Whimsical System

Chapter 1571: Informed in advance

The two have basically negotiated a fixed result. At present, no one can escape responsibility for this matter, and absolutely no one will put forward some special ideas in this matter. At present, it is them who need to bear the responsibility. Everyone, even people in the entire city, have to pay for this result.

Even though this result is a decision made by the Thirteenth Lord, what the Thirteenth Lord represents at this moment is not himself. He hopes to entrust all the responsibilities to the right people, and then some suitable people. Of people make their most correct choice.

The current situation is actually very obvious, no matter who is doing this, it will eventually be able to solve the teenager, that is the result they hope. And if in the process, they are just doing their best to do what they want, but can't get a good result, then even if they do their best, it seems to be of no use.

"After the order was issued, the various places have basically started to act, and some people have given some feedback, but this kind of feedback seems to have no effect in the current situation!

According to their feedback, the current situation does not seem to be very clear. At least for the other people in the city, they don’t know the seriousness of this matter, and they don’t know how to break through this matter. They just received the order, and then they were very curious about how to solve this matter, but now that they think about it, they don't seem to have reached a definite conclusion!

But what is more compatible is that they are currently discussing this matter, and they have come to certain conclusions, at least they are willing to obey my orders, and are willing to put most of their energy into this matter.

However, as to whether a certain conclusion can be drawn on this matter, it is not certain. It may also have something to do with the assumptions they are currently making. They usually think about their own affairs. Now they suddenly have to It is naturally not easy to make dedication!

But I believe that after a period of adjustment, they should be able to understand the impact of this incident on them. Even if they can’t take care of it by themselves, then I will tell them through practical actions and let them know what they should do. !

In fact, no matter what angle you consider this matter, there is no need to worry too much! At most, there are only some troubles that can be handled properly in one aspect!

In addition, you also said that after this order is issued, it will take two days to postpone it. Now that the order has just been issued to achieve such results, it is basically not easy, so I am not in a hurry! "

Although Lord Shisan did not express any thoughts deliberately on the surface, his actual remarks have already revealed his mind. At this moment, he is still more anxious, but he doesn't know how to deal with it. It's more appropriate, so he deliberately pretended not to be impatient or impatient in front of Chu Feng, but in fact he was already anxiously blooming.

auzw.com "I know this matter is more serious to deal with, and there will be some problems, but you don’t have to worry about it anyway, it’s just something that hasn’t been determined yet, even If you haven't considered it clearly, you don't have to worry too much about this matter!

Although our opponents are strong, they are not to the point where there is no way to solve them. Now we only need to get a definite message. Specific things can be solved without you and me, but I need a definite message. Only a certain piece of news can let me know what I should do next, otherwise I would never know what my next action should be, at which level it should be implemented! "

When Chu Feng said this sentence, he was extremely serious. At this moment, he had already made responsible preparations and knew that this matter was necessary for him.

So he is not willing to delay too much time, let alone think differently because of this matter. His current vision is to solve this matter as much as possible. If possible, it is best to get the news as soon as possible, and then start the action as soon as possible!

Chu Feng was really unwilling to let this matter go on like this, because such a process was really tiring, and in many cases there was no way to get close deployment. He was worried that something went wrong in the process. And if this is the case, then this would be a troublesome thing for Chu Feng that is not easy to solve.

In fact, after much deliberation, how to solve this matter requires certain assumptions in a special period. After all, in many cases, there will be some problems that are not easy to get results, and in this state Among them, how to solve it has become a problem that must be discussed.

Chu Feng did not spend too much time studying this aspect, nor did he deliberately make any assumptions. Now that he thinks about it, he feels that something is not appropriate. He always tells the thirteenth master what should be done. Can improve the current situation, but he has never said how to get a real result, and he has never mentioned what is the best ending.

Turning his head to think about it now, Chu Feng felt that he was quite unethical. Although this idea is indeed a bit inappropriate for him, after all, he has been helping others and never considered himself. If even this can be called unethical, it is indeed somewhat It is confusing to understand what is true morality.

But under the current circumstances, it seems that it is not the time to consider these things. After all, there are many things that require consumption time to get results, and if this requirement is not met, it may be difficult to draw a correct conclusion.

So after some psychological struggle, Chu Feng came to a result, and that was to tell the Shisanye how this thing might succeed. Even if there is a risk, he must tell the Shisanye. , Let Shisanye pay attention early.

"Thirteenth Lord, I just thought about it. I think there are many things I can't hide from you. The reason why I didn't tell you before was because I was afraid that you were worried. Now I think the time seems to be a bit ripe. If I don’t tell you, it’s a bit inappropriate. Why not, now I will tell you what I know, including the hidden dangers that may cause problems!"

Chu Feng expressed his attitude, but he did not rush to express his thoughts.

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