Whimsical System

Chapter 1690: High speed hunt

But since this matter has evolved into this situation, even if Chu Feng is unwilling, he seems unable to change it. So there is no way, at this moment, he can only bite the bullet to compete with these people to fight, to do his best for his own life, and at this critical moment, the traces of the thirteenth masters are gradually revealed from a distance. Not only Chu Feng, but even the members of this team, they also discovered the arrival of Lord Thirteen.

Undoubtedly, they were obviously surprised by this result, but they were already in a fit of anger. The only sensible one was the captain. The others basically wanted to be punished. Grabbed and shredded the corpse in order to express this nasty breath, but even if the captain has a certain control power and a calm mind at this time, he seems unable to solve the current conflict that is about to occur. , He can’t get his teammates out of the battlefield. This is not a kind of ability he can achieve, and the current situation is also a bit that he can’t see clearly. Even if he has this idea, even if he wants to To be tuo tuo, it seems that it can not take everyone.

Therefore, at this critical moment, he actually made a move that shocked everyone. He escaped without any signs or predictions. Everyone could not expect that he would abandon his teammates and escape alone. , I don’t know if he is a qualified commander. As a friend, he is absolutely untrustworthy. As a boss, he is also untrustworthy. Maybe he does have a certain ability to rule and analyze the overall situation.

But his current actions have indeed angered everyone. Although the impact of the anger and punishment at the time is naturally incomparable, it also caused some destructive thoughts to people.

The captain’s escape was an accident for Chu Feng, but now he can’t intercept the captain, because he has already fought with all the team members, and when the mounts flew to him one by one. In front of.

All Chu Feng could do was to raise his height as much as possible. At this moment, there was a person on top of his head who was falling and wanted to intercept him, so this person became Chu Feng's only target. At this moment, the guy in his hand has been thrown out by him, and those members who are about to attack him are thrown down. And those people also have some pity for our teammates and want to treat him. The rescue was launched, so it was precisely because of this rescue that it directly provided Chu Feng with a certain amount of escape time.

In the sky, Chu Feng raised his body as high as possible. At this moment, the falling spy was directly colliding with the punishment. Chu Feng used his body to collide with the spy, the spy Naturally, he could not beat Chu Feng in strength, but because his body was connected to the body of the wizard bird, he was not knocked down when he collided.

It's just that his body has suffered certain injuries because of this. Although it is not obvious on the surface, he feels that his chest is already a little difficult to breathe, especially in such a high sky. It is difficult to breathe. Now, this collision made it more difficult for him to do this. As a result, the dizziness of his head gradually came out.


As a result, the arrival of this dizziness directly caused his body to start shaking on the back of the wizard bird, dangling, it was a little difficult to support, and he was about to fall when he watched. But for this result, Chu The wind just thought it was necessary.

Now he just wanted to escape, he didn't mean to help this guy. Whether or not the spy fell to the ground and lost his life, it has nothing to do with Chu Feng. After all, his task has been completed at this moment. As long as he escapes the tail corner, he is basically done. As for the others, he has no idea.

As a result, during this process, Chu Feng found a chance to escape, and the spy who was about to fall was also rescued by his companions, but in this way, they delayed enough precious time. As a result, when they reacted, they had been surrounded by the thirteenth masters, and the captain had obviously become an important goal for Chu Feng to face at this moment, and he did not actually give Chu Feng this order. , And did not persuade him to do this. All of this was Chu Feng's own thoughts. He felt that he could not let him escape, otherwise trouble would arise.

So almost in the next move, Chu Feng made this decision, and then he drew a trajectory in the air and headed towards the captain. The mutant mount on which the captain was riding was extremely fast, and there were no players. It can basically increase its speed to the highest level.

However, no matter how fast the mount is, it will eventually have a certain time limit. Its endurance cannot be so long-lasting, especially in this high-altitude flight hypoxia state, the endurance requirement is basically related to oxygen There is a certain link.

But Chu Feng is not like that. Chu Feng relies on the power provided by the swallowing power. The swallowing power does not require Chu Feng to do any movement and will not consume physical strength. Therefore, the punishment only needs to keep his breathing steady and enough oxygen. If it is sufficient, there will be enough, and the speed will not be reduced, even in terms of speed, it is faster than the mount.

Therefore, catching up with the captain has become something that basically does not need to be doubted. Of course, there will be more or less difficulties and obstacles in the process. Although the captain is "fuck" with the mount to escape, but However, he did not concentrate all his energy on this. After all, he was flying as a business and not him. In the process of flying, he also discovered Chu Feng’s pursuit, so he also thought As much as possible, the pursuit of prescriptions can be intercepted under the hopeful state.

And the first thing he needs to do is to intercept with hidden weapons. In this high altitude, all the weapons seem to be useless. Only some hidden weapons such as short daggers can achieve a certain goal at this moment. So currently he All that needs to be done is to throw all these daggers out. Although the number of daggers in his hand is not very large, he feels that it can play a certain role. Indeed, the power caused by high-altitude projectiles is indeed greater than that on the ground. The damage caused is higher, but in this aspect of damage, the accuracy naturally occupies a large position.

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