Whimsical System

Chapter 1594: Worry

"Fortunately, if it is too late, I am afraid that I will be punched through my body by his fist if I slow down for a second!"

After successfully evading the attack, he was punished to talk to himself. In fact, he said this to Lao Chu, but Lao Chu had lost consciousness at this moment, and naturally he could not hear what he said. The fusion of personality proceeded smoothly at the most critical moment, and finally reached a relatively satisfactory result. Chu Feng took the critical moment to avoid the attack, thus avoiding physical trauma.

With a smile on Chu Feng's face, his trust in Lao Chu has now been rewarded. Although Lao Chu may have paid a lot of hardship during this process, the final result still made Chu Feng more satisfied.

Smoothly dodge the attack, and then be able to move flexibly within this area. This is currently Chu Feng’s most exciting thing, but unfortunately, due to the pressure, even in the case of personality fusion, the power is swallowed. But it is also difficult to get released.

Chu Feng tried several times, but they all failed. The swallowing force seemed to have been tightly shrunk into a ball.

Even if it is called for punishment again and again, pushed again and again, it is difficult for this condensed ball to have the slightest change, at most it just changes its shape, and then quickly returns to its previous appearance.

There is no doubt that the young man has obviously worked **** the topic of swallowing power, otherwise he would not find a place to restrain the swallowing power.

But now that the Devouring Force is no longer available here, Chu Feng can only choose another method. In fact, for Chu Feng, Devouring Force is not the only assassin, but he makes comparisons. It's normal.

Before coming to this dimension, what Chu Feng was actually good at was to work **** his body. The conquests brought about by his various limbs also made him prestigious for a while. Now that he has the power to swallow, these superficially Basically all things have been hidden, but if the power of swallowing is temporarily affected and there is no way to use it, then Chu Feng Duan can also show this aspect again, and the power of swallowing will strengthen the limbs. A more exaggerated level, so the power of swallowing cannot be used, but the strengthened body is not within the scope of this affected.

At this time, looking at the boy, his situation is not much better. Although he can keep his body in a normal state in this environment by relying on the recovery of his soul, his attack method is actually very monotonous. In terms of application, he only caused changes to his body, and beyond that, he would not be able to do much.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, the two of them are basically in the same situation, and even the current advantage of Chu Feng is more than that of the teenager.

Of course, there are opinions on this aspect, and that is only Chu Feng’s own understanding. In fact, as long as they have not played against each other, who will win the final victory is uncertain, unless the two are really righteous. , There has been a fight, and then a definite result can be drawn.

The young man failed in the attack, but he was not discouraged. He just felt a little surprised. After all, it was not easy for Chu Feng to survive in this environment. He did not expect Chu Feng to be there. Such a huge potential burst out in an instant, and it was really strange to be able to dodge his attack.

auzw.com But now that this matter has happened, he won’t be delayed too long on this issue. After all, Chu Feng was able to evade his attack, which means that Chu Feng might attack him, so although he felt that this matter was a bit uncertain, he still had a certain degree of guard against it, for fear of any danger.

After repeatedly evading the attack, he did indeed have a certain idea of ​​wanting to launch a counterattack, but now he is not sure whether he can do this, after all, this matter is still a certain difficulty for him. Yes, even if he really has made plans, but to achieve this goal seems to still need to be guaranteed on certain conditions!

Currently, there is a certain time limit for personality fusion. Unless Chu Feng doesn't care about Lao Chu's life or death, he must control this time within an effective range to ensure Lao Chu's safety as much as possible.

On the other hand, Chu Feng is also considering what kind of attack methods should be used to achieve results.

Although he has been planning this thing, he still needs to have certain conditions to achieve this goal. In fact, he also knows very well that he still needs to meet a standard in the face of the abilities he has currently acquired. Have certain conditions.

In fact, he doesn't really care about this problem, but occasionally considers this result, some will be difficult to support.

After all, this is a relatively reckless stage, and there is no way to guarantee it. It means that there will be some large or small accidents that can be solved. It is naturally okay, and if it can’t be solved. , Then there will be some big problems.

It's not that Chu Feng hadn't considered it, but he couldn't think of a solution for a while, so he discarded this idea and didn't think about it in detail.

The boy turned from an attack to a defensive state. In fact, this time stay was not very long, because when he realized that Chu Feng had no intention of attacking him for the time being, he stopped a bit.

He was considering whether he needed it. At this time, he should seize the opportunity to attack. If he could achieve his goal, it would be best. But he was also a little worried. He was afraid that Chu Feng would find a chance during the attack. .

In fact, he has never considered this aspect of the problem, but the current situation has changed too quickly, so he has to consider it.

Of course, the time for this consideration will naturally not last too long. After all, the current situation has basically been determined. Although Chu Feng has not yet reached a definite conclusion, at least he has been concerned about this matter on the young side. Have a certain degree of confidence.

Even he felt that Chu Feng’s reaction just now was probably just a sudden event. In fact, he didn’t have such a strong strength at all, and he was completely impossible to escape. It was just that he had such an idea, so he achieved his goal. !

And if he was given another chance, he might not be able to reach this level.

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