Whimsical System

Chapter 1553: Make up your own mind

"My thoughts are basically the same as yours, and even I have no way to determine how far his current situation is, but to be on the safe side, you still have to stay a little bit more thoughtful and don't make too many accidents. , After all, he also has a certain strength, if there is an accident in his hands, then there is not much guarantee. But one thing is certain is that you want to kill him, this is not an easy task. After all, he also has his own ability.

If it really reaches that kind of life-threatening degree, it is estimated that he will fight for your life, and it may not be easy for you to deal with him by then. So if you really have this mind, it’s best to use this idea before he realizes it. In this way, you may be able to do a little better, but if you don’t have this idea from the beginning , Then don’t insist on it anymore. Anyway, as long as you can achieve your goal, it’s enough, and if you have to get rid of him, maybe you can use other methods. "

Chu Feng, who was persuaded by Old Chu, hoped to end the current situation through other means. In fact, Chu Feng was also very clear that the current situation must not be affirmed, but even though he said that, he wants to solve the current problem. , But it must not just stay in a superficial situation.

As the so-called current state is in a relatively comprehensive situation, many issues have not been clarified, and there has not been a thorough study in many aspects, and only relying on these methods to draw a unified conclusion, it seems that Some are too reckless.

Chu Feng was unwilling. He just listened to Lao Chu's ideas and decided on one thing. After all, Lao Chu was not too focused, only analyzing this aspect of the problem. Therefore, he felt that in the end he still needed to make a conclusion to avoid being misled. Under the current situation, it seems normal to think too much. At least Chu Feng would not be because of this kind of thing. And feel worried.

"I can't deal with him. In fact, it's not that I am weak, but that I think about more aspects. If I can be as unscrupulous as him, then I shouldn't be afraid of anything. In fact, it's him. How powerful, it’s just a scruples in one aspect after all. If I really have enough ability to deal with him, maybe I don’t need to think about other things at all. I just need to do my best to shoot. It is enough. Anyway, as long as I have enough information, then I can give it a go. Actually, what I am thinking about is the safety of the lives of the thirteenth masters. Now I can’t do it, no matter what. The young man is already a painful killer. If I give him this opportunity, I am afraid that the thirteenth masters will never escape.

So I can only put myself under more pressure and think about this matter from another angle as much as possible, but no matter how I think about this matter, I still have to solve it, otherwise the problem will become more and more. The more serious. "

Chu Feng has a very clear point of view, that is, although the current matter cannot be too reckless, but he can't just casually pass him over. If this is the case, it will lead to this matter. With a good ending, Chu Feng wanted to defeat the young man, and although this defeat did not mean killing him, it still made him give up his current thoughts, otherwise, this defeat would lose his original meaning.

"What you said has a certain truth, yes, he must remember "sex" for a long time. No matter what method is used, he must dispel this idea."

Chu Feng has made up his mind, so Lao Chu will naturally not put forward any other ideas. After all, Chu Feng is not in a state of not having an idea now, and Lao Chu cannot guarantee that the ideas he proposed are correct. .

Therefore, under the current situation, Lao Chu just let Chu Feng decide for himself, he was no longer involved in this matter, and he was unwilling to express his ideas too much.


At this time, Lao Chu's blatant abandonment seemed to have provided Chu Feng with a necessary condition. Now Lao Chu no longer interferes. Although Lao Chu did not completely agree with Chu Feng's statement, as long as he does not reject it. Side, it means that Lao Chu has supported this matter from one side.

But now as long as there is support, it means that this matter is accepted by Old Chu. Although this understanding is one-sided after all, it is completely acceptable to Chu Feng.

As a result, in the communication process of just a few minutes, Chu Feng had already worked out his plan until after the battle.

Solving the young man is currently what Chu Feng must do. Whether or not anyone supports him, Chu Feng must stick to this idea. But insisting on this idea now seems to have certain requirements for personal strength, but this is not so terrible to Chu Feng. At least he can solve this matter very well. From his current perspective, It should be possible.

However, he did not tell Lao Chu of his thoughts. It was not that he deliberately concealed it, but he felt that it didn’t seem to make any sense to express these statements before the matter was completely determined, so he simply concealed it. It is enough to keep it in this state if it is less.

After the conversation with Old Chu was over, Chu Feng also made the next plan according to his own ideas, and then began to implement it.

I saw him once again mobilize the swallowing power in his body. After these few minutes of adjusting the breath, the swallowing power has once again obtained a state of fullness, although this fullness is incomparable with before. After all, the wings and weapons condensed by the power of swallowing are still being consumed continuously, but at this moment, it is obviously less consumed, at least at this moment the power of swallowing in Chu Feng's body has been left again.

As soon as the swallowing power was mobilized, Lao Chu felt it on the spot. After all, they were in a body, and Lao Chu had a very keen awareness of the changes in the body.

At that time, Old Chu had an idea to ask, but considering that he had just agreed to Chu Feng before that, and let Chu Feng make the decision by himself, even if he had this idea in his heart, he still Finally it was suppressed again.

"Don't worry, I don't have any other thoughts, but just to deal with him. The swallowing power has just recovered. I don't want to let it stay in the body and be wasted."

After Chu Feng's consciousness of old Chu had something to do, he directly explained it. In fact, there was nothing to say, it was just an expression of his current thought.

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