Whimsical System

Chapter 1577: True cooperation

Things seemed to be going well. From the beginning to the end, it gave Chu Feng a certain amount of leisure time, which never required him to think too much and would never give him too much time to think about this aspect of the problem.

The Thirteenth Master seems to have done everything, just wait until Chu Feng Tongji's side is enough, and in this process, will there be any other errors, in fact, Chu Feng has not considered it, and He also felt that he didn't need to waste time in this area, because there was only one goal he wanted to achieve, and other than that, he didn't need to think too much about other things.

Now Lord Shisan asked him to take a rest. Regardless of whether Chu Feng felt acceptable, the ingredients had already been ordered anyway. Then he would just follow the instructions of Lord Shisan, and it would be fine. As for the other ideas, they are fundamental There is no need to reveal it at this time.

Chu Feng returned to the base. The safest place at the moment is the base. Although the base used to be the background of a massacre, the situation is better now. Now that the boy has disappeared without a trace, it is impossible to find him. It is not easy, but now Chu Feng can actually do two things by staying in the base. On the one hand, he can take advantage of this time to take a good rest, at least until he finds a teenager, he can always be in a relaxed state, on the other hand, Maybe the thirteenth master also hopes that he can stay in the base and bring some safety to the base. The current situation in the city is actually very "confused". No one can know when the teenager will suddenly appear and cause different damage. , And now, as long as the base is still stable, then the city's management forces will not be turbulent, so it is so easy, and it can be considered as having the highest level of guarantee.

In fact, Chu Feng can also see that the Thirteenth Lord does have this idea, but sometimes it’s not bad to pretend to be confused at all. On the contrary, it is too clear to say, and it will destroy some people. relationship.

Therefore, he would not consider too many issues, nor would he make arbitrary judgments in an uncertain situation. Now Chu Feng is staying at the base, and the thirteenth master is supervising everything outside, like two people. With a clear division of labor, this is also an extremely beneficial choice for Chu Feng.

After returning to the base, Chu Feng discussed with Lao Chu about this aspect. In fact, Chu Feng was also unwilling to discuss it, but Lao Chu seemed to have some points to express, so the two of them simply considered After a while, I casually expressed my opinion.

Old Chu said: "Now you stay here and don’t know if it’s good or bad. Our opponent is not that easy to deal with, and he has already taken precautions against us, especially our stay here is a guarantee for the base. But this is endless pressure for you. Now your strength has not improved much, and because of the injury, your ability has dropped a lot.

If this state continues forever, no one can guarantee what kind of changes will occur in the future. Now maybe you should enter the next stage quickly and use the power of swallowing to transform your body again. , Now the increase in Devouring Power will greatly strengthen your self-protection ability. As long as there are not too many problems on your side, the battle situation in this city will not change, and I am not asking you forcibly. What to do, but under the influence of certain circumstances, we must make a correct choice. You may feel tired and you will also want to do something to make yourself more relaxed.


In fact, I don’t want you to be more relaxed, but the situation is still the same today. If you want to be relaxed, you can’t choose this time. All questions after this may have contact with you, so you should understand that this matter is for For you, how important it is! "

Lao Chu’s expression of attitude was not obstructed at all. He also knew that Chu Feng would no longer listen to those abducted remarks at this time. Rather than sell them there, he should be more direct, so that he can instantly confirm his own. idea. At present, Chu Feng does want to rest for a while. After all, this matter has nothing to do with him in his opinion, but he is actually responsible for this matter, and in many cases he has to mature because of this matter. , All kinds of pressures and dangers, this was originally unfair in Chu Feng's heart. Now, under the strict requirements of this unfairness, he is still making some greater sacrifices, which is not necessarily It will make him a little unacceptable.

But as Lao Chu said, there is no way to solve the current situation. If it can be solved easily, then naturally there will not be too many problems, but the current situation is simply not what they thought. simple.

So sometimes. It’s not that Chu Feng wanted to do it, but he had to do it. Chu Feng has not expressed his attitude so far. In fact, he is very entangled in his heart. Even if he knows what to do is correct, he This is very tangled, but it will not be weakened by my own understanding.

"Old Chu, you may not be able to empathize with me, because sometimes I feel you can't experience it. All you can see is that I am tired and need a rest to ease my high tension, but in addition to In addition to these, I do have some unreliable feelings in my heart.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid. I am worried that I am not his opponent. He has extremely strong control over time. If I can’t do this, then I will never be able to surpass him, and now I know that the power of devouring I have an extremely powerful role in improving, but if I just put the direction on this, I am afraid that this condition may not be fully satisfied. Maybe you have to work **** this matter and be able to give the concept of time as much as possible Understand clearly, if you can also achieve this state, then when the states of the two of us are combined with each other, it will not be a problem to beat him, so this time we may really have to cooperate with each other! "

As soon as Chu Feng said these words, Lao Chu immediately understood that what he meant, the cooperation he said, it was definitely not the kind of cooperation on the surface, but really becoming a person.

Maybe this statement cannot be expressed too clearly in the speech. In fact, Chu Feng wants to integrate with Lao Chu again, and this integration may even stop Lao Chu's consciousness from distracting.

There is no doubt that this idea is a fatal threat to Lao Chu, and Lao Chu's consent must be sought.

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