Whimsical System

Chapter 1670: Improved flight

Based on what he knew, the Thirteenth Master explained the cause of the incident to Chu Fengzi carefully, and through the explanation of the Thirteenth Master, this matter has gradually gained some understanding.

In fact, if you really treat this matter with the current thinking, then there is no problem at all. Flying mounts like these have their own thinking. They will definitely worry about their lives, and they will definitely be worried about some things. Considering many issues, now they have such worries and thoughts. If they don’t restrict their actions, they can understand what happens. Therefore, the measures they are currently doing seem to be somewhat It is unnecessary, but it is indeed necessary.

"If you say that, then this matter can be completely understood. In fact, don't be surprised. After all, I have never been in contact with such a thing. If I can have questions, I think it is normal. After all, it is estimated who changed. There should be some thoughts in this regard, but I think that a solution like this is actually a bit exhausting for us. If it is used for combat, then these parachutes are equivalent to some burdens, or even cumbersome, all I said whether I will use it in the future, or it’s too late to use it. Anyway, as long as we carry such a large bag to fight, it is estimated that the efficiency of operations will be greatly reduced. I think maybe we have to use our brains to lighten the soldiers If possible, it’s better to ban these things. In this way, it can also enhance the combat capability of some of our soldiers and reduce some casualties."

Chu Feng pointedly pointed out the fatal flaw of this matter. It may not be a problem if it is only used for quotation, but if you are fighting, carrying these parachutes is indeed a bit cumbersome, and as long as soldiers are restricted by these things, then There is no way to make some coherent attacks smoothly, so under the reminder of Chu Feng, the thirteenth master also paid attention to this matter, but the jet lag did not have any fixed ideas.

"Listen to you, you have already discovered the shortcomings of this matter, but I just don't know if you have thought of a solution?" The Thirteenth Master obviously wanted some solutions from Chu Feng, although He wasn't particularly sure that Chu Feng already had a solution. Anyway, he just wanted to try it. Maybe it really existed. After all, it was impossible to achieve constant results.

"If you ask me this question, I don’t know if I should tell you. You asked the right person. In fact, in my opinion, there are indeed some solutions, but I don’t know if these solutions can be used. In our team, all air battles in my world will basically be equipped with some equipment dedicated to soldiers.

When fighting in the air, these soldiers will fall into the air with some equipment related to their own lives. This is not a terrible thing. They can protect their lives with all kinds of equipment, whether it is a parachute or something. The necessary "sex" equipment, which can help them to upgrade in battle, and prevent the air from becoming their biggest enemy.

auzw.com As for flying mounts and the like, I currently don’t have any ideas to protect their lives. In addition, with the information I have so far, I can also make a Judging, that is during the battle, although the parachute can be carried and can play a certain protective role, but there should not be too many opportunities to apply these things, even if you are lucky enough to be able to use it successfully, I am afraid Various problems appeared in the process. After all, the mount is not easy to control, and as long as there is a problem on one side, it will produce a series of reactions, which will eventually lead to failure, and in this state, the soldier almost treats his own **** All lives are placed on the parachute that carries the entire flying mount, and as long as the parachute has a problem, or the flying mount has a problem with the soldier's "life", it will not be preserved.

I don’t think this is a good method. We can’t leave the soldier’s "life" to an animal to decide, and in most cases this kind of accident happens often, so we have to let the soldier decide his own life. No matter when he left or when to take those self-help measures, it was all he could decide on his own.

Even in the process, there are still risks, but at least they can work hard for themselves without letting their fate. "

Chu Feng narrated what he saw and heard in the real world. This was the only cultural collision with this space after he came to this space. Although this collision was not so intense, and he could also Certainly, if he insists on advocating this way, basically his ideas can be implemented in practice, but using his rights to restrict, this idea seems a little improper. After all, nothing can be compared and smooth. Therefore, Chu Fengdao didn’t have much thoughts. At this moment, he wanted to implement his ideas in his current actions. Whether or not he could achieve this goal, at least he would say it first, and then look at the thirteenth master’s attitude.

"After listening to you, I think this method is still possible, but what about these flying mounts? Do we just throw away these flying mounts. You must know that the price of flying mounts is very high. If you throw away the flying mount, this...I really can't bear it."

The Thirteenth Lord is not a miser, but he will make some judgments based on economic value before some choices, and sometimes he is quite confused, unable to make a correct judgment from the right angle.

At this time, Chu Feng’s correct values ​​were directly highlighted. In his opinion, the idea of ​​the thirteenth master was completely wrong, and he could not make decisions according to his ideas, because if he was allowed to act arbitrarily, The life of a soldier is too cheap, and under this cheap soldier standard, it is estimated that some things that people don't want to see will happen.

"No matter how expensive the flying mount is, he can't match the life of a soldier, especially those soldiers who "fuck" the flying mount. Their price is much more expensive than this flying mount. If you want to If these soldiers are working hard for you to attack the city and expand the territory, then you cannot make their "life" too childish. I believe that as long as you can improve this plan to preserve their "life", I It is certain that in this plan of air combat, they must work harder than they are now."

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