Whimsical System

Chapter 1736: Encounter with the hunter

The reason is simple. At present, he can't find a suitable solution. Since so many people have already made this decision, can he make some judgments according to their ideas? Even in this judgment, it is not possible to get a practical "sexual" solution, but at least everyone has determined it together. Even if it fails, it cannot be blamed on anyone else. .

So this is naturally a good way, but it’s a bit risky for young people, and he can’t control this matter. Nobody can make a judgment about the final result, but no matter what, even if it’s not correct The solution to the problem can also be understood, because the current situation is like this, and no one can control it casually, so the young people did not feel too much pressure, but felt a little helpless.

At the same time, just as the chaos was going on here, Chu Feng and the soldiers just rushed here. , In the originally quiet forest, there was such a large agitation suddenly, which was indeed noticeable.

"What's the situation? Why do I seem to hear the sound of a beast."

The soldier was a little surprised by this. Originally, he thought he could spot the beast first, but now it seems that the beast would not find it because of him at all. Instead, it stood up on its own.

"I also heard it. It's not like, but there are real beasts, and there seems to be a lot of trees, but I'm not sure where they are now."

The soldier can directly affirm this matter, because he knows the sounds of beasts very well. After all, he has seen it once before, and the roars of beasts like that are mostly reptiles, which are also weird. of.

"It seems that there is a situation. I think it will not be long before we can find them, and we can also find some amazing clues in them."

Chu Feng didn't need to guess anything at all. The situation he was exposed to had basically determined these things. The beasts are infested, and they are still not far from the hunters. If all goes well, the hunters should have conflicted with the beasts. Even the beasts appear here. It is entirely because of the hunters, although this matter cannot be obtained. A fundamental "sexual" affirmation, but this can already be a judgment from this matter.

"Couldn't those hunters have already had a conflict with the beasts, if this is the case, then the trouble will be great, do we need to save them, this is too embarrassing for us."

The soldiers can naturally guess Chu Feng’s intentions, but for Chu Feng’s decision, he still can’t make up his mind. How can he be sure of this matter? In fact, maybe he doesn’t need to think more, he just wants to find someone to solve it. It’s not so easy to save those hunters. This is not a simple matter for the two of them, and it also requires a certain price. You must know the strength of the two of you and want to fight the beasts. It is still difficult to attack.

And now Chu Feng has not expressed his thoughts clearly, so he can't make a correct judgment about this matter, but he is waiting for Chu Feng, and he seems to have to wait like this, nothing else. Solution.


"If there is no accident, it should be like this, but you don’t have to worry about it. Even if there is a conflict, it’s not a big deal. As long as the beasts don’t kill them all, then it’s a goal for us. Look at you in the past and don't go any further. I am worried that the beasts will find you and cause attacks on you. In this case, it will be troublesome for me to protect you, let alone protect them."

Chu Feng intends to look forward, and at this time the weakness of the soldier is revealed. He cannot have a head-on conflict with the beast, so this means that he must be guarded during this process and not appear. Some accidents prevented wild beasts from attacking him, but now Chu Feng also wants to save some trouble, lest the soldiers here suffer the beast attack, and he lacks the skills to take care of both.

"Okay, then I will wait for you here."

The soldier actually didn't want to move forward, and now Chu Feng just didn't want to let him do this, so he got such an opportunity to do what he wanted to do. In fact, he didn't have much to do, just waiting here to guard against some special circumstances, and now that the sound of the beasts became more and more intense, he also worried that the position he was in at the moment seemed unsafe. It is obviously necessary to find a safer place right now, but in the process, he has to make some judgments to prevent too big accidents.

After the soldiers have arranged it, it will be convenient and there will be less trouble. At this moment, he is pushing the swallowing force into the air. Although the light is really dim in the mountains and forests at this time, as long as it survives in the air, the visible distance of the light will gradually start to expand, until it reaches the clearest level.

And as the distance progressed, Chu Feng was also vaguely aware of the central point of the turbulence of the beasts. In fact, it was a tree trunk. There were these black shadows under the trunk. At this moment, Chu Feng was in the forest. He couldn't perceive what was in the depths of the forest, so he had to land to be able to look carefully, but the landing was also a state of affairs for him, and there was a certain degree of danger in the process.

But there is no way. In order to be able to guarantee the affirmation of this matter, even if there is a certain risk in doing so, Chu Feng can't refuse, so he can only make a dangerous landing, and his height is as good as possible into the forest. Among them, when the line of sight in front of his eyes gradually dimmed or even entered the darkness, the silhouettes of the hunters gradually appeared in front of him.

When Chu Feng discovered these hunters, these hunters were just ready to go to other tree trunks and want to try to leave. As a result, Chu Feng’s appearance scared them and also blocked them. Cut off their actions at the moment.

"If this is the case for you, it is estimated that none of you can leave here alive."

Chu Feng doesn't care whether this method is really effective. The new flame retardant is what he wants to do at present, and he doesn't need to think about it at all, because things like this simply cannot help them consider.

"who are you?"

The young man came out like this at this time. As the leader of this team, he must highlight his position to prove that he really has the ability to lead this team, no matter when.

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