keep it, anyway, you don't want to take it from me anyway!"

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