Whimsical System

Chapter 1646: People's mind

So no one can blame others for receiving it. In addition, under the current situation, no one will spend time blaming certain people. They will only try to maintain what they have now, and as for the final result, although They are also more concerned, but after all, it is not the most important thing right now!

"Since you have a plan, then I will not interfere with you. Anyway, you know what to do. Just do it according to your ideas. If there is any problem, I will help you. You, but you may not be the ultimate, after all, I generally don't have much interest in such aggressive actions. Unless you make me have to do it, I will not force myself to do what I don't want to do! "

Chu Feng felt that it was necessary for him to explain this point of view. For one thing, if he really didn't like Chu Feng, he would never ask him. This is his consistent purpose in doing things and his way of dealing with people. Of course, the times can also understand it, so after Chu Feng said this sentence, the thirteenth master nodded frequently.

"I understand what you mean, don’t worry, even if you can do something, as long as you don’t want to, then I will not force you, but I also believe that when I need it, you will definitely understand What should be done and what should not be done, so I don’t worry that you will have problems, and I will never put the key point of the matter on you, because you are an uncertain factor, so I will not Take an uncertain matter too seriously.

Otherwise, as the leader of me, there will be some problems! "

It seems that Lord Shisan has already understood everything, and he also knows what he should do. In which respect I need to pay attention to it. I have to say that during this period, Chu Feng is very obvious. It can be seen that Lord Shisan has With clear progress, you know what you need and what preparations you should make.

There is no doubt that the Thirteenth Lord has made new progress from the perspective of a ruler, and is gradually improving and strengthening himself.

"You have indeed changed. When you have enough rights, your ambitions are constantly expanding. Of course, no one can say that this is a bad thing! I just think you have become a little strange, that kind of strangeness. Sense may be the difference between rulers and ordinary people, but I would also like to see this result, at least when you become like this, I can be sure that when I leave here, you will still You can protect what you need to protect!"

Chu Feng made an extremely appropriate evaluation of the Shisan Ye, but he didn't mean to disagree with this evaluation. He even felt that this evaluation was too correct for him.

"Sure enough, you know me best. In fact, I am like this. Looking at this matter from the current perspective, I have indeed changed. But if I really want to analyze it seriously, I haven't changed much. I just We are constantly improving ourselves, strengthening our status, and making ourselves stronger and stronger. After all, to survive in this space, we must make ourselves stronger, otherwise, sooner or later, we will lose ourselves because of our weakness. The most precious thing, I don’t want to see this, so I need to work hard and do my best!"

The Thirteenth Lord is not taboo about what he did, and he also felt that he did it entirely out of a certain idea, so he didn’t think he had done something wrong, nor did he feel any difference in this respect. Place.

auzw.com At present, it is the most important thing to do what you want to do and what you need to do. At this time, the thirteenth master just did it.

It was almost ten o'clock at night. It was a special period. An unusual time. Six hours have passed so far.

In these six hours, the battle between the two sides has been fierce. The defenders in the city will not let the soldiers of the Shisanye step into the city. The Shisanye has not stopped any offensive steps. The two sides have been fighting anyway. During the war, the damage to the city became the most tragic price.

However, on the whole, it seems that neither side cares too much about this key point. Even if the city is damaged, the guards in the city are still active, and the soldiers outside the city are also constantly attacking.

The thirteenth master still kept giving orders to the soldiers in the city. He didn’t know when his battle would stop being punished. He watched all this happen and waited for a result to appear, but in his head It is not clear what this result is.

"When the battle has reached this point, should it be about to end? I have been thinking about when a stage is over. Are you really going to break this city?"

When Chu Feng asked this question, Lord Shisan had just returned from the front line. Looking at Lord Shisan's tired expression, Chu Feng felt that it might be time to ask this question.

Faced with Chu Feng’s question, the Thirteenth Lord did not think at all, but directly replied: "I have never wanted to break this city, because I know that with my current strength See, it must be a stupid move to break this city to hurt my vitality. So I won’t do that, but although I don’t take it as a goal, I will do my best to make it. This city is terrified because of my attack, I want to make them panic, so that they don't know when it will end!

As long as this goal can be achieved, then my plan will be half-successful. When the result is gradually revealed, then I will send you out. Basically, my plan will have some results!

Chu Feng, do you believe it or not, when I completed the series of these sentences very smoothly, and you succeeded in doing what you did, I am basically sure that even the defenders in this city want to continue. Guarding the city, the people in the city will also rise up to resist, because they are tired of this state, they hate the result of trying to be breached, and would rather choose to surrender than they would not let the battle go on!

You may think that it is a bit unrealistic for me to say these things, but I will tell you that I was once a citizen, and I also know how important Heping is to the people!

So I understand that when the battle begins, what are the people’s minds thinking about. Now as long as I can "feel" their minds and meet their needs, then this victory will basically belong to me, absolutely not. There will be any other possibilities! "

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