Whimsical System

Chapter 1629: Where the energy is

The water is turbulent and the toxins are overflowing. This is the basic environment deep in the spring. Chu Feng cautiously "groped" forward, and according to Old Chu's reminder, minimized the impact of the surrounding environment on his body.

Underwater people don’t have much light, except that the swallowing power of white "color" can provide a part of the light, the surrounding area is almost pitch black, and even the spring water is also black, just like ink, although It seems to be transparent, but in fact, the transparent spring water has undergone a fundamental change since it was infected by toxins.

Basically, there is no way to use this spring water anymore. Even if the energy is taken away in the end, the toxins will still stay in the spring water. It will not disappear for many years. Maybe this spring water will not be visited by people in the next few decades. Unless there are those who don’t know, no one will come close, and after the energy is taken away, it is estimated that the poisonous flowers and plants outside will gradually wither or the toxins will decline due to the lack of energy. It is not a good thing for poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds, but if it is considered from an environmental point of view, the lack of energy is here, the best opportunity for environmental change.

The closer to the energy, Chu Feng felt the greater the pressure. The shock caused by the swallowing force basically showed the influence of energy on the swallowing force. Chu Feng gradually slowed down because he was worried that if the speed is too fast, the swallowing force will not be able to withstand the attack of toxins. After all, when close to the energy, the content of toxins can basically cover the spring water completely, even there. In the atmosphere, Chu Feng seemed to have directly entered the toxin, instead of being in the spring water.

As time continues to extend, Chu Feng has also adapted to the current toxin content, and even if the current old Chu has not given much reminder, Chu Feng has already sensed the energy and is gradually approaching him. This kind of feeling, of course, this kind of closeness is because of Chu Feng's continuous advancement.

"I can already feel the infestation of toxins, and even it has begun to attack the power of swallowing, and the power of swallowing has also begun to absorb toxins under my control. I don't know if this is a good decision. , Anyway, I can’t find a good solution right now. To do this is to increase my ability to resist my devouring power."

Although the main peak has a sufficient understanding of the power of swallowing, it is not so clear that it can swallow everything. The swallowing of natural toxins is also possible, but I don’t know this toxin. Will the swallowing force have some impact on the swallowing power, and the most important thing is whether the swallowing power will become a medium for the poison to attack Chu Feng. If this is the case, then Chu Feng should be careful, but from now on From the perspective of the situation, the swallowing force of the swallowing force only absorbs the toxins. As for whether he will transmit to Chu Feng through this medium, it has not appeared until now, but Chu Feng is still a little worried, so He will tell Lao Chu what he has done, hoping that Lao Chu can give him an answer.

In fact, Lao Chu didn't know this. After all, Lao Chu had never contacted this kind of thing. Therefore, he naturally didn't understand if this was harmful, but according to his estimation, the toxin should not be so easy to attack Chu Feng by swallowing power. After all, the swallowing power was emitted by Chu Feng. A kind of energy, but it will not become that kind of conduction way.

Another more important point is that Chu Feng can cut off the power of swallowing anytime and anywhere. After all, this cutting can continue to "sex", and the derivation of the power of swallowing has no end at all, as long as Chu If the wind is willing, then he can radiate the purer devouring place anytime and anywhere, to replace the devouring power that has been abandoned. So actions like this absorption of toxins can also be understood, after all, all these processes can be observed.

auzw.com "This may be dangerous, but this possibility is not very "sex", but it cannot be ruled out, and you should be able to observe the current state of Devouring Force , According to your close observation, you may be able to get the reminder of Devouring Power anytime and anywhere. In this way, if you really reach an irreversible situation, then you will directly give up the Devouring Power.

Basically, it can be considered as a guarantee. Of course, it is unknown whether there will be other accidents at that time. So if you have decided to do this, it is best to remind yourself. , Don't be too indulgent, the swallowing force can absorb the amount and absolutely cannot exceed your controllable range, otherwise if there is any danger, it will be beyond your control. "

Lao Chu gave a kind reminder. After all, what he mentioned is indeed possible for some reasons. If these problems really occur, it is estimated that even Lao Chu does not know how to deal with it. Therefore, if you want to avoid this kind of trouble, you must eliminate the root cause, so that you can get some protection more safely.

After listening to Old Chu's reminder, Chu Feng can be considered to have a certain scale, and the devouring of surrounding toxins is only in a relatively preliminary state, and there is no too deep progress.

In addition, his most basic purpose of doing this is to make himself move faster and reduce the impact of toxins on him. If this is really dangerous, then Chu Fengdao will never do it. Such a risky move.

With Chu Feng's "control", the absorption of the swallowing power has gradually begun to decline, and the frequency has reached a relatively low level.

Although this does not help much to the speed of advancement, at least it can ensure that Chu Feng will not be affected by too much toxins in the process of advancing, and as the distance continues to shrink, the toxins continue to increase. This process is It is bound to appear.

In addition, Chu Feng also knew that when this state became more and more intense, more and more frequent, it also meant that he was almost close to the energy, so the joy that the energy was about to arrive was also a urge. Chu Feng continued to increase his pace, approaching the position of energy.

At this moment, in the depths of the spring, a figure is gradually approaching something similar to a boulder, it is a piece of darkness, even under the shining of the power of swallowing, the darkness is endless.

The toxin spread like a spider web, and soon connected the entire spring water.

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