Whimsical System

Chapter 1727: Responsible for investigation

"What happened later?" Thirteenth asked.

The soldier said: "Later, the subordinates found it a little strange, so they chatted with the hunters who caught the beasts at random. Through them, I learned that these beasts were found in the surrounding forests, and they also saw I have been to a large number of beasts, and according to their guesses like the trajectory of the beasts at this time, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach the city, and they also said that this matter is very strange, as if someone is controlling these. It's the same as the beast, because in normal times the beast doesn't dare to approach the city, but this time it seems a little different.

After the subordinates learned about this matter, they felt that something was too important, so they didn’t want to go back and rushed back. They just ran into Master Chu Feng on the road. They just told him about this matter. Actually, the subordinates are mainly worried. If you come to see you directly, you may not have time to see me because of busy work, and you will not be trusted because this matter is just some guesses of your subordinates, but if such a problem really occurs , Then the subordinates really cannot afford this responsibility. "

Leaving without authorization is relatively harsh for a team. If a soldier leaves without authorization, then he will definitely be punished severely. Now this soldier even admits leaving without authorization. , But this matter really has a certain degree of credibility for him.

"Thirteenth Lord, I think this matter is still relatively credible. Although this is only his analysis, but this analysis alone seems to be able to draw some important data, and he has actually seen a beast."

Chu Feng felt that he had to make some reminders. Although this was only a side word of the soldier at the moment, such an unauthorised resignation was not something ordinary soldiers were willing to bear. Now soldiers are even willing to admit this. It means that this matter should have a certain degree of importance.

At present, under Chu Feng’s proposal, it is really not easy for the thirteenth master to ignore this matter too much. In addition, the beasts attack the city. This is still a relatively important matter for a city. If it is true If something goes wrong, I am afraid it will not be solved in a short time.

"Although there are many doubts about this matter, Chu Feng, you are right. We really shouldn't ignore this matter too casually, but if we really want to pay attention to this matter, then Doesn't it mean that we have to have some affirmation about this matter, otherwise it is estimated that there will be a big problem, and I am also wondering whether this matter will have a cause.

If anyone really has suggestions for our city, then it is indeed too easy to use this method, and who can have the ability to "fuck" wild beasts. I have never had anything to do with this. I heard others say, maybe we have to investigate. "

At this moment, one thing can be confirmed from the tone of the thirteenth master, that is, the thirteenth master can be said to have temporarily accepted the matter at this moment. Although he has not been confirmed, he is willing to do some thinking first, and in the end In fact, an accurate judgment has not yet been obtained.


"The investigation is affirmative, and the most important thing is that we must do a good job in the defensive work of this city. It hasn't been long since we succeeded in this city. If such a problem arises at this time, it will still be a big test for us. , Although the beast attacking the city does not sound so scary, but who knows that there will be no human factors in the process? If someone really prepares for this deliberately, then the final result is estimated to be somewhat It's hard to figure out."

Chu Feng has always reminded him that now he has a lot of speculations about this matter, and there are particularly a lot of unsure "sex". Now saying these words on the one hand is to prove his idea, on the other hand, we also want Express your opinions as clearly as possible. In fact, if you treat this matter from a fairly normal angle, most of the time this matter can be completely understood.

Chu Feng always pays attention to some strange things, and he is also good at observing those things that are not valued by others. Now this is just in line with his taste, but he is not very willing to pay attention to such things with himself. It doesn't matter much.

"The city's defense work, even if there is no beast attack, we still have to prepare. Since there is such an incident now, let's just take advantage of this matter to make arrangements. Chu Feng, I don't want to trouble you to manage it. This is not the case. If you investigate this matter, I always feel that no one is more suitable for your soldiers. If you want them to do these things, there will inevitably be some problems, and their own strength is also limited. If there is any accident, I am afraid that even they themselves will not be able to protect, and the punishment of you is different. Your strength is stronger than them, and there are not many people in this space that can become yours. Opponent, so letting you be responsible for this matter is naturally the most appropriate."

The words of the Thirteenth Master had some meaning to discuss with Chu Feng. After all, Chu Feng is not under his management nowadays. Even if there is something to be arranged for Chu Feng, he must follow Chu Feng’s attitude. So even if the thirteenth master wanted to arrange this matter to Chu Feng, it was basically impossible.

However, from the current point of view, Chu Feng seems to be able to accept this matter. At least he is not too repulsive, and he also feels that if he can do his part, it is entirely possible. Anyway, there is something. It's better to do than to sit idle in the city.

Therefore, basically Chu Feng did not hesitate, but agreed to this matter very happily, and he also made a request, that is, to take this soldier with him to investigate this matter.

As for Chu Feng’s request, the Shisanye would naturally have no opinion, but just bringing a soldier, which is not a particularly important matter, and the soldier was also the main eyewitness who discovered the incident in the first place. Chu Feng went to investigate with this soldier, it was naturally the most appropriate, and the most important thing was that Chu Feng was willing to go.

"I'll go with him. After all, this matter started because of him, and he has to participate in part, and if this matter really results, it may also be an opportunity for him to improve. It would be a shame if someone as careful as him can't reuse it."

"No problem, you two, then go together. You can control the timing. I don't know how long this matter will last, anyway.

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