Whimsical System

Chapter 1515: Return of Four

The Thirteenth Master sighed. He didn't know how to describe his current mood. Anyway, physical exhaustion was already very obvious. Even if he wanted to change this exhausted state, it didn't seem to pass. It can be achieved by its own ability.

Chu Feng assisted Master Shisan and gradually landed in midair. At this time, Master Shisan could not even feel the presence of his legs. Anyway, the feeling of stepping on the ground was soft, like stepping on cotton, everywhere. Light and flirty.

In fact, his body is very heavy. If it weren't for Chu Feng's support behind him, he might fall to the ground anytime, anywhere.

"Shall we wait here a little longer, their accomplices have not returned yet, if we leave now, I am afraid we will leave some troubles!"

Even though the body is exhausted to the extreme, the thirteenth master still wants to continue fighting here.

As for the request of the Thirteenth Master, Chu Feng was also a little speechless. If he wanted to keep the Thirteenth Master, it would be okay, but what would be the use of keeping him? Now he has almost lost his ability to stand up, and if there is any war, then his existence must be a burden to Chu Feng.

So when he asked this question, Chu Feng directly gave him a very positive answer.

"Please don't worry about the matters here! I will take them all back!"

While making assurances, Chu Feng ordered the people to take the thirteenth master away from the battlefield.

In fact, it doesn't make much sense for the Shisanye to stay here, and as for the wounded soldiers, they are basically carried away at this moment!

When all the people who should go here have left, what is left is Chu Feng and a few other soldiers who are fairly healthy. In fact, leaving them here is nothing more than It was to help Chu Feng lift the body.

And as for the one who really wants to fight, it's just Chu Feng himself!

Chu Feng is not sure whether there are any masters among those who have left now, but one thing is certain is that Chu Feng can't avoid it in the next battle.

And he had to do his best to get all of this, and now Chu Feng didn't know who did it for the thirteenth master? Maybe it is. After all, to solve all of this is equivalent to solving the big troubles of the thirteenth master.

But if it's just for the thirteenth master, then Chu Feng's doing this is really not worth it.

Because he was totally a coolie for others, everything he did was gained by others, and he himself was just enjoying it. This process of fighting was nothing more than that, and now he was tired of fighting like this.

It's a pity that no one listens to him complaining now. Old Chu has already gone back to rest, and now the soldiers are all busy.

Chu Feng could only sit on a tree alone, waiting for the arrival of the enemy. Now his mood is very calm. Although he has just experienced a very intense and exciting battle, it is already long for Chu Feng. It is commonplace.

If you want to get rid of that kind of tension, you can basically say it is easy!

In a blink of an eye, time has come to about five o'clock in the evening, and dusk is approaching in the distance, although there is still light, but the light has gradually become dim.

Chu Feng sat on the treetops and looked into the distance. There was only a trace of the sun's rays left, and the thick fog was almost dispersed at this moment, and the clouds on the horizon were also extremely clear!

Chu Feng sighed. He knew that the war that should come will eventually come, and what he worried most was that the war would be delayed until night.

If it were to fight late at night, it would not take advantage of Chu Feng, because in this mountain forest, Chu Feng's advantage is to fly into the air, and then use the ability to dive to launch an attack. Today's "color" is getting late.


If the battle can only begin after the sky is completely dark, it seems to Chu Feng that flying no longer has any advantage, but instead it will make him an instant target in the air!

"Someone is coming in the distance!"

Just as Chu Feng was worried about this matter, he didn’t know who suddenly yelled such a sentence. Then Chu Feng was in the forest and looked around. As a result, he looked very clearly at this time Here, in the mountains and forests, figures are especially shuttled back and forth.

Even if it is approaching dusk at this time, there is still a little light in the mountains and forests, which can make people distinguish where is the shadow of the tree and where is the shadow!

"Ready to fight!"

Chu Feng jumped down, and the trunk hid in the mountains and forests, and not far away, the dilapidated buildings were still scattered there!

Among those buildings, the huge wealth has been plundered by the thirteenth masters, and now there are only a few left, only broken wooden boards.

At this moment, Chu Feng could even imagine what kind of expression it would look like when those people came back.

Now their only place of residence is here.

And all their expenses are spent out of that wealth, and now everything is gone, and the old man has also been arrested.

For them, even if they say that the family is ruined, it does not seem to be an exaggeration.

Seeing the group of people getting closer and closer, they finally stopped by a big tree not far away.

Even though the night fell, Lin Fan still saw their nearly crazy movements, and it was obvious that they were already angry.

But at this moment, Chu Feng walked out alone, and the soldiers didn't even have time to stop him.

"Look at what you did! How could this happen if you didn't leave today!"

"I think it's impossible. He can control his temper on weekdays. How could he be so angry today? Besides, look at the corpses on the ground!

Staggered. It is not the result of blocking at all. From my point of view, something must have happened here, rather than a change within us! "

There are four people in the group, and they all look young.

At present, even though they are angry, they are still able to analyze the problem logically.

"Everyone, if I didn't guess wrong, you should be troubled by this matter?"

The appearance of Chu Feng seemed a bit sudden to the four of them.

But soon these four people turned their eyes to Chu Feng, and everyone's eyes were full of guard.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

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