Whimsical System

Chapter 1535: fast

Watching the boy's attack gradually approaching him, Chu Feng stepped back and made a posture of defending the enemy. In fact, since the moment he came out, he has made all the plans. The boy will definitely turn his goal to himself. After all, he is the only important thing that can threaten the boy’s life. At this time, the boy is targeting him. That's pretty normal.

However, the current boy’s attack method is relatively simple, and there is nothing too fancy. At best, it is only a fist attack, but even so, Chu Feng dare not take it lightly, because he knows the boy’s ability, even in time. The modification in this area is more prominent, but this is not enough to conceal his special abilities in other areas. The boy's attack method and strength are more unbearable.

If it hadn’t been for Chu Feng that he had fought with the young man before, I am afraid that he would not be able to contact the young man casually, because such a casual attack on an enemy who has never known before would only change the situation he encountered. Extremely bad.

So at this moment, even though Chu Feng is ready to face the battle, he did not do everything as he wants. At present, he feels that he should resist an attack by the young man first. Only in the process of resisting the attack can he observe. At what level is the current state of the teenager? If the current state of the teenager is relatively full, then Chu Feng will definitely not go head-to-head with it, because such a direct head-to-head approach will not only change Chu Feng Outside of the downturn, it would not achieve any good results at all.

So what Chu Feng has to do at present is to carefully observe the boy’s every move, and strive to find a real solution to the current troubles in those details. Before that, it is what Chu Feng must observe. purpose.


A rush of wind blew, and after it blew, it seemed that there was no change, but in fact, at the moment that gust of wind rose out of thin air, Chu Feng’s body had already suffered the trauma of the boy, and that gust of wind came. It was the moment the young figure flashed that Chu Feng hadn't reacted at all.

Chu Feng would never have thought that things would turn out to be like this. He had obviously fought against a young man before, but now he discovered that the young man's strength he had detected before was nothing but fur. But now it seems that the real strength of the teenager is shown.

Such a swift speed, how could it be described as fast? Chu Feng did not feel the arrival of this attack at all. He had directly suffered the attack and the trauma it had done to him, and the feeling seemed to be out of thin air. Appeared, and then disappeared halfway casually. Chu Feng couldn’t find the answer anyway, how did he do it, and at this time the attack had ended, the boy had stood in his original position again, and there was no change at all. Even the footprints have never appeared. At this time, it feels as if the teenager has never moved, and the attack that he carried out has nothing to do with him.

In addition, the most frightening thing is not this feature, but at this time there seems to be a trace of blood remaining on the corner of the boy's mouth. It is also blood, not from Chu Feng, but from the boy himself.

You must know that the appearance of blood like this, unless it is a result of trauma or a strong impact, and these two are impossible for a teenager to appear, so the rest is there There is only a body that is too fast, so that the friction created by his mouth and the wind literally scratches his mouth.

There is no need to doubt or be surprised. After all, it is normal for such a fast moving speed to cause this result. It is just a little incomprehensible that why the teenager can achieve such a fast speed, is it just because He was in a state of mind before, so he could have this kind of speed as he wanted?


Obviously this is not the case. After all, the soul has nothing to do with speed, because no matter how fast the soul can move in the void, his body has no way to synchronize with it, unless the body is originally It is not in the normal category, so he can achieve this result.

Chu Feng did a lot of analysis on the current phenomenon, but in the end he did not get a fixed result, and at this moment, he still has to bear the trauma caused by the teenager. At this time, his chest is deeply sunken. Go down.

The feeling is as if my body was hit hard by a hard object, and the speed is so fast that I can't even wait for the nerves to react. The impact has disappeared, but the cause is now The injury has a lingering feeling.

Chu Feng could feel the pain in his chest very clearly. When the attack is over, the nerves gradually begin to receive pain signals, and then continue to spread to the wind's brain.

When Chu Feng’s brain received this signal, the pain became clear in an instant, and it was even impossible to judge when the pain began and when it ended. .

"Your speed is so fast that I can't believe that all this is true, but I know that anything happens, it must have its reasons, maybe this is due to your ability. Relevance, but I will not completely summarize it to your abilities!

After all, your ability to "manipulate" time is not a special skill that can improve one's own state at will!

There may be some secrets in your body that I haven't discovered, but this is not important, even if I found out that this matter has at least appeared!

And since it is something that has already appeared, then I have to admit its existence. You have caused me trauma now, so I have to give you a certain amount of feedback, otherwise there may be no way for us to tie it! "

Chu Feng simply expressed his feelings, and then he started to urge the swallowing power in his body to repair and strengthen his body!

Because the attack speed just now was too fast, Chu Feng could not protect his body at all. Now although his body has been damaged, this is not a big deal for Chu Feng at all, because of the power of swallowing. The body has been strengthened to a certain extent.

At this time, it only needs to use a part of the swallowing power to repair, then the body will quickly return to its original state, and even in the process, there is no need to use the unique self-healing ability of punishment.

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