Whimsical System

Chapter 1702: Inevitable acceptance

"It’s better that you have really considered it. If not, I would advise you to think about it again. Anyway, the result has already been presented to you. I will not refuse you. I can say this affirmative here. , Because I have promised you that I can give you any errands, so rejecting you is equivalent to breaking my previous promise, but if you make a decision now, then no changes can be made later, unless it is me Give up on the initiative, do you understand?"

Chu Feng wanted to stop the captain's retreat, and then let the captain retreat. However, he was obviously wrong about this. The captain did not give up because of this, but replied very firmly.

"I can tell you decisively that this matter will definitely not have any impact on me, and I will make this decision very directly. Don't worry, there is no problem. Even I can tell very firmly. You, even if you want to give up sometimes, I will stick to it firmly. Unless I cannot refute you for those reasons, I will never agree with your giving up on me. This is me. One of the guidelines."

For the current matter, there has basically been a definite result, and there has been no mistake. This is a matter that does not require too much speech to describe. The captain has made a decision, which means that everything has been determined, and more content will not change because of this. Anyway, the situation is like this, and the content has not been wrong.

It's just that this matter will be affected more or less at present, after all, he has already had certain factors from the beginning, and most of it will add some uncertain content. Although Lin Chufeng didn't feel that anything was affected now, he could think that in the future, there would be something he had never thought about but had already happened because of this matter.

But he is not very worried, because since something like this has already happened, he can accept it. There is nothing that cannot be handled properly, unless he can't solve it at all. If you have an assistant, you will have more help. . No matter what the origin of this assistant, no matter what intentions an assistant has, it is enough to play a role at the right time.

"Okay! Now that you have decided, then we don't need to think about it. You can stay by my side and be an assistant. I am willing to accept this result and give you a certain chance.

It’s just that I hope you can understand the problems that exist in this matter, which are also very big. Various things will appear in the future. If you can’t agree to solve them, you may not be competent for this position. Acceptable, but I cannot allow an incompetent person to stay by my side, so you have to be prepared in advance. "

Chu Feng felt that he could completely agree to this matter, but he must also make some reminders. If the current matter cannot be fundamentally resolved, then he can only choose to agree, but although he is willing to accept it, let the captain Serving as an assistant, but the captain must meet his requirements for all tasks. If he does not meet this standard, it means that he is not qualified for the job, so he must opt ​​out. This is not a persistent thing. , But a choice he must do.


"No problem, if it is because of my ability that I cannot hold this position by your side, then I will quit voluntarily, and I will not ask again. What other living conditions do you provide me? After all, at that time, I I am afraid there is no face to make this request."

The captain completely agreed with the conditions that Chu Feng put forward, and he also resolutely answered. In his opinion, there is nothing to hesitate about this matter, and it will definitely not make him worry about any thoughts. The current situation is basically The above has determined that as long as he can be an assistant to the punishment, then he will definitely have a certain ability to meet the needs of this position. Although he has never had this experience before, he has this confidence and he is willing to discard all his retreats.

Judging from the current situation, the decision he made is obviously a bit reckless. No one can give a fairly correct answer based on the decision he made. After all, based on the current conditions, he can have This kind of thinking basically proves that he has not done proper thinking, but is making a decision stubbornly, wanting to find the result, but in fact, when he makes this decision, will it appear? Accidents, in fact, anyone can see, because there is no one thing that can be a result without accident.

"This is what you said. I don't mean to force you. Now that you have made this decision, let you choose. Although I have never asked for an assistant, since you have this need , I can give it a try. I just hope you can do your job well and don’t cause unnecessary trouble."

Chu Feng agreed to the captain's request, and was also completely sure that this matter was reliable. In the eyes of the Shisanye, it was difficult to guarantee that there would be no accidents. Because this was originally a matter determined against the will of punishment, who can be sure that this matter will not be a problem, although based on the current situation, it is still able to be forced to accept, but this kind of forced acceptance , I am afraid that no one can know whether a certain result can be obtained.

"Don't worry, I have considered this matter carefully. I know what I should do, and I will follow your orders. Now you are the one who really gets the big bargain, although I am not a valuable product. But I can assure you that you will be able to get a lot from me."

With the captain’s statement, this matter has come to an end. The overall arrest plan has ended so far. Although it has not been completed, it has already achieved very good benefits. The Thirteenth Lord arranged for some soldiers. The spy who had just been arrested was sent back to the city. Now he has a full plan. Nearly dozens of people have been caught in their hands. The situation of the next team is basically clear at this moment. With the help of the captain, this matter is easier to achieve.

"Thirteenth Lord, shall we continue or rest first?"

Chu Feng didn't know the arrangement of the thirteenth master, so he needed to ask everything before he could know it.

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