Whimsical System

Chapter 1725: Soldier's self-acceptance

Therefore, when Chu Feng first learned of the news, his first reaction was that he felt a little strange, and then he began to doubt the accuracy of the news. However, looking at the appearance of the soldiers, it seemed that simple doubts could not confirm this. One point, because the soldiers did not pretend to play such a nervous look, and today is not a special holiday, there is no need to compose those lies to deceive him.

"I have been in contact with this city for a long time, but I have never heard of beasts. Even if there are beasts around here, it is only a small batch. How can it be in groups? The beast is attacking the city. Of course, I am not skeptical of what you said, but I think it is a bit strange."

Chu Feng did not directly refute this matter. He just wanted to know a reason. Even if this matter is so incredible, then he would choose to assume an understanding of "sex", but under the premise of this understanding, he must have There are certain reasons as a basis, otherwise he will not be able to carry out this belief to the end.

The panicked soldier was also aware of this incident at this time, and wanted to convince Chu Feng that a certain reason should be given, otherwise he would not be able to determine this matter, so he was also prepared and planned to make this matter. Explain it well.

"It’s like this. Although the beasts come from far-reaching places, they have received orders from some special species. Now they are coming towards the city, and they don’t know who intended it. Anyway, these beasts are Being tempted to go straight to the city has the meaning of attacking the city.

I believe you should also be able to understand the beasts. There is not much thought at all. At this time, you only need to give them a little temptation to "confuse" them, so they can do things that ignore their reason at all costs, so We can fully understand the occurrence of this incident, but at the same time as we understand this incident, we must also find a solution to the problem. That’s why I told you this incident at this time. The purpose is to learn from you. Here are some countermeasures to solve this matter. Fortunately now, you can believe what I said, but my current explanation does not know whether you can trust it. Anyway, what I say is the truth. If you don’t believe it, you can understand it. , But it is really helpless. "

The panicked soldier gave a more general explanation of this matter. He could hardly get much useful information from his explanation. Chu Feng was just guessing, and I believe that all of this might be true. If it is true, how to deal with it, anyway, the specific situation will remain at such a level, as for other things, it will be difficult to make a specific understanding.

"If you define it directly from this matter, I believe this matter, he is a bit too reckless, but what you said can be understood from a correct angle, at least the beast matter would rather be trusted. If there is something unbelievable and nothing happens, the consequences will be disastrous. Why not, let me take you to see the thirteenth master, you can tell him in front of him, I will not do this for you Even if it is false, there is no problem. You can say that you have heard it from others, and the Thirteenth Lord will naturally make a judgment at that time.

Chu Feng gave the soldiers an idea. In fact, when he said these words, Chu Feng himself was testing the soldiers through some small details to see where the soldiers got the information. If this was just heard by the soldiers, So now he can readily agree to this matter, but if he insists on stubbornly, perhaps this matter is a bit wrong.

As a result, after Chu Feng finished saying this, the soldier hesitated a little. Looking at his appearance, he was definitely not too easy to accept this incident. Maybe he really had other ideas, but he was still in It is not easy to express this idea at a stage that has not been determined.


"What's wrong? Are you in any trouble?" Chu Feng asked casually.

The soldier shook his head and said, "It's not so embarrassing. It's just that this matter was not heard from others, so if you really express this matter in this way, it will probably reduce the credibility of this matter. degree."

The matter gradually began to conform to Chu Feng's guess. At this moment, the soldier did not intend to adopt such a method, and he also emphasized that this matter was not hearsay, so this just provided Chu Feng with the opportunity to continue to question.

"You didn't tell from someone else, so how did you know this?"

Chu Feng asked decisively, because he had already prepared this question a long time ago, but he wasn't sure if he could ask it, but now it's almost time.

"This..." The soldier's hesitation can almost be expressed on his face, but he is hiding something, but the hesitation at this moment also highlights this problem.

"If you want to keep a little bit, then I won't force it, but after seeing Lord Shisan, I hope you don't be like this again. After all, Lord Shisan is not like me, who can have so much time to listen. You talk about these things."

This matter originally did not have any advantage for Chu Feng, but now the soldiers' hesitation has given Chu Feng a certain opportunity. Now the punishment can use this method to threaten the soldiers, even if the threat sounds somewhat It is too direct, but the overall meaning is like this.

"I know, it’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, but that I can’t be sure about this matter. Although I have seen it with my own eyes, I cannot guarantee the authenticity of this matter. To prove this matter, I really dare not make this guarantee, but if I really told others that it was my hearsay, then no one wants to believe this news at all. I know the situation of the thirteenth master, he I’ve never been too credulous in these things. If he just throws this kind of thing aside and ignores it, then it’s useless for me to learn the news. When the beasts really attack the city, it’s a disaster. It is estimated that the heavier ones will fall on myself, because I know it without reporting."

The soldiers' views on this matter seem to be unusual. Logically speaking, if an ordinary person treats this matter, their first thought is that he has already put forward this suggestion and was refuted by the leader. The ultimate responsibility for this matter will fall on the leader, but the soldier does not treat it that way. He feels that if the thirteenth master does not adopt his suggestion, then he will be fully responsible for the eventual problems. , So this idea is not very normal, but when soldiers have such an attitude, it is a good thing for the entire army.

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