Whimsical System

Chapter 1700: assistant

At the same time, when the conversation between the two gradually came to an end, the battle over there seemed to have come to an end. In fact, sometimes the situation is so special. When everyone is waiting for a result to appear, the result is wrong. It will be delayed for a period of time, and it will not even appear at all, and when everyone thinks that it will not be so easy to get the result, it will happen suddenly at this time, which makes people surprised .

This is the situation today. Chu Feng has basically had plans to wait for a long time during this domestication process, and he even has plans to meet failure, but just when his plans are gradually becoming certain, The captain has succeeded in domesticating the beast.

The beast was exhausted, and the whole state was in that kind of sluggishness, unable to find a direction, as if it had lost all fighting spirit. But at this time, the captain is still full of energy. Although his physical strength has been consumed a lot, after all, he is lying on the back of the beast, and there is no point that deliberately consumes strength, so his physical preservation is also considered intact. .

As a result, when the beast was unable to support everything, the captain directly "fucked" it at this time. In the process, although the beast had the idea of ​​resistance, it finally gave up because of its resistance. Not only did it not get any effect, but it was also punished by the captain, such as hitting its head or exerting pressure control on its body. Anyway, when the beast does not obey the captain's command, it will definitely be subjected to it. Punishment, this kind of punishment is not serious, but on its exhausted body, these punishments have also caused a great impact.

So in the end it gave up. It chose to obey, just like it chose to give up before, no longer to break free and no longer resist. Although this domestication lasted for a long time, it also reached the common goal of Chu Feng and the captain. Satisfying result. Even the training at this moment is much more perfect than the domestication of the initial capture. The capture was a very small process before. The beasts were young and their minds were not sound. There were some things that he could not think about. , It only knows who treats it well, and it will do its best to obey the orders of others, and treat it as a state similar to its kind, and when the beast gradually grows into an adult state, its mind gradually becomes Complete, and have some own judgment, although this judgment is not. Human beings are accurate and do not have the kind of memory thought of human beings, but when he has this kind of judgment, once he escapes the control of others and enjoys the feeling of freedom, they will basically find it difficult to accept it anymore. Tame, and this second tame is basically permanent once it succeeds.

For example, the current state is basically permanent, and there will be no major mistakes.

"I have successfully domesticated, and I have done what you asked me to do. Is it time to fulfill your promise now?"

When the captain completely controlled the beast and said this, the confidence that "showed" on his entire face was something that others could not imitate. His sense of accomplishment was born at this moment, and he felt He seems to have a certain degree of freedom. If he wants to, he can "fuck" the beast and escape. Of course, he also knows that this process is not so easy to achieve, and the result is very poor, so he will not To do such a stupid move, it's just that he hopes that Chu Feng can speak his words. If Chu Feng refuses at this moment, then he has an impulse to fall directly to the ground together with the beast.

auzw.com By that time, not only he, but even the beasts will die, and Chu Feng’s wishes will inevitably be frustrated by then. So he feels that this can be a bargaining chip to threaten Chu Feng. Although he hasn't "exposed" at this moment, his actions have already proved this. For example, when he said this sentence, he had already released a hand. On the neck of the beast, although this movement was relatively minor, it was still discovered by Chu Feng, so he naturally understood the meaning behind the current movement, so when the captain said this sentence , Chu Feng also answered within the first time.

"I speak up. Now that you have fulfilled my requirements, I will naturally fulfill my promise. You will ride him back to the city with me now. I will arrange work for you personally. I can Assure you, as long as you are capable of doing it, I can arrange it for you!"

What Chu Feng said was very angry, and he never planned to discuss with the thirteenth master. For things like this arrangement of work, the thirteenth master is naturally the most appropriate. After all, he is in two cities. Master, but the reason why Chu Feng didn’t do this was to prove that his words count, instead of shifting the responsibility of this matter to others. In addition, he was also to prevent some accidents. He was afraid to hand this matter to the ten. After the third master was resolved, the third master did not solve it so well, and some errors appeared, which ultimately affected the results he considered.

Therefore, in the end, he decided to take charge of this matter himself. Although it may be troublesome and delayed for some time to solve it by himself in this process, there is nothing to be affected for him. After all, he has already done it. Out of this level, and now that there is a promise, we must do what we say, not deliberately changing our minds!

"This is what you said! Okay, then I will tell you now, what is my decision!

Listen carefully, I want to stay by your side and be your assistant!

I don’t know if I’m qualified for this job. If I can, I hope you can promise me. If not, I hope you can give me reasons and let me give up! "

The current result was something that no one had thought of, and for the captain, it seemed that he had already planned it a long time ago, but he just didn't express it, but Chu Feng encountered a problem and left the captain by his side. , Is it good or bad? At present, he cannot make a correct judgment because he does not know what "medicine" is sold in the captain's gourd. In addition, he has never thought about finding an assistant to help him, because he has always been The Thirteenth Lord was by his side to communicate with him, and the Thirteenth Lord was naturally not an assistant. After all, the Thirteenth Lord had the supreme power. At best, he can only be regarded as a friend, and he has never considered the assistant, because he does not intend to stay here too long.

But now when the captain raised this matter, Chu Feng felt that he could really consider it.

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