Whimsical System

Chapter 1649: The beginning of the war

Sometimes it only takes a sentence to push this matter to a different angle.

At present, when Chu Feng said this sentence, no one would choose to doubt, and no one would try, because they all knew that trying was for them. They also understood what price they would bear. When Chu Feng said these words, they basically had already determined one thing. They could not change any results, and they absolutely could not go up from any angle. Analyze one thing that has nothing to do with them at all.

Attacking this city is just for them to obey orders. They can have many opportunities to make contributions on the battlefield, not just now, but if they really want to involve their "life" in this matter. Together, it is obviously not a good thing, so Chu Feng can stop everyone's minds on one level with just one sentence, no changes will occur, and the battle will stop instantly, except for the guards in the city. Still about to move, and want to launch a counterattack again, the outside siege troops have basically been completely rested.

They were waiting for Chu Feng's next decision, and the guards in the city had some doubts and concerns because of Chu Feng's appearance.

Chu Feng and the others understand it. Even though they have not been in contact with Chu Feng for a long time, each family naturally has a clear enough idea with Chu Feng. They know what Chu Feng’s appearance means, and Knowing exactly what kind of strength Chu Feng has, now unless they really want to face Chu Feng head-to-head, they will definitely not make some decisions too recklessly.

After all, this is destined to be something stupid. It’s just that there will always be some people who don’t understand the situation, and they will make some actions that they think are useful in some periods that do not belong to them. As a result, often at such times, all they get are basically failures. lesson.

For example, the rulers in the city now have some awareness of wanting to rebel. This city has escaped from Chu Feng's hands. This is a result they think it is, so they don’t want to let this happen again. The incident reappeared again, so they made a private decision to destroy the plan of the thirteenth rule as much as possible. Although they are not sure that this matter will succeed, they will try their best. Try to make this thing real. And one of the most obvious characteristics is that they don't want Chu Feng to enter the city, and their guards are indeed busy. This aspect of work is deployed.

It was obvious that they did give the order, and those subordinates did exactly what they ordered and completed a goal they wanted to achieve, but there was only one price left, and that was Chu Feng. The city will surely be shot against them, and the city will fall back into war.

Silence is an atmosphere inside and outside the city at this time. Chu Feng felt that his goal had been achieved, and even he felt that he could enter the city. Although there was a dark arrow that hurt people just now, it did not deserve his attention too much.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he was about to enter the city and fall on the city wall, the guards in the city carried out a series of counterattacks against him. There is no doubt that the appearance of this counterattack must be a At the beginning of the war, when that arrow came oncoming like raindrops, Chu Feng had realized that this war would definitely not end so peacefully.

So when the devouring power radiated from his body, blocking all the bows and arrows, the city was also labeled as a traitor by Chu Fengmark.


What Chu Feng has to do at this time is to completely regain the city. His power alone may not easily achieve this result, but with his strength, the city can become chaotic. .

So just after this rain of arrows, Chu Feng directly killed the city. He was now possessed by a killing god. Everything became a tool for him to vent his anger. The houses in the city and the army were all Chaos occurred because of the appearance of Chu Feng.

The army has no way to resist Chu Feng. Chu Feng’s devouring power can swept them all away. At this time, the gate of the city wall was also forced to open with Chu Feng’s invasion. Many soldiers rushed out of the city. Coming out, there is no doubt that in their understanding, those enemies outside the city are obviously much easier to deal with than Chu Feng.

Now this city is basically a deep and hot water. No one wants to stay here for a while. The people fled one after another. All of this is because Chu Feng provoked the war. In fact, Chu Feng also knew What are you doing? If persuasion doesn't work in this city, then armed suppression is the only result.

In addition, there will be no more effective way than the current actions. Of course, he also understands that the price of doing so is that it may destroy the foundation of the city, and it will also cause major families. Between the fight back.

But there is no way, now that the persuasion cannot be effective. Then the initiation of the war has become the only thing to do at present. He also knows what he is doing, and he can understand what the matter will end in, but he still made this choice, and he He didn't pass through the Shisan Yegou at all, and when Chu Feng launched an attack on the city, the Shisan Ye looked surprised.

Just now Chu Feng said in a way that he would never pose any threat to this city, but at this time the war has already been provoked by Chu Feng.

Now that things have developed to such an extent, he is naturally unable to stand by, so he immediately issued an order for all the soldiers to attack and retaliate against all those who resisted them in this city.

The beginning of the war, from Chu Feng to the end, in fact, no one can give the most positive response, because the war will never be accepted, only one side will evade, and this will be temporarily terminated.

As for whether similar things will happen in the future, no one can guarantee.

Chu Feng killed him for a while, and he didn't know how many stubborn guys he had solved in his hands. Anyway, when Chu Feng felt a little tired and was unwilling to continue, everyone had already retreated, and no one dared to fight against Chu Feng. . Except for the people of those big clans who were gearing up to win against Chu Feng, almost most of them had already retreated, and those soldiers fled, running faster than the people.

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