Whimsical System

Chapter 1550: No time wasting

"You really have a certain improvement in strength. It seems that I really should not underestimate you, but now even if you escape my attack, it is nothing surprising. If you don't even have this If you can avoid it, then you have no way to be my opponent. Now that you have finally reached this qualification, this is a definite result for my guess. Now I don’t want to rush to win. , Because I know this is not realistic.

Anyway, here today, what I have is time to fight with you, no matter what method you use, in short I am here, then it is difficult for you to go further, of course, when I say this sentence, you will feel a little bit It's not realistic, because you have enough confidence in your own strength, and you may even underestimate me, but no matter how you think about it, there is actually nothing to be concerned about for me, anyway The two of us are pretty strong today. As long as you don't beat me, then I will never let you in. "

Regardless of what kind of mentality the young man maintains, Chu Feng's first preparation is to absolutely let the young man give up this idea. In any case, he must stop the young man from the base. Only in this way can he save the thirteenth. For the safety of the Lord and the guards, Chu Feng's responsibility is a long way to go. The young man is not a person who can be easily dealt with. Including in the process of fighting with him, Chu Feng absolutely cannot be negligent, otherwise this result will most likely be extremely wrong, so what Chu Feng envisioned at this moment is to absolutely do everything. Try to avoid this situation as much as possible.

Of course, it seems that it is not enough to consider only these aspects. After all, there are many problems or some mistakes. Although Chu Feng has enough confidence in his own strength, he still has enough confidence in his opponent. , But didn't have much confidence. Confronting this seemed to be a very difficult problem, but Chu Fengdao would not feel given up or difficult to face because of this matter.

It’s just that his current thinking has suffered some influence, so he is worried about the current problem. After all, he can bear the "life" of dozens of people. If there is a problem on his side, then the thirteenth master and The "life" of those guards is hard to preserve, so he can't allow himself to make mistakes, otherwise the result will be difficult to accept.

But the only thing Chu Feng can do now is to make up his mind to keep himself in a normal state, and absolutely not to have too many mistakes, and only in this way can he gradually tighten himself and keep his feet in the current state. To achieve stability, he has already guessed the result afterwards. The young man will break through his obstacle no matter what, and in the process of breaking through the obstacle, Chu Feng will face crises again and again, so this is the most important thing. Bad thoughts, but something similar to this kind of thing would definitely happen. Chu Feng didn't have a pessimistic idea, he just looked at the matter from a reasonable angle.

On the other side, after Chu Feng expressed his thoughts, the young man responded accordingly. Of course, such a non-disrespectful behavior was actually unnecessary, it was just a young man. I feel that I should do this, no matter in terms of aura or his subjective thoughts, this move must exist.

"You are bold enough, even if you don't have control of the other party, you dare to attack me even under specific circumstances. Are you not afraid that this is a trap?


I really can’t figure out how you think about it. Maybe you only know recklessness, and don’t care about other ideas at all. Although your idea is a bit incorrect, at least your courage exists. It’s just reckless under normal circumstances. It is absolutely impossible for people to succeed only by relying on courage. If you also understand this truth, perhaps you can know what you should do is the most correct. "

Most of the boy’s responses were flattering himself, and there was no other direction to refer to. At most, he just wanted to make Chu Feng feel defeated, but there was nothing too brilliant about the embodiment of this kind of thinking. Locally, the punishment will not be affected by his words at all, and secondly, what he said is not true. Chu Feng has an extremely certain understanding of his strength. Even if two teenagers are fighting against him at this time, Chu Feng can still be sure that he will never die in their hands because of his body. It has reached a point where it is difficult to suffer trauma, and his self-healing ability is absolutely beyond ordinary.

Therefore, as long as Chu Feng still has a chance to breathe, he can gradually recover his body, and after recovery, his body will be improved again. Waiting until then to want him to be injured is even more difficult. It is precisely because the current punishment has such an ability that he will have such a strong heart. No matter what the situation, no matter how difficult the situation is, Chu Feng will not be a little bit small because of this. The frustration and the feeling of decadence.

"You are a self-confident person, you are not brave, even your strategy is more than your bravery, but this is not an important thing, and it is useless.

You may think that my move now is a bit unprepared for you, but everything I am doing now is only decided after I am prepared, including all the next actions, which are only after I decide. definite. "

As soon as Chu Feng's words landed, he once again launched the second stage of attack on the teenager. In fact, this is not fair or unfair. As long as one party is prepared, he can attack his opponent anytime and anywhere. After all, under the current situation, the two of them are opponents to each other. It's definitely not like on the field, waiting for the opponent to get ready before making a move. To put it bluntly, there is so much etiquette and morality on the battlefield.

No matter what the circumstances, the final winner has the right to speak, and the loser seems to have no other rights at all except begging for mercy. Therefore, Chu Feng is not willing to waste time, even if he talks casually. Sentence, for him, there will also be such a wasteful feeling.

Chu Feng rushed in, as if a big mountain was pressing down on the top. The boy also reacted in that short period of time, directly resisting nature was still unable to take it, so he still chose to avoid it.

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