Whimsical System

Chapter 1652: Self-protection

Although there are not many things that are manifested among the various forces at present, there are several aspects that are relatively clear. For example, the interest disputes between the forces. This is a key point that is more difficult to deal with in the whole situation. They have their own ideas and are willing to implement some plans according to their own ideas. In this case, when some problems exceed their expectations and will not be subject to their control, they will naturally There will be some other ideas to influence the change of this matter.

Over time, this result will naturally make people feel a little difficult to "manage". The new city owner has been considering this matter, and he is thinking about how to resolve the economic disputes between each case through his own identity. But thinking about it now seems not so easy.

The economic disputes between the forces have a long history, and the reasons are complicated. If you want to clarify these, within a few years, there is basically no way to achieve it. And now the most important kind of war is almost at hand. He doesn’t have much time to deal with these problems, so there is only one result left. Before the problem is solved, the disaster has come. In front of him, he has no way to escape, nor can he make a correct judgment in the current situation, so he can only force himself to choose another way to solve the problem, such as gathering everyone together, Their lives are used as a bet to win this war. He felt that in addition to economic disputes, the mutual dependence between lives might make this matter a little easier, although he was also murmured and felt a little bit Not very practical, but it is also no way.

Anyway, although on the surface it seems that the cooperation between the various forces has reached a point that cannot be underestimated, in fact there are many problems behind it, and this problem is not easy to solve for a while. The current City Lord currently has plans to compete with Chu Feng.

It’s just that he is worried that if he fails, there will be any special problems. After all, he also understands Chu Feng’s strength. He is also worried about whether he will lose in this war. If he really loses, then he How to save it?

auzw.com These problems are all he must pay attention to, and he wants to solve them but is not so easy to solve. There are actually some ways to ease his current thinking, such as temporarily giving up "sexually", although giving up does have a certain amount of pressure for the current city lord, and it is not so easy. Do this, but when he thinks that the current situation is no longer suitable for the current city, and that all the forces have given up to it and can fully accept it, it is just that the loss of this city is a result he never wants to see. , So even if the abandonment was placed in front of him, he still clenched his teeth and persisted. At this time, the various forces had their own ghosts. They had their own ideas and wanted to preserve their strength, but they were worried about the city. Will fall into the hands of others, anyway, this kind of complicated emotion has always existed, and there is no way to solve it.

There is no way. The current situation is like this. Everyone is thinking about themselves. Although everyone is also working hard for the city, the purpose is to improve themselves. Any problems that occur in such a big environment, then It is understandable, including when the current war is about to start, there are still small forces whispering to each other, what should they do if this thing fails, and these words also happened to be passed to the new city lord. In his ears, there is no doubt that such a blow to the forces really makes him angry, but he has no way, because these small forces are also part of the overall strength of the city, if he consciously targets these small forces If this is the case, this may affect some real mainstays. If this is the case, I am afraid that he will only rely on him alone, but there is absolutely no way to solve these things clearly, so he has to bear it down.

"It’s been a long time, aren’t you going to fight with me? Now I think it’s almost time to do it, hurry up, I’m waiting for your strength to show, maybe you might really defeat me, Although I don’t really believe in this possibility, as long as you believe it, then you have enough courage to fight me. Anyway, this is a good thing. Are you right?"

Chu Feng has already begun to urge him. In fact, he also wants to resolve this matter as soon as possible, so as to avoid any trouble. Of course, he is not particularly worried, but the current situation will always be a bit unfavorable for him. , Now he is alone in this city, and what he faces are some of his own hostile opponents.

The Thirteenth Lord was attacking from outside the city to the city at this time, obviously there was no way to reach here in a short time. And if he can deal with so many opponents by himself, Chu Feng still doesn't think his chances of winning are so great. Although he can escape, once he escapes, then the meaning of his coming here will also be lost, so he Apart from being here with the bright city lord, there seems to be no other better way to make himself more dazzling, but if he makes this choice, it means that he will more or less There are some problems that may encounter some uncertain factors, so he is not worried about these aspects, but this does not mean that he does not have the slightest fear.

Of course, there is a psychological warfare in this area, and only Chu Feng himself knows. At this moment, to outsiders, he is completely confident. No one will let him worry easily, and there will never be that kind of cautiousness. , I don’t know how to be a good thing, anyway, there is only one idea in his head, that is to do everything possible to show himself an extremely powerful and fearless appearance, only in this way can he stand up here. Feet, and the power of swallowing and the energy he just got are his goals. Money is the only thing that can give him this confidence. He feels that even if these people swarm up, he should not suffer too much, except that he cannot. It is natural to escape them from all their opportunities. If it is a last resort, then you must make this choice. Even if everything falls short, you will definitely not be able to cause any damage to yourself. After all, this city is no longer worthy of him. Sacrifice yourself like this.

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