Whimsical System

Chapter 1533: Have something to say

The young man said this sentence does not mean that he has found the weakness of the thirteenth master, it is just that he knows what everyone is afraid of!

At this time, he didn't need to guess whether Lord Shisan would feel scared. As long as he said these words, he would be able to tell what Lord Shisan was thinking about.

The Thirteenth Lord has now reached such a point that the entire city is under his jurisdiction. If he is not afraid of life and death, it is absolutely impossible. Anyone with high authority will not easily lose what they cherish, and the most precious lunch is their life.

So when the boy said this sentence, the heart of the thirteenth master shook, but the feeling was as if some very precious thing suddenly broke.

In short, the shame in the heart of the thirteenth master was completely determined from this moment on.

Looking at the young man, all the smiles of the young man appeared in front of the thirteenth master at this moment. The thirteenth master opened his mouth as if he wanted to refute, but in the end he did not make any unbalanced sound.

It’s no wonder that under this situation, he really has no way to change. Even though he has the intention to resist, he doesn’t have the strength to resist at this time. Let alone the previous things. Just what the current young man has done is enough to make the thirteenth master feel the fear brought by the young man.

"Why don't you speak? Are you waiting for me to make the next stage of expression?

I don’t have so much time to spend time with you. This matter does not allow you to think too much, nor does it allow you to waste my time here. I am actually wasting a lot of time. If so, so let’s You can’t be allowed to continue wasting!

Hurry up and make a decision. While I can still talk to you, maybe you can get some opportunities, otherwise you will miss this moment. "

The boy's remarks have clearly expressed his thoughts and made a very accurate judgment on the current affairs.

Regardless of whether the Thirteenth Master will answer or not, no matter what answer he makes, it seems that this matter will not happen. The essential change, the boy has already made his own decision.

From the moment he made the decision, this matter has indeed begun. It is a very simple matter. It does not require too much language to evaluate. In fact, it takes a certain amount of time to think. In the process of thinking, he must also consider the impact of multiple levels.

He has never made the slightest preparation, and Chu Feng did not explain this, because Chu Feng did not consider it, but now when he faces all this, he seems a little at a loss, he does not know how to make this answer Whether he agrees or disagrees, no one has given him an accurate suggestion, and there is nothing in his mind.

The young man is still anxiously waiting for his answer. It is obviously unrealistic to continue to delay at this moment. If he has no choice but to answer, he has to do something. No matter whether he wants this result or not, nothing will happen. Variety.

"I may need to think about it. I believe you will give me this time. After all, you also hope to get an accurate answer!"

The Thirteenth Lord spoke, he had to speak. At this moment, whether he wanted to say something, he had to say it.

auzw.com The young man’s brows slightly lifted. At this time, from his brows, he could detect a hint of a determined thought, but this thought was well hidden, even There is such an undetectable feeling.

"I have given you enough time. You can calculate it yourself. From the beginning to the present, how many opportunities have I given you, and how many have you received? If you tell me that I still need to consider it, I am afraid It's a little bit incomprehensible!

Did you waste all the time I gave you before? If this is the case, then even if I give you some time to think about it now, I am afraid it will be the end result, and there will not be much mistakes, because after all you will teach them to waste them all, but as for me, it is fundamental Will not get any answers! "

It is not very difficult to answer a question. The difficult thing is how to answer it to make things possible.

There are many places where the Thirteenth Lord is entangled, and he doesn't know how to solve the current troubles. The boy's aggressive people have made him nowhere to hide.

Even if he has a mind that wants to change, the existence of this mind at this moment seems to have long lost all meaning.

But no matter how entangled in his heart, the answer that should be made is still to be exported, after all, this is something that has already been determined.

Even if he is dissatisfied in his heart, even if he has other ideas, this matter will not change in any way.

Who makes the final decision not him? He is just a person who obeys the order, and no matter whether the order will affect him or not, he must obey it, and there will never be any objections.

Perhaps this matter has been determined from the beginning, no matter the result is good or bad, the thirteenth master has no right to refuse him, after all, he is not qualified.

"You don’t give me the time to think, and you are eager to ask me to give you an answer. From your words, I see nothing but "forced" persecution. If you want me directly If you make an answer that satisfies you, then you can just say it, why bother to make me think about it here? You won't give me a chance to think anyway!"

The last confidence of the Thirteenth Master was all used to say this sentence, and he issued a question to express the injustice in his heart!

That's right, the Thirteenth Lord still has a certain spine, even when the teenager threatened him with his life, he was still able to issue this question at this critical moment.

It’s just that the questioning reaches the end, but the answer will not be obtained after all. The reason is simple. Some things have been determined from the beginning. Even if something changes midway, it is just a small "episode" added.

The teenager smiled slightly, he had already organized the language, and there was no need to waste time.

"If you think I can not give you this opportunity, then I don't think I need to be so troublesome!

You are right, I just want you to compromise with me, and I directly want to order you to say this sentence, now that you understand, then I will save the effort!

Now, you tell me! You hope to contribute this city to me! "

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