Whimsical System

Chapter 1721: Leave question

If it is said that the thirteenth master does not take it seriously, then he did give an order and wanted to send someone to investigate this matter, but if the thirteenth master valued this matter, how could he give the order so casually? He did it, but he didn’t pay any attention to it himself. Anyway, judging from the incident and response he has arbitrarily raised, he can’t find too many key “sexual” factors. For this incident, Chu Feng just Arrange people to investigate step by step. As for what the final result is, he actually thinks that if it can be done, it will be fine if it is not possible. There is nothing to be entangled with. The most appropriate thing is this matter, or you. Find a suitable method to solve it.

Maybe now the Thirteenth Lord just can’t take care of this matter, so he wants to arrange this matter so casually, just want to see a result, maybe after a while, he thinks of this matter, he will do it. Pay attention to it again, and by then, maybe you will be able to get a good conclusion. As for when this moment will come, Chu Feng has no such idea, and he thinks it shouldn't be too long. After all, when the next city is attacked, all well-prepared arrangements will be unfolded at that moment. Presumably, Lord Shisan must be able to remember this incident, especially since he can get some useful news during the interrogation process. Even if San Ye didn't want to pay attention to him, he had to put time on it, otherwise he would miss a lot of opportunities.

The most important thing is that he has already taken the plan to attack the city. He has to do a preparation now. If he does not investigate the causes of these aspects clearly now, he will miss many, many opportunities. This must be Some are not quite right.

Dealing with all matters in this area, basically the whole plan is about to come to an end. The capture in the air, so it has not yet reached the final moment, but the opportunity has become particularly prominent at this moment, and the task arrangement is not. It needs to be so close. According to the information currently available, you may not need to be too eager to implement the plan if you want to arrest them, because in most cases, these people already have a fixed time and opportunity to want to go. Some things contacted, and at this time basically only need to arrest them within a suitable time period. As for when and who will do it, it is not that important, because No matter who it is, even the soldiers themselves can achieve the same effect, because like the remaining spies, there is basically nothing that can be tricky, so the thirteenth master thinks that he should go back. Now the situation here. No need, he's been staring here all the time. Besides, after fighting here for so long, he is really tired. Going back to rest and make the next plan has become the focus of his consideration now.

"Chu Feng's situation here is almost the same now. You can stay or go back. Anyway, I already have the idea of ​​going back. No, let's go back. Go back and interrogate those arrested. The spy, maybe they can dig out a lot of things from them, and although the arrest is still going on, it is no longer necessary. The two of us are bound to know each other. Your assistant is good to me, and for our The arrest of him also understands very clearly, and even he has something more than we know. If this matter is left to him, it may be possible to complete."

The Thirteenth Master can basically say that he has made a decision now. He wants to go back to the city with Chu Feng to interrogate the spies, hoping to get some news from them. The time interval between before and after this is not very long. Chu Feng just thought of this matter. The time has changed and he has already made this decision. It seems that he really paid attention to this matter, but he did not just now. Putting his thoughts too focused, and now he made this decision is a great opportunity for the captain. The performance he just won before is now directly reused, which is simply a time for him. It was an excellent time to completely improve himself and change himself in the past. If he can accomplish this thing very properly, then basically he can completely get rid of the shadows before, but he now has some concerns that he is afraid, and wait until After Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Master left, he was unable to rectify these soldiers, and if he wanted to have more full rights at this time, it might arouse others' suspicion, after all, he just got such a If you have the opportunity, you want more rights. Doesn’t that make people think that he wants to control the army so much. If this is the case, then he may become a dangerous person, even if he doesn’t Without that kind of thought, then he also has such a possibility that makes people suspicious.

auzw.com In this situation, when he had such an idea, he felt that it was necessary to mention it to Chu Feng. He could not directly tell the Shisanye that the Shisanye master With the highest decision-making power, actually mentioned it to Chu Feng!

It was just an idea and suggestion, and as the Thirteenth Lord mentioned, he directly became an application. There is still a fundamental gap between the two, and he is Chu Feng’s assistant, and it is more convenient for Chu Feng. , So when he learned the news, and when the thirteenth master was about to make a decision, he also quietly told Chu Feng his thoughts.

"Chu Feng, don't you really want me to stay here?"

Chu Feng could see his hesitant look in the captain's eyes. He was indeed hesitant about this matter. He wanted to agree, but worried about the emergence of certain problems. He hovered around, wondering what to do. Make a result.

"This is the plan at the moment, but it still depends on your opinion. If you don't want to, we will naturally not force you. After all, under our force, you may not be able to display all your abilities. Now we are It depends on your attitude. If you are willing to do this, it will be appropriate. If you are not willing, then we will find someone else. It’s okay."

Chu Feng's attitude is not open enough. Nothing is irreconcilable to this matter, and he doesn't necessarily have to list the captain as his only goal. If it really doesn't work, then he can stay, anyway. Going back to the city to interrogate those spies is just a form of formality, and he will not be specifically responsible for this matter.

As a result, when Chu Feng answered him this way, the captain was still a little anxious, because he felt that if he nodded at this moment, then this opportunity would be far away from him.

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