Whimsical System

Chapter 1544: Seeking answers

Lao Chu had basically explained all the preparations he could do in one go. At this time, Chu Feng heard it a little in the cloud, but although he did not fully understand what Lao Chu meant, at least he already understood At present, Old Chu is not joking with him, and he also remembered several important parts, that is, it must be deployed in advance, and then it is to prevent young people from entering the base.

As for why Chu Feng believes in Lao Chu so much at present, in fact, there is no other reason. It's just because Lao Chu told the sword about the sword. You must know that Chu Feng's conservation of that sword has basically been done. The state of top secret, because this is one of his secret weapons, and now that Lao Chu can tell it so easily, it means that he must have seen the sword, so he is concerned about what happened in the past. Chu Feng was basically convinced, so he would listen carefully to any deployment currently done by Old Chu, and then make corresponding plans.

"I understand, then I will tell Shi Dan now and let him arrange it as soon as possible. All these times are unknown to us, and I must make him prepare faster."

Chu Feng's executive power is still relatively strong. Old Chu just made arrangements, and Chu Feng went directly to find the thirteenth master and told the thirteenth master what he had heard.

At that time, after he heard what Chu Feng had made, although he was the same as Chu Feng, he had a period of "confusion" for a while, but he quickly responded, no matter what Chu Feng said. Is it true or false? Since this incident has occurred, the Thirteenth Master must obey Chu Feng. After all, they have discussed it before. No matter what happens, the order Chu Feng made must be implemented. .

So at this time, Lord Shisan didn’t have to worry about whether this matter was true or false. As long as he obeyed Chu Feng’s order, they would be enough. Therefore, after receiving Chu Feng’s order, Lord Shisan would It is to deploy directly, and for the defense system of the base, the thirteenth has also improved it as a whole. Although he can not guarantee that the base can completely withstand the invasion of the teenager, at least under normal circumstances, It is impossible for a teenager to break in casually.

After the Shisanye finished this series of tasks, he hid the Shisanye and the others in an absolutely safe place according to Lao Chu’s arrangements. In fact, even Lao Chu did not know that the absolutely safe place was, because That was a secret base of the Shisanye himself.

In short, that place has never appeared in the past, but now the thirteenth master led all his subordinates to hide there. This is definitely a place he never expected for the teenager, because the base is hidden underground, unless It was Jedi Sanchi, otherwise it would be impossible to find any clues.

After all this is done, there is not much time left. Although Lao Chu is not sure when time will stop at this moment, he can feel that the young man is gradually "approaching" at this time, and he does not know that it is the soul and The interaction between the souls was due to other reasons, anyway, Old Chu felt this different feeling.

auzw.com" He seems to be getting closer and closer, and I don’t know if there is any error in my feeling, anyway, I am always a little unsure. For the sake of safety, you should find a place to hide. Get up, he will definitely find ways to enter the base now, and he will also try, have you ever understood everything he did, so now you must hide all the things you know before, It is absolutely not possible to "expose" it, otherwise it will be difficult to have a second time if this time."

Old Chu has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability. At this time, he must make Chu Feng look like he knows nothing, so that he can hide himself well, otherwise, the young man will easily You can find that Chu Feng is different, so he will have other changes in the "manipulation" of time.

Under Old Chu’s reminder, Chu Feng also paid a certain amount of attention, pretending to be crazy and stupid on this issue. Although Chu Feng is not very good at it, he pretends to be ignorant, which is not considered true. Too difficult.

While the two were talking about this matter, there was a little movement outside the base, and it wasn't actually Lao Chu's agility, but the kind of shock from the soul that always made Lao Chu uncomfortable.

"He should have already arrived. I feel that he is'approaching'. Although the feeling is not very strong, I can't bear it anymore. When the time comes, I will be better off when you solve him. Let’s see where he is affecting me."

When Lao Chu said these words, he showed a look of indignation. It seems that the influence of that kind of soul does make Lao Chu a little uncomfortable, and what is the reason for this uncomfortableness? When it started, even Lao Chu himself didn't know it clearly. Anyway, the feeling was a bit unbearable.

"I feel that your kind is not very comfortable. It seems to be related to his ability to mobilize time. Even I dare to guess that you may also have this ability, but you didn't find it, otherwise you will How can he stay sensible when he changes time? Wait, if I really have a chance to solve it, then I will definitely investigate this matter clearly. If we can also grasp the changes in time, Then our ability is simply invincible."

The excitement that Chu Feng "exposed" doesn't seem to be only at this point. In fact, Lao Chu just wanted to find an answer, and Chu Feng already had a little prying into this ability. He was not sure that this matter was really due to this, but he did already have such a vision, and everything he did at this time was to prove the existence of this vision.

Although this idea is not very good, because the greater the hope, the disappointment presented at that time will increase accordingly. But in terms of the overall situation, Chu Feng’s thoughts at this time are indeed helpful to everything he does, at least he can have enough motivation, and no matter in the process, It wasn't that there was any obstruction, it didn't seem to affect Chu Feng's aggressiveness in this matter.

Therefore, even though Lao Chu had already felt this emotional change, he did not deliberately remind Chu Feng. Instead, he was accustomed to "sexually" letting this matter go on. In his opinion, whether it would be a Chu Feng should be able to bear any kind of ending, including him.

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