Whimsical System

Chapter 1617: Future promise

"Actually, you don’t need to take this matter too seriously. After all, I just have this idea. At most, it’s just a necessary measure in the course of some of my failures, and he will eventually It will not become a real thing. In fact, from the current point of view, it is basically impossible to get a certain result, so you don’t have to worry about it being a certain thing, no matter what the situation is. Nothing will change."

Chu Feng explained his thoughts. Of course, his explanation has only one purpose, and that is to hope that the bloated guy will not take this matter too much, because it is not an important thing to him. , If the mind of the bloated guy spends too much on this, it will make this matter a little complicated.

However, Lin Fan also knows that even if he has made an explanation now, it will not necessarily be able to get a very positive result, because some things must go through a long process from the beginning to the end. In this long process, some uncertain things will definitely be affected more or less.

At this time, the explanation he made was actually only highlighting one aspect, and there was nothing left besides that aspect. No one was able to understand too much, and no one knew what Chu Feng’s true thoughts were. , Because under normal circumstances even Chu Feng himself would often be sure that he didn't know what he was thinking about.

But one thing is certain, that is, currently Chu Feng really wants to explain.

The bloated guy didn’t understand, but he couldn’t express this state of incomprehension in front of Chu Feng. Otherwise, this would definitely arouse Chu Feng’s suspicion. So in order to avoid such suspicion, there is a kind of Although the guy was not clear in his heart, he still pretended to be extremely clear to deceive Chu Feng.

In the end, he did achieve the goal he hoped to achieve. Chufeng drew a result in his reaction state, that is, things may really be as he hoped, and he has reached a relatively good conclusion. , This is a good thing, at least it is a good thing enough to make him feel at ease for Chu Feng.

"I understand, as long as there are any other choices, you will definitely not adopt this method, but at present you are not sure that you can be 100% restrained, so you will tell me that this matter is actually clear. .

And I won’t worry about your thoughts, because if the time comes, even if you don’t raise them, then I will try to help you. The reason is simple. Under the current circumstances, we may not think of it. , What kind of state will appear after this, what will we consider.

So now we can say that nothing can be completely close to the truth, but it doesn’t matter. I know what decision I will make next, and I also understand how I will think when similar problems arise, so don’t worry, because I won't worry about this, so you naturally don't have to have such thoughts to influence your judgment. "

The explanation made by the bloated guy sounds a bit complicated, but it's a mess anyway.

But no matter what, he did express his thoughts clearly. From the reaction he made after knowing this matter, and if such a change really happened in the future, the judgment he made was actually in fact. Express his thoughts from all angles, so as to convince Chu Feng that he can fully understand Chu Feng, and will make relevant measures to cooperate with Chu Feng.

"I understand your good intentions, and I also know what your saying this means to me! Don't worry, I will only tell you about this matter, even if something similar happens in the future. , I will also tell you, because besides you, no one has the qualification to understand my attitude towards this matter!


Well, I have stayed here for long enough. Since I told you about this matter and you have received my notice, then basically we don’t need to discuss this issue too much. !

Take a good rest, there may be nothing you need to be busy during this time, but this will still affect your rest!

Because I’m easy to get bored by myself, maybe someday I will show up in front of you again and want to chat with you, so I can’t guarantee that you can be 100% alone during this time. ! "

Chu Feng already had the idea of ​​wanting to leave, and when he was about to get up and leave, he suddenly said such a sentence, which sounded a bit joking. Chu Feng wanted to deliberately adjust the atmosphere, not to let him The two of them felt a little silent because of this.

It's just that the current way Chu Feng adjusts the atmosphere does not seem to be very good. Although the bloated guy smiled politely and "sexually", he actually knew that the bloated guy laughed because of him, and there was no joy in his heart at all, even this smile. Forced to pretend it.

But what is the solution? The situation is now like this. Basically what should be said has already been said. As long as the truth is told, it is destined to get such a result. No one can change it, and he will definitely not have any other changes. .

It seems that there is only one result that can be faced and accepted at this moment.

"Chu Feng, you can come here anytime and anywhere. The two of us are now friends. Maybe I don’t provide you with great help like the Thirteenth Lord, but I believe that in the days to come, you will definitely be by your side. I am one more person, without any special ability, but a person who can make you safe all the time!

Perhaps my words are a bit big, but this is my goal, no matter what, this is the result I hope to see! "

The bloated guy expressing this attitude in front of Chu Feng makes people feel that they don't know how to judge.

Although Chu Feng did not suspect that the bloated guy was lying, no matter what angle the matter was analyzed from, it seemed that it was not easy to get a definite result.

Chu Feng smiled. Now he is definitely going to leave, and at this time he had a conversation, he also felt that he didn't know how to judge.

"I really hope that there will be such a result. Although I also know that this may seem a little tired to you, but I really hope that the result will be like this. If such a result is really obtained one day, it may be It's suffering, I can easily deal with it!"

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