Whimsical System

Chapter 1695: Goals without results

The captain has been waiting for an opportunity to wait. In this high altitude, this ferocious beast gradually becomes exhausted, and when it is truly exhausted, its movements will definitely ease down. Wait until then maybe he There is a certain chance, and in the process, he needs to hold the beast's body tightly and try not to fall as much as possible.

Moreover, this may absolutely not be able to appear, because once he falls, he will basically die. This result is not acceptable to him in any way. At this time, regarding these things in the captain's mind, Chu Feng naturally He doesn't understand or waste this time thinking. He is just waiting for a result to appear. Of course, he is not particularly eager for the speed of this result.

Because in his opinion, whether it is true or not, this will not have much impact on this matter. Even if he pushes the captain to achieve this goal immediately, it does not mean that he will be able to see the result. The team leader is not a god, nor is he a professional animal trainer.

All he can do is to do his best to domesticate a beast he has just ridden, and when the beast does not know any owner, then even him, it also has a certain degree of difficulty, so even He currently has a certain domestication experience, but this can't be used as the basis for him to quickly restore the calm of this beast.

The captain’s heart beats faster at this moment. Because the beast can’t throw the captain off his back, it has become angry. This anger is not the kind of anger that can be treated normally, but it is already anger that cannot be suppressed, which leads to a Kind of feeling similar to bursting.

The beast roared, it was almost like a tiger roaring mountain forest. Of course, there are no trees around to create such a majestic scene, but in this high altitude, even if the speed of sound is not very fast, it is still deafening. As a result, Chu Feng even felt a tremor in his ears.

Obviously, in front of this anger, nothing can resist the anger that the beast wants to express. Immediately after the beast turned into the air and rolled up, this kind of rolling was a bit tougher than rolling on land. Rolling on land can at least rely on the ground, and the captain can use some of the power.

But in the air when he is completely suspended in the air, all the gravity will press on his body together. What he can restrain is to increase his arm strength, grab the body of the beast as much as possible, and let his whole body A way of hanging to keep the original state and avoid falling directly.

He understands that this state is difficult to maintain, and there are also various problems, but for him, it is not uncontrollable, but it will be slightly difficult to face in the process.

The captain has a certain strength. After all, he can be a spy captain with a certain basic ability. Maybe his ability can't be compared with those capable, but among ordinary soldiers, his strength and speed include the ability to fight. , That all has a certain foundation, and now in the process of domestication, his foundation is also reflected, but only relying on these does not seem to be able to reach this standard, because its current ability only appears in In terms of strength, even if the beast reaches exhaustion and can be completely tamed, it will have a long process.


In this long process, it is equivalent to a confrontation of power consumption between one person and one beast. This kind of confrontation is hardly vigorous. The beast will never know when he is exhausted, and the captain cannot see the beast spirit. Where is the end of exhaustion, so this is a result where you can't see any results, but you have to work hard and try to maintain a slightly acceptable state.

In addition, in the process of persisting, the captain is also constantly persuading himself not to give up, no matter what the result is, do not give up, because he is about to succeed, he is constantly motivating himself, although he I also know that this kind of encouragement is nothing more than making yourself strong, with no results, but you must constantly strive for results.

Therefore, under the effect of this secret persuasion, the captain has gradually persisted in this situation, but the persistence of time is often nothing comparable. When will persistence be the result?

The captain doesn't know how much energy it takes to end all this? The captain doesn’t know, even he doesn’t even know if he can not domesticate this beast, but he still has to work hard, because if he gives up, he will lose his life. For all this, only life is life. The most important thing is that he can't lose, so even if he doesn't understand all of his things, he doesn't know how to decide, but this "sex" life must be preserved.

Chu Feng watched from a distance, it was like a battle with sound, but without any smoke. I don’t know when the battle of one person and one beast will end. As a bystander, Chu Feng is a little impatient, because the process is too long, and there is nothing surprising about it, except There is nothing new when the two sides fight each other out of entanglement.

Chu Feng looked bored but didn't want to stop him. He still had a keen interest in this beast. He even felt that he could take this beast away if possible. If he brought such a beast back to the realm of fire, Then he basically won't have any opponents in Huoyu.

Thinking of this, he is even more aggravated. He wants to ask for this beast, but if he wants to get this beast, he must have enough patience.

The captain is currently taming. No one can really show that he can succeed, and there is no sign that he will definitely fail. Therefore, Chu Feng cannot stop him. Of course he can also help, but the help at this moment is for Chu Feng. It seems meaningless.

Because he wants the captain to prove that he has this ability, and what Chu Feng can help, if he wants to kill this beast, maybe he has this ability completely, and basically can do it, But what he needs to do is not this, but to domesticate the beast, so the ability he currently possesses does not seem to be of any help to the goal he needs to achieve.

Therefore, he can only act as a spectator again, waiting for the result he wants, even though he can't help.

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