Whimsical System

Chapter 1633: I have to send the arrow on the string

The energy became more and more irritable, as if it was a beast trapped in a cage, about to be released. Chu Feng didn't know whether he could "fuck" and control this beast, or whether it was a beast. It will affect him and even endanger his fate.

But Chu Feng wants to try it anyway. After all, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to improve his overall ability. This opportunity can be said to be rare. If you give up too easily and ignore it, it will It is indeed a bit unacceptable. At least Chu Feng feels that this is too much loss for him, so even if there is a certain risk, he has to take the risk and try it, and he also knows what it means to fail, but It doesn't matter, as long as he has the opportunity to try, then he will do his best, at least he will not let himself regret it.

Getting closer to the energy, the power of swallowing becomes more and more complicated. The dimness of the luster has changed from the previous decline to disappearing, and the power of swallowing loses its original luster. In fact, this is just a kind of in the original Weakness in the sense, but the power of swallowing. At the beginning, there was no color or light. It was only the later improvement that the power of swallowing changed its basic appearance. Now, due to the poisonous Intervention is to restore it to the state of mood. Of course, there is a certain gap between the two. However, for this kind of environment without any light, Chu Fengd can also fully accept it, after all, except with the naked eye. In addition to observing the surrounding situation, Lao Chu can also pay close attention to the place of energy through induction. In addition, Chu Feng can also feel the existence of energy. Although it is not as smooth as Lao Chu, this ability At least he still has.

"Is the energy around me? I have already felt the fluctuation of that energy. Do I have to move on and determine its location? Maybe this is an opportunity to make me really right. Control it. Of course, I also know that this is dangerous. So I hope you can provide me with an idea, or we two will discuss with each other to reach a conclusion, no matter what energy I must get, this is my current best The one thing I hope to accomplish is also the only plan I can think of."

Chu Feng expressed his thoughts very clearly. Old Chu can naturally understand what Chu Feng hopes for now, and he also knows that in this situation, even if Chu Feng wants to do it, he must restrain himself. Something appeared.

First of all, the current environment is very chaotic, under this energy fluctuation. The fluctuation of the spring water has never stopped, and the influence of these two aspects has also caused a great influence on Chu Feng's movement in the depths of the spring water. The greater the fluctuation of the spring water, the judgment of the direction of Chu Feng. The easier it is to make mistakes, and when the mistakes expand to a certain extent, even if the direction of the energy is clarified, it may be difficult to find the position accurately.

But this is also a matter of no way. After all, the closer it is to the energy spring, the greater the fluctuation. This is a very normal phenomenon and there is no way to stop it unless it is to absorb energy, but it is also positive to absorb energy at this time. This is something that Chu Feng needs to do, so if it is from this perspective, it has become a not-so-good evil **** cycle.

However, this matter also has an optimistic aspect, that is, the more complicated the current problems are, the more and more it means that Chu Feng is about to achieve his goal, and the closer the energy is, the more difficult it will naturally be. Big, and as long as these problems can be solved, the idea of ​​absorbing energy can naturally be realized.

auzw.com So if you think about it this way, it can also be a way of self-comfort, but the current self-comfort is not very helpful in solving this matter, at most Let the mood not be so depressed.

The power of devouring is still constantly radiating from Chu Feng’s body, Chu Feng’s purpose is only one, to ensure the safety of his body as much as possible, and not to be attacked by toxins, although the body has anti-toxicity , But the danger in that toxin will not disappear because of the anti-toxin "sufficiency" in his body. After all, he doesn't know how many toxins his body can resist, if it is there. If there is a certain gap in the calculation, I am afraid this is not good.

As time progresses, and the distance from this aspect keeps getting closer to Chu Feng, you can basically feel the impact of energy. Undoubtedly, the appearance of this kind of shock is definitely not only the energy aspect. In fact, it is more of a kind of fluctuation, and it is not known whether it is toxins or spring water. Anyway, the fluctuation speed is very fast, just like a school of fish. The waves rushed across the coast.

Chu Feng couldn't make a correct judgment, and he didn't know how to make the most correct analysis of this matter. Anyway, he could only move forward, without scruples, even if he had this in his heart. Xu worry, that is definitely not too important to think that worry is too important, at most it is just a small "interlude", there is no way to solve it specifically, and I can only reluctantly make some attempts.

"You are about to touch him soon, but you have to be careful. After all, it is a group of energy that has not been finalized. Maybe the energy contained in his inner core is very irritable. It is just that you rely on the power of swallowing. It is completely impossible to resist him, and you have to absorb him. Obviously you will bear a lot of pain, including danger, in the next time.

I will bear the danger with you, but you are the only one who suffers. So you’d better prepare mentally in advance, no matter what, the next decision will have an impact on you, and the impact may not only be as simple as it seems, so I hope you Be able to understand the meaning of everything you have done, and what results will be produced by your current actions. "

Lao Chu felt that it was the best time to make a reminder at this time. Otherwise, after a while, when Chu Feng really touched the energy or started to absorb energy, it would be too late to remind him.

But when Old Chu finished speaking these words, Chu Feng didn't care too much, because he knew that now he had to send the arrow on the string. Even if he knew this now and understood the dangers, he couldn't stop there. Give up, because this is not a problem that can be solved by giving up.

So the final decision he made was just listening to some precautions about these aspects, and as to which aspect the final result would be biased, he had not thought about it at all.

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