Whimsical System

Chapter 1619: Hesitate

The surrounding environment is so quiet and elegant when the early morning arrives, and the breeze slowly gives people a pleasant feeling. The morning sun is naturally extremely beautiful, reflecting on the ground and reflecting among the leaves, the light of that kind of shadow seems to be A kind of beauty from the depths of the world.

Chu Feng wakes up very early in the morning. It seems that this kind of morning is very rare for him. He often doesn't know the time when there are things, and even day and night are no different for him. Waking up at this time now is basically a pleasure for him.

Yesterday, he had already considered with Lao Chu. It’s best to leave here as soon as possible, and shorten the intermediate process as much as possible. In this way, he can be considered responsible for himself, and it can be considered for the overall affairs. There is a better ending. Anyway, he doesn't want to stay here for a long time. This is his idea and a suggestion given by Lao Chu.

So he had only one purpose for getting up early today, and that was to communicate well with the weirdos and John, so that they could pack their things as soon as possible, and strive to leave this space in the shortest time.

This is the thing that Chu Feng himself most hopes to do at present, and it is also the result of his planning for the whole night. Of course, he slept earlier last night, but he also had plans, and Mainly because of his own consideration, Lao Chu just expressed a supportive idea.

Chu Feng left his residence, and then wanted to meet John and the others along the street. However, just as he passed the bustling street market, he was suddenly stopped by a speeding carriage.

There is no doubt that for the appearance of this kind of thing, it is basically a result that no one has ever noticed and no one will think about the difference in this matter, until the thirteenth master walked out of the carriage. When he got down, Chu Feng suddenly realized that it seemed that today was another extraordinary day.

"Seeing you like this, I know you must have an arrangement today, but there is no way. Now I have a specific plan. Even if you have an arrangement, it will not be affected by my plan. Influence, and I have been considering this matter. Now I finally come to a decision. Now even if you are unwilling to follow my arrangement, there is nothing to do. I need you to do it, and this is for You also have absolute benefits. Get in the car first. Let's talk slowly on the road!"

The Thirteenth Master directly said such a series of truths when he saw Chu Feng, and he didn't know what he was expressing. Anyway, Chu Feng looked dumbfounded. Chu Feng didn't realize it until the jet lag put him in the car , It seems that this sentence is over, but he still doesn't know why he wants to get in the car, and where they are going.

The carriage continued to speed. At this moment, there was another person in the carriage. That was Chu Feng. Next to Lord Shisan, Chu Feng said nothing. At this moment, he was waiting for Lord Shisan to express his thoughts and illuminate his trip. reason.

"Chu Feng, I have been thinking about one thing these days, and that is, what is the most precious thing for you. I may not know you so absolutely until now, because some things may It feels important, but it doesn't seem to be that important to you, except for one thing that is absolute power.

auzw.com I remember you told me before that your strength improvement is the biggest gain after you came here, so I think about how to make this gain of you more advantageous some.

When I was on the street just now, there were so many people at the time, so naturally I couldn’t speak too clearly. Otherwise, it would inevitably be a little bit inappropriate if someone listened to it. Now there are only two of us. Now, I don’t need to hide anything from you anymore. Some time ago, just before we confronted our opponent, I caught someone. I got a big secret from him. At the beginning, I wanted to borrow this secret for myself to get some good benefits, but then I discovered that this secret didn’t seem to help me much. My body has certain limitations and I can’t get that energy, so This matter was put on hold by me, and I suddenly remembered it when you were about to leave now, so I think maybe only you can be qualified to get this energy.

Therefore, I intend to give this secret to you so that you can get the best harvest. This is a worthwhile trip for you. In addition, when you gain energy to improve your strength, you should also treat me. There will be some memory, even if we may not see each other in the future, it will not affect the relationship between the two of us! "

When Thirteenth said this sentence, he did feel a little sad.

Chu Feng helped him so much. Currently, he regards Chu Feng as his true friend. Although there have been some mistakes in the process, friends are friends. No matter what mistakes make, they will not affect them. The relationship between the two, including this time when he made a decision, he was also considering whether he really wanted to give this energy to Chu Feng, and in the end, the result he got must be affirmative. Now he just hopes to let him Chu Feng got this energy, got what he hoped most, so that his ability got an earth-shaking improvement.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that as long as Chu Feng has obtained this ability, he will be satisfied with him.

In short, the Thirteenth Lord has his own plan, and only Chu Feng knows nothing about it. So far, he is still in a state of blank expression.

"I heard you just now that I understand some things, but to understand is to understand, but what I understand is only some superficial. You just said that you want me to get some energy. What is that energy?

Energy is not helpful to you, is it helpful to me? In addition, I am really interested in this topic of you, but if it is a parting gift, I really don’t know if I can accept it. After all, this is a difficult thing to do! "

Chu Feng is currently hesitant, that is normal, and his hesitation at this time is basically considered by the thirteenth master in the plan.

Even Lord Shisan had already thought of what he should do when Chu Feng hesitated.

"I understand that you are very hesitant about what I am doing now, because you don't know if doing so will help you at all, including the energy I mentioned, which is something you have never touched before. thing…"

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