Whimsical System

Chapter 1693: opinionated

The captain thought he was taking advantage of him and was able to restrain Chu Feng, and he also felt that the beast was also a great help to him, but he never thought about the risks he would have if he did this, and he did not know whether it was triumphant or triumphant He is complacent, anyway, these wrong emotions are emerging in his head, and gradually he is a little uncontrollable. He always feels as if he has some great ability, and he can take care of the current difficult situation. Give a clear solution.

Anyway, when the situation became gradually chaotic, and when he couldn't distinguish black and white, his arrogant thoughts also emerged spontaneously. It's just that the words he said at the moment really had some impact on Chu Feng. Chu Feng was not afraid of what he could do. He was nothing more than some arrogant thoughts.

Now Chu Feng doesn't pay much attention to him, but is willing to let him experiment and save this beast. In comparison, he is not even more noble than this beast, but he is still in the dark if he doesn't know it. , As if he is the number one in the world.

"If you think I am really afraid of this beast, it may be that your thousands of wrong thoughts have gathered together and created some wrong consciousness. I am not afraid of it, and I have the means to solve it. The method, its speed is not as fast as mine, I want to escape, basically it happened in a blink of an eye, on the contrary, your situation is so bad now, you still don't know the situation here, and always think that you seem to be arrogant.

Didn’t you forget that this beast didn’t know you anymore. Now that you want to tame it, it’s a predicament of betting on your life. You always feel that you can succeed. It’s just your own subconsciousness. In fact, there is not much possibility that you can subdue it at all, unless you really have some abilities to reach the sky, or can talk to it, discuss it well, and let it obey your orders.

Otherwise, yours will not achieve this goal at all. Of course, I am not looking down on you, but the result obtained from the process of fighting just now. Anyway, the current situation is like this. You have no other choice, of course, except for death. You have no other choice. If you really insist on sending you to death, then I won’t stop you. After all, I don’t have this obligation. Of course, I still hope you can save your "life" and try to tame it. .

Although this is also a matter of life and death, it is better than falling for nothing and losing your life. You can think about it. This is a chance I give you, and I also use you This opportunity to seek some benefits for myself, although this beast is not that important to me, it is not too willing to discard it. Now that you can tame him, you can be regarded as the Duke. Although this is very difficult for you, the more difficult it is, the more you can highlight your determination at the moment. Maybe you don’t admire him very much. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to blame us. If you can tame the beast at that time, I can keep you in the city and prevent you from doing this kind of livelihood. I can also find some ways to survive. .

auzw.comOf course, these are all later things. The guarantee I give you now is that you tame this beast now, I can not kill you, but leave you a "life", this is you The only way to keep yourself alive.

You can naturally not cherish it, or waste it at will. It doesn’t matter. Now I only need a response from you. If you want to do it, do it, and want to adopt some incorrect ways to welcome your life. At the end of it, it’s all your own freedom. I’m just giving you a suggestion. You don’t have enough time to think about it now. I have asked you to think about it for a long time. Now, what should I do? You should have come to a conclusion in your head, talk and listen, let me know what you think, anyway this is always my opportunity for you, and it's not a waste of it. "

Chu Feng has already said what he should say. Although he has not done what he should do, he is still waiting. Anyway, as long as the captain has a decision, Chu Feng will basically agree to his request and choose to respect his decision. , Even if he chooses to die, it's no big deal.

Of course, there are some other ideas in his own head. If the captain is really determined to die, he can still have a certain amount of leeway. It is indeed unnecessary to kill him, and it is indeed a pity to let him indulge in death. After all, if a person’s life has no meaning before dying, it is indeed somewhat meaningless. .

So Chu Feng has already made a good idea. If he insists on dying, then throw him into the beast's mouth, let the beast taste some sweetness, and then he escapes, let the beast chase him not far or near, and then Bring to a place where there are enough people and can control the beasts, and let the thirteenth master make this decision. Anyway, at this time Chu Feng's idea is very simple and cruel enough, but if it is really let him make this decision However, he felt that it was totally unnecessary to do this, because it was the most shameful and undesirable way, and even he himself felt that it was a bit inappropriate to do so.

Of course, this is in a situation where there is no way. As long as the captain still has a little idea of ​​survival, then basically this method cannot be implemented in reality, and the situation is indeed as Chu Feng imagined. Although the captain has the desire to survive, he also has a part of the backbone. This backbone does not mean that he is born with him, but under the current situation, his arrogance has added some to him. Courage makes him feel that he can focus on some things and make some unexpected decisions. In fact, if he really wants to make a judgment, he feels that these ideas are really stupid, and he doesn’t know what he has. How much ability you can do is to do things that you simply cannot achieve.

"I know that what you said are all reasons to prevaricate the truth you said earlier. In fact, I can fully understand your current mood. I also know what you are doing. It doesn't matter that everyone has a little face. Even if you are afraid of this beast, there is no problem. Most people will be afraid of it anyway. Few people control it as skillfully as I do. Although it has become somewhat irrational now, it’s nothing. I guess as long as I As soon as it makes a move, it will definitely catch it obediently, and it will naturally be known who is more capable!"

The captain's arrogance is expressed at this moment, and behind this arrogance, there is also a little ignorance revealed.

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