Whimsical System

Chapter 1569: Decision not to make

Even if you ask the Shisanye, it seems that you can’t get a definite answer, because the Shisanye has always been in a state of hiding. Even if you want to get some news from him, it is just a guess. , There is really no way to see what happened in the base with his own eyes. He can only make some guesses based on what he hears and feels, and the results of such guesses are basically unbelievable.

"You haven't really seen it either. Maybe you can't get any results that are too certain. Anyway, I haven't found the trace of that guy outside. If he doesn't come back to the base, it would be a bit strange. Where will he go? This city is difficult for him to hide!

Now his disappearance has become a problem that is not easy to solve. Lord Shisan, where do you think he is most likely to be? I don’t ask for anything. In fact, it’s just your guess! "

Chu Feng really couldn't think of an answer that was too fixed, so he pinned his hopes on the guess of the thirteenth master. Although the thirteenth master's guess may not necessarily lead to a definite answer, at least it can be more. Thinking of the last person!

"If it’s for me to say it, maybe he should still be in this city, because we don’t feel the time change now. Maybe I don’t feel this is normal, but if you can’t even feel it, this Something is not reasonable. After all, you now have an understanding of his time changes, so if he really changes time, he will definitely be able to be felt by you, so I think he should be in this city , It's just that we haven't found some corners that are easier to hide!"

The Thirteenth Master’s guess is basically not much different from Lao Chu, because Lao Chu also believes in himself that he should have a certain degree of proficiency in the detection of souls, although this sense of detection has basically disappeared, but Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not easy to cause that kind of teenager to leave, but the result is not felt.

Therefore, under the current situation, the two of them have basically reached a coincident result, but Chu Feng really has no way to make a very accurate judgment for the conclusion currently proposed.

Now if the boy has not left the city, where can he go to punish him, he can't think of a standard answer at all, and even guesses can't get an accurate satisfaction.

And if this condition is not considered, then what is left in the end, Chu Feng is actually not willing to choose, because if the teenagers really return to the past time, then what they are now in what? The current time hasn't changed in any way, and they have always had enough memories. To know that the teenager moves time, it is a change in time and everyone.


Basically within this time, any memory will disappear, everything seems to have never happened, and in that state, things have never happened, but a part of the memory will be left behind , And now they are still in such a state, everyone has this memory.

If something happened on the teenager’s side, which led to this terrible result, then this seems to have no advantage at all for the teenager, because when everyone has memories, the change of time will affect the whole In terms of the situation, there is not much impact. After all, the reason why time can cause some changes is because people's memories have been erased, and if the memories are preserved, it seems that this will not change anything.

"I don't really believe that he has changed the time, but if he is in this city, where will he hide? He is injured now, and he has to find a place to heal his injury. Of course, he might take the risk and attack you again, but I think this kind of possibility is not very "sex", so I am still willing to believe that there is basically no problem with the base you just mentioned, because I also think it is impossible for him to take the risk and take his life to joke!"

Chu Feng gradually came to a conclusion. Although it was not too accurate, at least in the current situation, he had regarded this incident as a real journey, that is, the boy still did not leave in this city. He didn't change the time, in addition, judging from the current situation, he should not pose too much threat to the base for the time being.

"If this guess is correct, then what we need to do now is to deal with him as much as possible while he has not recovered and before he is injured, otherwise I always feel a little bit in my heart It's always a hidden danger to keep him unreliable, and he has always been in a hidden state. It is not easy for them to find him, and he is quite simple for us to take action!"

The mind of the thirteenth master gradually came out. What he most hopes to do at present is to get rid of the teenager as much as possible. Taking advantage of Chu Feng's still willingness to do this, he should seize the opportunity to reach his Purpose, otherwise he was worried that Chu Feng would change his mind anytime and anywhere, and after he lost the aid of the punishment, there was absolutely no way to fight the young man alone. After all, he had experienced this kind of feeling just now. .

"You are right. We should hurry up and make sure of this matter, but it is not that easy to do this. Although he is injured, he still needs to solve him. The next part of the effort will work. Not to mention that he now has the ability to change time, even if he does not have this ability, only his current soul attack power is enough to make people feel tricky!

I can’t tell you, I was injured by him just now when I was fighting against him. Although the injury was not too serious, at least for that moment, I was a little jealous of him. His offensive power is very strong, even I can cause extremely powerful trauma, not to mention you, so this is why I have not asked you to help me in the search now, because if you encounter His words, even if he is in an injured state, then you will also be in danger! "

In fact, Chu Feng still hoped that the Thirteenth Master could help him find ten young people together, but because of this kind of worry, he didn't dare to make this decision.

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