Whimsical System

Chapter 1710: There is always something unexpected

"I have no problem. Although my body is a little different now, it will not affect our plan. In the process of my consideration, my body has never been a factor affecting the plan, so you don't have to worry. I only need a period of recuperation, and during the recuperation process, I can still do some things that I could do before!"

Regardless of whether the current Lord Shisan is telling the truth or lies, Chu Feng will listen to it as the truth, and he will never go against the idea of ​​the Lord Shisan. Now that the Lord Shisan insists to beat the swelling With a fat face, let him do this. Anyway, it’s only the Thirteenth that suffers in the end. Moreover, during this process, Chu Feng can also help him resist some. If the third is really unable to hold it. If it is, Chu Feng will naturally help him solve this series of troubles, even if it will make the Shisanye feel a little guilty of himself in the end, but this is no way. Is it possible to let the Shisanye face those alone? ? This is obviously impossible, besides, Lord Thirteen does not possess this ability himself!

"Of course you understand your own body. If you think there is no problem, then I naturally have no opinion. Anyway, we still have a certain plan in the future, and the related arrangements in the plan, I think it will not What special situation has occurred!

Of course, all of this still has to work on your body when it’s still intact. If you really have a problem that cannot be supported, I’m afraid it’s no longer for you. I will exercise my rights alone, and I will not I will obey your orders. I believe you can make a certain preparation in advance at this time. And when you say these things, I will face it with the attitude of believing in you. If this is not the case, then This matter can be studied! "

Chu Feng said that the ugly words first, anyway, how to deal with the following things, the thirteenth master must be prepared, their plan will not go, because he is alone and modified, this is currently Chu An attitude expressed by Feng, and it does not seem to be very different from what the Thirteenth Lord had asked before. In addition, from the current point of view, Chu Feng is really not worried about the situation of the Thirteenth Master. With the power to devour his body, the Thirteenth Master should not be in danger of any life, unless the other party also has a corresponding response. The ability of the thirteenth master can lose all resistance in a short time, otherwise, such life-threatening things would basically not exist.

"Don't worry, I'm ready, and I also hope you have enough confidence in me, what will happen if I have the power to swallow protection, and in the current situation, who can handle it? As for me, even my current injury is only caused by a momentary negligence, so you don’t have to worry about it, and you don’t have to worry about the current situation. Let’s do it according to the plan, and there will be others. The team needs to take action against me this time with an appropriate number.

As for you, eat the hardest bones and bring the fewest people as before! "

When the Thirteenth Lord said this sentence, he would more or less be a joke. After all, when he left, the part of the soldiers he took away was only a part of the total number.

As for the remaining part, it is enough for Chu Feng, and during this process, Chu Feng never felt that the thirteenth master had any deliberate actions, he just said casually. As for the real action, he did it very seriously, and there was nothing wrong with Chu Feng, and whether he was forcibly supporting himself or not, Chu Feng was willing to accept it.

Lord Shisan had left according to the plan. It didn't take long before and after. The implementation of this plan was a bit earlier. When the captain arrived here, he had not seen Lord Shisan at all. The captain was on the road. His speed was a little slower. I don’t know if he was deliberately waiting for the end of this place, or if he was indeed delayed for a while on the road. Anyway, the first sentence he said when he came here was to ask Chu Feng 13 Where did the Lord go.


"Why didn't you see the Thirteenth Lord, the battle here is over?"

The captain’s expression didn’t show any lies or the like at all, the feeling was as if he did come here in a hurry, but the speed was a little slower after all, maybe there was a problem with his route. Anyway, the final result is like this, and there will be no suspicion of confusion because of which aspect!

Chu Feng glanced at the captain, did not pursue this matter, and at this moment he did not have the leisure to think about this aspect.

"Don't worry about it. People have already solved those spies, and now we are rushing to carry out the next stage of the task. On the contrary, we have considered so much for nothing!"

Chu Feng was not self-deprecating either. At most, he was just sighing about this matter. In fact, it is completely understandable. Under the current situation, the problems that have occurred before and after are indeed a bit beyond everyone's expectations. Although it is reasonable, it will inevitably make people feel a little unacceptable!

"It seems that we are worried for nothing. Just now I made a special circle around here. I know you will definitely come here early, so I am not nervous. I also want to prevent any accidents when you shoot. But whoever thought, I thought things too complicated after all. If I had come here earlier, maybe I would not ask so many questions, nor would I do everything carefully before then. one thing!"

In the subsequent conversation, the team leader said why he came here so late. It turned out that he wanted to prevent some escape situations during the next challenge, so he did not observe the surrounding area first. I didn't come back here until I confirmed it was correct. As a result, the time was naturally delayed. This is a good explanation, and it can be justified.

"You are thinking more thoughtful than I am, but at this time your thoughtful thoughts are of no use. On the contrary, they will be a bit cumbersome, but it's nothing. The current situation can be more or less Understand, and a result like this is completely acceptable. Fortunately, there is no trouble. This will not make him have too many complicated thoughts!"

Chu Feng had many sighs, but most of these sighs were meaningless.

"I think so, so what shall we do next? Should we take a break or implement the plan as soon as he did. After all, this time is still a bit early!"

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