Whimsical System

Chapter 1621: Toxic spring water

Since it was given by the thirteenth master, and he also had a certain temptation to "confuse" Chu Feng, Chu Feng would naturally not be too straightforward to refuse, and the current thirteenth master's enthusiasm is also very high, so refuse Naturally, it was a little improper, so Chu Feng sat on the carriage, although he was a little unsure in his heart, but this time he didn't say anything about rejection.

The horse-drawn carriage moved forward slowly, but in fact it was walking on the avenue. Driving equipment like horse-drawn carriages did not go too fast. After all, the wider the road, the more pedestrians come and go.

The driver was worried that he would hit a pedestrian, so he could only temporarily slow down the speed of the carriage. As a result, the carriage moved slowly, not much faster than walking.

The distance from the street to the spring mentioned by the Shisanye is actually not that far, at most it is the distance from the city to the outskirts of the city. In addition, Shisanye had been there again before, this time it can be said to be familiar with the road, but this does not seem to affect too much time spent on the road.

Anyway, when the two of them arrived at the spring, it was already two hours later.

"The bumps on this road are really unbearable. It looks like a high-end ride in a carriage, but I always find it not practical."

Chu Feng helped the bumpy and painful "butt" and stepped out of the carriage. When he expressed his emotions, Lord Shisan looked around to see if any passing pedestrians noticed them.

"This is indeed what the carriage looks like in the city. There are too many people coming and going, and the streets are also congested. Walking the carriage was originally an unstable thing, but I did it to cover people's eyes. Now we are out of the city. With such a big movement again, I am worried that it will attract the attention of others, so at present the whole city is under my control, but it is better to be careful to avoid any mistakes."

After confirming that there were no people around, the Thirteenth also explained, and led Chu Feng to the edge of the spring. The poisonous flowers and plants around the spring were very bright. It is the more abundant that is contained.

"The energy is underneath, but this spring water is a big trouble. Don’t look at the spring water being extremely clear. In fact, the toxins contained in it are not less than that in the energy, and the spring water can penetrate anywhere, especially when we enter the water. At that time, those nostrils and eyes that cannot be blocked are likely to cause our body to enter toxins due to mistakes. Even if we want to urge the toxins out, it seems not so easy.

So we have to find a way to avoid it. I have been here once before this happened, but after thinking about it for a long time, I haven’t come up with an effective measure. Now I want to hear your opinion, I don’t know you. Is there any good way. "

The Thirteenth Lord squatted on the edge of the spring, staring at the gurgling spring. At this moment, he was completely helpless, and it was indeed in line with the truth. If it were he, he would really be able to deal with this matter. If it is clear to get rid of, then he won't pick this time to bring Chu Feng here.


"This spring water is poisonous. If it enters the spring water directly, it is indeed a bit dangerous. However, if we can achieve certain protection measures for our bodies, then when we enter the spring water again, it seems that it will not be so dangerous, but now we There seems to be nothing to use."

Chu Feng looked around, but they didn't bring any equipment. Although he put forward a point of view, if there is a lack of equipment, then his point of view basically does not exist.

"The rescue team in the city has some diving suits here, but I have tried those things. I even tried some completely sealed plastic products, but they are of no use. Just throw these things in the spring water. , The spring water can penetrate the protection very quickly, the reason is very simple, that energy has already reached an extremely subtle state in the spring water, naturally it is also scattered with some weak induction of energy.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, those weak inductions can basically penetrate the protective film, and directly attack the inside. I have done experiments with some animals before the living body, and the results are very consistent. Whenever it enters the spring water None of the animals can survive, even fish schools have the same result. "

It’s not that the Thirteenth Master has never tried it. Hearing what he said at this time, it seems that he has indeed tried many methods, but it is a pity that he has not found one that can really prevent the toxins in the spring from attacking life forms The problem now falls on Chu Feng, and the set is relatively normal, but the thirteenth master cannot find a feasible method at present, can Chu Feng be able to find it? Moreover, such a delicate protection can be dangerous, so what in this world can resist the toxins living in the spring water?

Chu Feng also squatted down by the spring just like Master Shisan. In fact, this problem also caused him a headache. Master Shisan had nothing to do, and Chu Feng had no idea for a while. Now he wants to enter by himself. Apart from the spring water, there were no other thoughts there.

"Thirteenth, are you trying to get inside? Is that toxin really deadly?"

Chu Feng’s thinking was somewhat different from that of the Thirteenth Master. From these two questions he asked, he could see that he actually suspected the influence of the toxins in the spring water on living bodies. This was a bold idea. , It's just useless.

"Looking at the way I look now, you know that I haven't been in, otherwise I won't be able to get out. As for the toxins in the spring water, I can'expose' it to you. Before that, I too I have tried many times. Anyway, no matter what large animals or small animals, as long as they come into contact with spring water for less than a minute, they will fall into a state of respiratory failure, even if they have already left the water, but this This kind of respiratory failure will not stop because of this.

So basically, as long as the animals entered the spring water, none of them could get out of the spring water safely. "

Listening to the introduction of the thirteenth master at this time, it was indeed possible to know the power of the toxins in the spring water, but at the moment Chu Feng was a little dissatisfied with the introduction of the thirteenth master. First of all, he didn't really see those situations, and there were also some ideas in his head that were completely different from those of the Thirteenth Lord.

"When you tried before, you let animals enter the spring water, but have you tried using plants for testing?"

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