Whimsical System

Chapter 1547: Spying on each other

"Although his current state is not very good, it is not so easy to deal with him. If you give him a chance now, it is equivalent to giving you a chance. At least you can maintain a relative balance. If you are anxious to take action against him, there is no way to judge this result.

After all, his ability is not inferior to you. Maybe you have a certain gap with him in strength. At least you can completely defeat him and make him unable to deal with you, so he is forced to make it through time. Such a time difference made him prepared, and now he seems to have changed, and I can no longer track him in terms of soul.

As for what is the reason, I can’t say clearly. Anyway, this feeling is very bad and it makes me unable to make a correct judgment. On the other hand, his red light always makes people feel bad. You may not feel the feeling, but I have basically "touched" this matter now. The appearance of the red "color" light means that there will be some crisis. Although he did not directly cause damage to you, you can't get any benefit from him, so the difference between the opposite and the positive can be seen. You should not be able to solve it in a short time. Lose him, and as long as you can’t cause him harm in a short time, then he will slowly delay with you through time, and as long as you are weak, he will definitely seize the opportunity to strike back against you. .

Think about it in that situation, how likely it is that you "sex" can get a certain victory in his hands by luck. I think this possibility of "sex" is almost zero. It doesn't mean that I don't have much confidence in you, but the current situation is like this. It is not a problem between confidence and confidence, but reality has created it. A result, even if you are trying to solve this matter, but this matter will never have a too certain result.

Wait a moment, as long as he doesn't damage you, then you can let him do your own preparations, and you can also take advantage of this time to simply recover your own body.

Maybe you haven’t noticed that there is a problem with your body, but in fact the attack just now has caused a certain amount of damage to your body. If you can’t stop it in time, it’s hard to imagine that it will happen in the process. What kind of change may seem a bit exaggerated when I say this, but this is the current situation, it's just that you don't take it seriously. "

Old Chu did enough to remind him that everything he did at this time was within his expectations, and he also had a clear plan. Now Chu Feng is definitely not able to face the young man head-on, this is not a rat. Chu Feng did not have much confidence, but the current situation has undergone some changes. If Old Chu allows this change to continue to develop, it is difficult to imagine what will happen after this, so in order to avoid it. Such a change is also in order to reduce the impact in this respect. Lao Chu must give a kind reminder of the punishment, otherwise this bad result will continue to continue, as to what level will it eventually continue to, The mouse himself didn't understand, because he had never been able to think so far and so accurately.

auzw.com Under Lao Chu’s reminder, Chu Feng also temporarily controlled his emotions, trying to relax himself, and stop causing problems, and in the process Among them, no matter what Old Chu thought, Chu Feng would listen carefully, and he would adopt it as long as it was correct.

"Well, now that you have made this decision, then I will listen to you. In fact, I was thinking about whether or not to do this just now. Maybe I think too much. After all, this matter is always in the same place. On the level, it feels unreliable, but if you think about it in another way, perhaps this solution is indeed more in line with reality. After all, in a situation like this, if you can’t make a correct judgment in a suitable time, That will definitely have a certain impact.

In fact, if it is for me to make a judgment, I also think I should relax first, and don’t be too eager for success, because the ability he has now is really exaggerated, the red light shines on me. I don’t know where it came from, and even I can’t tell what kind of threat that light will pose to me. If he gets this ability in a short time, then he is too scary. Up.

And for such a terrifying guy, I was eager to fight him and it was no different, so I let myself gradually go to extinction. Although this sentence is a bit improper, I feel that this result is still more realistic, at least I I accept the emergence of this problem, and I am willing to recognize the existence of this problem. "

The current situation has basically been determined. Chu Feng and Lao Chu have reached a consensus that neither of them is willing to take the initiative to trouble the teenager, and the teenager himself is recovering. In fact, the current situation of the teenager is not much better. , The use of the red "color" light just now directly consumed the power of the soul for the teenager.

In fact, this is what the teenager had to do. If he was unable to show his abilities, then he would most likely be solved by Chu Feng. After all, the situation at that time was really dangerous. If the teenager was not in the emergency moment If you make some sacrifices, then the long sword will definitely pose a threat to him, so compared to the consumption of the soul and the damage to the body, the body is more important. After all, the soul can gradually recover. Once the body is damaged, it is not so easy to find a suitable body. Moreover, a teenager has adapted to his body for so long. If it is directly discarded or replaced, it will be Once again, a teenager is making choices for his body.

So there is no way, the teenager can only make this choice to avoid the emergence of this series of problems, and after making this choice, he also won some capital for himself to continue to fight against Chu Feng, although at this moment he is just Relying on Chu Feng's ignorance of all this, this result was achieved, but after all he got it, and as long as he got it, it would mean that his previous efforts were not wasted.

The two people stood face to face at this time, both guarding each other, but neither dared to attack actively because they were worried that the other party would find the right time to cause harm to themselves, and it was precisely because of this concern. Exist, so before doing anything, they will carefully spy on each other's actions.

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