Whimsical System

Chapter 1573: Forced discussion

This effect can be achieved before a matter has not been resolved. This is indeed something that Chu Feng had never considered before. However, although the appearance of this result looks very beautiful, it also hides some hidden dangers. .

For example, if he really understands a lot of things now, his decision-making concerns will also increase.

In fact, this is not what he thinks, but the current situation forces him to make some necessary decisions.

Now think about it and come to a conclusion, it is still very simple, the difficult thing is how to make this decision get a good ending that they can all profit.

In fact, Lord Shisan didn't want to change the plan, but he was a little worried about whether there would be any changes in this matter, and the two of them had never considered this.

"Chu Feng, it's not that I am troubled, but the current situation I think it is necessary for us to seriously discuss it. I didn't know before, but I don't know. Now that we have reached some conclusions, we must Use these conclusions to their fullest. Avoid unpleasant results later!"

The idea that the Shisanye suddenly put forward was really unpredictable. It stands to reason that things like this should be acceptable from a basic consideration.

But when I think about it now, I still feel that it’s not so beautiful. In the end, there are some differences on one issue, and these differences are really not understood at the moment, because no one knows about this difference. It is mainly aimed at which aspect, and I am not sure which direction this result will lean in.

"Do you have any concerns? In fact, if you are worried, just say it's nothing. This is just my own plan, and I can't guarantee that this plan will really go so smoothly!"

Chu Feng was very frank in expressing this attitude about one thing. If you want to reach a correct conclusion, you must go through a fairly fair discussion. Otherwise, who can guarantee that this thing will not happen. There are too many accidents, as to which direction will eventually be inclined, in fact, it is really not that important.

"When you say this, you still have certain thoughts about me. In fact, I also know that the cooperation between us from the very beginning to the present is in a situation that can be understood by others, but it is not too sure. The stage.

Although we have been in a good relationship for a long time, and there have not been too many quarrels, you cannot deny that there is a difference between us, because it really exists, and I am also worried that the existence of such a difference will destroy it. The relationship between us, so I have always tried to avoid it, and make it as little as possible!

But after thinking about it, I finally feel that this process is inevitable. Even if we try our best, it seems that we cannot reach an understandable conclusion!

The reason is very simple. At present, the direction we are considering is fundamentally different. The assumptions I made and the considerations you made are basically based on our own thinking. What will happen at that time, so far it is not sure!

So no matter what, we can't reach a consensus on everything, so we can only seek common ground while reserving differences, and achieve a constant interface as much as possible!

auzw.com so I am willing to listen to your views, if I can, I am willing to lean towards you a little bit, the idea you put forward will basically not cause too much problem !

Secondly, I also think that this is quite sensible, at least it will not be too reckless, and will not cause too much damage due to changes in some things!

So in the next time, you can mention your thoughts. Anyway, this is basically considered to be relatively good for you. I think it should not be too embarrassing! "

This expression of the Thirteenth Master basically pushed Chu Feng to a state where it is not easy to refuse.

There is no way that the current situation is like this. Basically, Chu Feng wants to reject these things, but in front of the thirteenth master, he seems unable to do so.

Therefore, in desperation, Chu Feng could only accept this request, and he was also racking his brains to think about how to put forward a viewpoint that everyone can agree with.

I have to say that this is still more difficult, because the two of them are basically considering this matter from different angles.

Right now, even if they have some definite ideas being implemented. It seems that it is not easy to implement. After all, on many issues, what they think in their hearts, the two of them have not communicated with each other at all.

"Actually, you are really embarrassing me. Although I am very good at proposing an idea and putting it into practice, most of the ideas are based on the situation, but now you don’t even say a word. Give it to me, let me directly put forward a point of view, this is really embarrassing to me, although this is not something I can not achieve, but I don’t know how to say it, and I don’t have any clue to think about it. Now, if you really want to listen to my opinion, then I can only implement this point of view on our current pursuit plan!"

Unless this is also a helpless move, there seems to be no way to evade this matter, so there can only be agreed with it, but even if it is agreed, it will not be able to take the matter too far, and the current pursuit Juvenile affairs have always been imminent. If the delay is too long, it will only make things more and more serious. So now that the thirteenth master wants to listen to Chu Feng’s opinion, he just put this Put all things into reality.

"No problem, whatever it is, just say it, I will think about it according to your thoughts!"

The Thirteenth Lord was completely willing to listen, and would not put forward any different opinions at all.

"Okay! Since you are willing to let me say it, then I'll just say it straight!" Chu Feng sighed, the current incident indeed made him embarrassed.

"At present, we have basically issued orders, and the whole city is looking for traces of our opponents!

Obviously, it is not that simple to draw a conclusion on this matter, especially in the minds of our opponents, he will definitely try to protect his own safety!

So this is naturally a crisis for the people in the city, but even if this kind of crisis already exists, and it may appear anytime and anywhere, we can never expose the slightest! "

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