Whimsical System

Chapter 1642: City Capture Project

"I was so anxious to call me over, is there any new progress? He didn't tell me on the way, but you found a good messenger, but it was too stupid. I told him nothing. Just a smile, it seems to be deliberately prevaricating me.

Now that I am here, should I tell me, what kind of plan is there, I don’t want to hear you sell it here, I still have a certain mind in this respect, and now I suddenly came to me for sure. If you really have an attitude in this regard and have a specific plan, then I advise you to implement it quickly while I’m still here. In this case, I can also help you avoid some possible risks. "

Now Chu Feng wanted to ask the truth, come out and try his best to clarify things, so that he can also have a better attitude to face what happened, of course he also knows that sometimes not everything You have to tell him, after all, Lord Shisan did not develop this habit, and in fact, Lord Shisan had already had this attitude towards his thoughts. Since he said this that day, Chu Feng You can feel that the Thirteenth Lord has been making preparations in this area. Although it is not an opportunity to be sure, at least one thing is certain, that is, this thing is happening steadily.

"I was able to guess that you could think of this thing a long time ago. In fact, it is not too time-consuming, because some things are already on the surface. As long as you pay more attention, you can find the answer. I do have ideas for other cities. Although I am not sure that it is the best opportunity, the current situation is basically stable, and you are here. As long as we two cooperate to achieve this goal, it is completely Yes!

The other most important point is that I have already considered it. For the sake of safety, I will take the city you rule as the first goal, although I also know that this may be more or less inappropriate for you. Yes, after all, that is the city under your jurisdiction. Although after you leave, that city basically has nothing to do with you, but now you still have the ability to rule it.

So no matter what, I still have to talk to you first. Only after getting approval from you can I proceed to the next step. Of course, if you refuse me to do this, then I will also agree with you, but this may be necessary. Time, because my troops have been deployed there! "

When he also explained this matter at the time, Chu Feng felt a kind of extraordinary. There was a great sense of deceit. He didn’t give him any news, and he just sent the soldiers to that city. This really didn’t mean respect for Chu Feng, but Chu Feng couldn’t refuse it completely. If he didn’t If you can send troops there, then the city must be unable to restrain him.

Therefore, the cafeteria did the same, in fact, to prevent Chu Feng from having other thoughts about him. As a result, although the mind of the thirteenth master achieved an actual "sex" effect, there were still some bad points.

However, Chu Feng did not express his thoughts at this time. In his opinion, he might not have to express his thoughts too obviously. After all, this is just an attitude.

Even if the Thirteenth Lord wanted to rule that city, Chu Feng would never refuse it, because that city had nothing to do with Chu Feng anymore, so there had been a period of war before that, but After the war was over, everyone in that city had already returned. Chu Feng didn't plan to be responsible for them, and he didn't have any other thoughts, so this matter was obviously the best result.


"You belong first and then play, but it's nothing. The situation in that city doesn't make much sense to me. If you really want to move this mind, then you can do what you want. I will not affect you or have any other attitude towards you. As long as it is what you want to do as a friend, I will support it, but if you can manage that city, just manage it, unless It’s them who resist, otherwise it’s best not to mobilize troops against them. After all, that city also has a certain strength. If you really want to attack from city to city, it must be a blow to your strength. This is definitely not alarmist talk, but something that must be paid attention to now!"

Chu Feng just made a kind reminder to the thirteenth master's plan. He knew what kind of plan the thirteenth master had, and he could also see what kind of adventure the thirteenth master was making for this matter. If he could not remind him in time, I am afraid that the thirteenth master will put all his belongings in it.

"I understand what you mean, and I know what your purpose is for doing this, but the current situation may need to be judged based on the most true information. Now we say there is no way to make a decision. Verify!

So I know how to do it, and I also understand under what prerequisites it is most accurate to do something. Maybe I need a time for preparation. This time does not take too long. This is a related measure, and maybe I have to be responsible. , Otherwise I'm really worried about some problems! "

Although the Thirteenth Lord did not express his thoughts, he knew what Chu Feng was doing now, and he also remembered it.

In any case, he at least understands the current situation and knows that it is not good for him to move troops easily, but this is not enough to dispel his idea of ​​mobilizing troops, it just depends on the situation, if the situation really does not need to use troops If it can be solved, then he will naturally not use force casually, and if the current dilemma cannot be solved without using force, I am afraid he will also be determined to do this, because it is for the ruling other cities The idea is deeply ingrained in the heart of Shisanye at this moment.

So as long as he can achieve this goal, he will try it no matter what method is adopted.

"How far are we now? Are we going to that city first? Or are there any other plans?"

After talking about this topic, Chu Feng felt whether he had to do something. Of course, before doing this, he had to ask clearly what he was going to do.

The thirteenth nodded and said: "Now it is indeed necessary to set off, but before I leave, I have something to give to you!"

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