Whimsical System

Chapter 1638: Stay a while longer

"You know why I want to thank you. What you gave me is a great gift. Even if I rack my brains, I don't know what to use to return you. But now I can make you feel that I have achieved my goal. In fact, if you really need it, I can give you half of the energy, but half of the energy to you, which also means half of the risk to you. At that time, whether you can resist it, I am afraid that It’s not something I can control anymore."

Chu Feng took a risk and obtained this energy. In fact, although Chu Feng has felt the benefits of energy so far, it has never gotten rid of the influence of energy on it, so he said this at this time. When speaking, he also talked about the hidden dangers behind this benefit.

And now that Chu Feng said this, he didn't want to let the thirteenth be enough, but let the thirteenth make the decision for himself. If he really needs it, Chu Feng can give him this kind of risk. Chu Feng couldn't be sure if he couldn't bear it.

To be honest, when he heard Chu Feng say these words at the time, there was a sudden throb in his heart. It was a very surprised and unbelievable feeling. How could Chu Feng handle these What do you get lucky for yourself? Even if he gave it to Chu Feng, it didn't belong to him.

And when he heard Chu Feng finished the latter sentence, he had some understanding, but most of those understandings were misunderstandings of Chu Feng. He thought that Chu Feng was that kind of thinking, and he was intimidated with gifts. , Just when he doubted Chu Feng's words, the energy that Chu Feng injected into his body before gradually began to show a bad side.

The first is the pain of tearing in the chest. The feeling is not like a lesion of an organ, but a tear in the muscle. There is no doubt that it must be some negative effects of the energy wrapped in the swallowing force. effect.

When the translation frowned into an unbearable state, Chu Feng directly absorbed the energy that had been injected into the body of the thirteenth master, and as the energy disappeared, the thirteenth master’s The pain disappeared, but when the energy returned to Chu Feng's body, his brows were slightly furrowed.

"You have felt the benefits of him, and you have also realized the disadvantages. I have no reason to lie to you. I just hope you can make a decision. If you really need it, I can give you half, but you must be able to bear it. That’s fine, I don’t want this decision I made to end up cheating you."

Chu Feng said it again. This time he emphasized that he wanted to know the attitude of the thirteenth master on this matter. He said it seriously, because when all the energy is in him, he must He has to bear 100% of the pressure, but if the toxin is cut in half, then his pressure will naturally be much less, and he even has absolute confidence in absorbing this energy.

It’s just a pity that when Chu Feng asked this question seriously, what he got was the rejection of Lord Shisan. In fact, for this rejection, he could also consider that Lord Shisan would naturally know how much this toxin would produce. A powerful influence, and just now, he had indeed realized the power of this poison, so it was normal for him to make such a decision.


"Chu Feng, I understand your kindness, but I really can't absorb this energy. I always thought that my judgment was inaccurate. In fact, all I saw before was the spring water of the toxin. Give up. Now when the energy is taken out, I still have a little greed. After all, human nature is like this. Even if I give you something, I have a little greed. This is the truth, but just now I There really is no more greed, because I know I really don’t have the ability to control it."

The answer given by the Thirteenth Master was closer to reality. At this moment, his words and deeds basically reflected his seriousness and correctness. He didn't deceive Chu Feng and definitely not to show that he didn't care on the surface, but he really did an understanding based on his real situation, otherwise he would not say that he was greedy enough.

"What you said is that it is very difficult to have a correct understanding of yourself. Now that you can do this, it means that you have already controlled this aspect.

In fact, I also think that this energy is indeed a bit dangerous for you, and my idea, if you want, I can give it to you, but it must be done slowly and gradually. If you don’t want it, then I’ll do my own preparations alone. It is estimated that if I were to absorb, the process might be a bit more complicated, but I am confident. , The energy has all entered into my body, and I cannot resist or avoid it. "

Chu Feng talked about his own difficulties, but in fact it can't be regarded as a complaint. He just expressed his inner thoughts. This is the current situation. He has to take some responsibility for some good things.

"I know this is a test for you, but as long as you can survive this level, what you get must be much more than what you endured."

The Thirteenth Lord has nothing to say. Under the current incident, what he has made is only a fairly safe decision. Although the current situation has certain limitations, the results obtained from the ideas in his head are still more realistic. Chu Feng did not mention the energy problem too much. He knew that he had said too much. It's useless, on the contrary, there is a feeling of groaning without any disease.

Now that the energy has been absorbed, things have come to an end, but Chu Feng always feels that he has energy. He seems to have to stay here for a while, and he doesn’t know if this is the thirteenth master’s plan. Anyway, the process is. Indispensable.

"I just thought about it. Since it is energy, it has not been fully absorbed yet. Maybe I have to stay here for a while. Otherwise, after I go back, I am afraid I will not have enough time to focus on this aspect. Even I will suffer from his effects on my body. After thinking about it, this is not quite appropriate."

Chu Feng wants to stay longer. This is a good thing for the Thirteenth Lord. Although there is no trouble now, but Chu Feng is sitting next to him at this moment, it can be considered that he can temporarily stabilize some things. , And in other cities, the Thirteenth Master also had a plan.

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