Whimsical System

Chapter 1540: Time to return

It is a pity and a pity that even though the young man was able to consider the emergence of this result, he never thought that Chu Feng would be so decisive, and he didn't even need to think about it. Now things are getting easier and simpler. It is inevitable that personal fights are inevitable. Unless the teenager gives up on his own initiative, otherwise there will be a battle between the two of them. The teenager has some worries. His worries did not appear at this time, but had already occurred long ago. Since he met Chu Feng, and then fought with Chu Feng until the end, and turned against Chu Feng, this kind of worry has never disappeared.

But now that this worry has finally fallen into the entity, the boy has no way to make other choices, as if reality will no longer give him other choices, and now he either gives up or directly fights against Chu Feng. Go down and see who is the final winner. Although the teenager is not absolutely sure at this time, at least he dares to do this, because he has no choice. As long as he is asked to give up, it is basically impossible. Because the teenager has his own plan, including every step he takes, that is within his plan. If he stops this plan at this time, then he doesn’t know where he should go, and he doesn’t know where he should be. What to do.

"Chu Feng, I never thought that there would be such a moment. Although I can predict this result, I don't understand why you have to let this result appear. This is really a tragedy, one created by your own hands. There is no way for the tragedy of China. We two will eventually have a battle, regardless of whether we get permission from both of us.

This result will not change in any way. Since you want to save them, you have to come up with a certain amount of strength. Either you defeat me or you die in my hands. Now there are only two possibilities. , It’s no longer up to you to decide what to do. As you said, if I ask you again, it seems that I am a little scared. "

The young man spoke out his own inner monologue. Indeed, there is no room for a young man to retreat now, because the sentence Chu Feng said is really heartbreaking. The feeling of piercing the heart, I guess who it is. He couldn't bear it, so the young man was ready to do it at this time. He no longer hesitated or worried, let alone any illusions about anything. Because Chu Feng has already touched his bottom line at this time, he will not let go of the power again. As long as he can find a solution to the punishment, then he will do his best to fight for it, of course, if he is in the process of fighting , If Chu Feng retreats by himself, then the young man will not rush to kill him, because he has more important things to do than to solve Chu Feng.

"There are so many things you haven't thought about. You always have so much confidence. If I were you, I wouldn't think of this thing as simple. Maybe you never thought about it. , But don’t worry, anyone can make such a mistake, especially a guy like you who never cares about the overall situation, but fortunately now you have finally found a way to solve the problem, my The matter can indeed be resolved, but this matter is not as simple as you think!"

Unless this sentence is like a fuse, the two of them burst open almost at that instant. This kind of battle never requires a preparation time. The two only need to do their best to fight each other. In the process, one’s mind will solve any problems that are currently occurring.

The young man took the lead, and he didn't need to answer. At this moment, his response was his attack.

Since the boy didn’t have any weapons, when he rushed forward, it was still bare-handed, and Chu Feng "fuck" with the swallowing power, wrapping his body all up, that kind of swallowing. The armor formed by the power of the force gave Chu Feng a very safe feeling.

The young man’s fist is not mixed with any impurities, it is just the crisp punch, which directly hits the swallowing force on Chu Feng’s chest. The swallowing force is like a quagmire. The young man’s fist just touched Going up, it was directly absorbed, and then the swallowing power began to spread upward along the boy's arm, and the feeling seemed to be to swallow the boy completely.


But the young man would not allow this to happen, especially when his life was about to be threatened, he would explode with extremely powerful potential in that special period.

Of course, the most prominent point of this potential is that it comes from the legend between time and space. The teenager has no way to change the current predicament. He can only reduce his damage by transferring time, so the current arm has been swallowed. The power absorbed part of the blood "liquid".

But fortunately, what he did was fairly timely, at least he reacted before his arm was completely swallowed. So although the final result is not perfect, at least it can be considered to preserve the integrity of his body.

When the boy changed his time and returned to his previous state, Chu Feng also returned to his previous situation. Although Chu Feng has returned, he has no memory of his previous memory at all. .

The boy’s arm still faintly hurts. The feeling and taste are obviously unbearable for ordinary people. So even if he forcibly endures it, his arm is still a bit twisted, but he can only force it through the other arm. Flip your arm to a normal angle.

At this time, standing from Chu Feng’s perspective, he saw such a strange scene. The boy hadn’t made a move yet, or there was a problem. I don’t know if there was any special change in his arm. His expression, this thing seemed very strange.

Chu Feng even wondered if the young man was preparing something. In case he was preparing a way to solve himself, he couldn't help but because Chu Feng would not pay more attention to this matter.

Therefore, when Chu Feng had this kind of guessing in his heart, he also subconsciously took a step back and the power of swallowing was released first, completely enveloping his body, including his hand, which also gained a power of swallowing. The condensed weapon.

Ever since Chu Feng got used to using devouring power, he has been looking for something that can be used as his weapon, and after continuous drills and tests, Chu Feng finally chose a sword.

The sword was designed by Chu Feng alone from the inside to the outside, and he was also focused on using it alone. If someone else uses the sword, there is no way to fully utilize the power of the sword. Show it.

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