Whimsical System

Chapter 1675: First victory

Therefore, in this predicament, it is difficult for him to react correctly in the first time, and he can also consider what he will face even after he reacts, rather than fighting to the end. Obediently, at least he can live more comfortably!

So basically he didn't exert too much effort, and this spy had already become a puppet in the hands of the thirteenth master.

It’s easy enough. It seems that peace in this space for too long will also lead to some problems. "Chaos" is inevitable. In a dispersed state, peace will not last for too long. Now this space is down. It can be regarded as an accident, but now the accident is about to come to an end!

"Should we go back, or continue with the next step?"

The victory in the first battle is basically a relatively lucky thing for the entire team. They thought there would be a war, but now it seems that it is not that troublesome at all. It only needs a shock to achieve the goal. At this time, the thirteenth master would inevitably feel proud of the plan he made. Chu Feng knew that this kind of proud emotion could never last too long, otherwise there would not necessarily be problems, so he hurried at this time Appropriately put forward a question to go back, to remind the thirteenth that the matter is not over yet, don't be proud of this matter too soon!

"How can I go back! Now we have just solved one spy, and there are many more left. We will stay here today and even the next few days. We will investigate carefully, and I will see what is going on. How many people are listening to news about our city!"

The thirteen masters recalled in an instant, the joy that had previously appeared on his face gradually condensed, and instead he was cautious about the next plan.

"In this case, let's prepare early!

I don’t know what happened next! Maybe a large force will come in a while. Organizations like them are definitely not just staying in their current state. A person may just escape from the team, or there is a special situation that needs to be resolved alone, otherwise I will not Think that each of them is acting alone! "

Although Chu Feng didn't know much about this aspect of the problem, he had his guesses, and the most coincidental thing about his guess now is that it collided with the real situation.

He naturally knew that the Thirteenth Lord had conducted investigations in these areas, and now his guess is almost the same as the result of throwing some thoughts.

"You are right. He is indeed an accident. I have been investigating this aspect of the situation. The reason why he will act alone is because he has a better understanding of the situation here, and many years have passed. There is no special situation, so only one person is required to be responsible, that is enough, but this time he has miscalculated the account!


I'm afraid they would never think of it anyway. They have already prepared in advance and are still attacking decisively at this moment. I guess it will not take long before they will gradually fall into our encirclement, and my plan has been formulated. Now, when he disappears, the whole team of spies will definitely have a plan for the next step. The first idea is that they will worry that this person has escaped!

After all, such a long time has passed, and nothing happened at all, and now he has disappeared inexplicably without any response, so only one result can be proved, that is, he fled by himself, and why he fled, Maybe they don’t know it right now, but they can get a slightly more fixed answer, that is, they will guess, and will send a certain amount of personnel to investigate, and as long as they make this decision and send corresponding personnel, We can use this method to lure them into our encirclement little by little! "

The Thirteenth Master's method was nothing more than to break the entire team into parts, and then devour them bit by bit.

In fact, this idea is nothing special. Although it works, it also carries certain risks, because as long as there is a smart person on his side who can distinguish the overall situation, his plan will be easy to see through. , But all of this is completely dependent on a state they were familiar with before, after all, so many years have passed, and there has never been a similar situation, so it is not special that it can make them think like this Simple.

Therefore, according to Chu Feng’s guess, it is possible that in the early stage, the thirteenth master’s method was completely effective, because no one would guess the appearance of this result at all, although in the later stage as things slowly develop, it may be possible People will be aware of this result, but by then I am afraid it will be too late.

Therefore, considering these points, unless otherwise, he gradually relieved his heart. If the matter is over, maybe he really has nothing to worry about, because there is no big problem, and there is no unsolvable trouble!

Chu Feng gave up, thinking about the next thing, just waiting for a limited time to appear, and the thirteenth master is also making his own plan, the accompanying flight team is waiting for dispatch at this moment, none of them have that kind of Fear of existence, because the thirteen masters gave them advice, they felt that there was nothing that could not be solved, especially after the success this time, their confidence was directly doubled.

"Where are we going next?"

Chu Feng is ready to perform the task, and he is also very anxious, because things like this must be confirmed within a short time, and it must not be delayed for too long, because too long delay will only make the opponent more More time to reflect, this matter is true, and I am afraid it will be a little troublesome to solve it at that time, so the sooner the better now, a specific plan can be drawn as soon as possible, and it will probably be in the shortest Achieve the goal within time.

The Thirteenth master briefly conceived it, and in his thoughts, this plan should have been formed slowly.

He didn’t feel that things were eager to get things done and that there could be any good results. In addition, he was not worried about accidents in this matter, because in his opinion, everything was already in his plan, as long as it didn’t happen Too big an accident, this matter will not escape his control!

"Let’s allocate the teams later. You lead a team, I lead a team, and we will be responsible for part of it. According to the news I received before, including the situation I asked that guy just now, he has basically Explain the course of action of all the teams to me clearly!"

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