Whimsical System

Chapter 1760: Danger zone

In fact, as he gradually penetrated into the forest, Chu Fengdao also understood more and more. Perhaps his purpose of this trip was not just for the beasts, but one more aspect was the hope that he could have something through the appearance of the beasts. Obtained.

Among the various problems that are currently appearing, the most important one is that Chu Feng is not sure what he can gain from this trip, but now he is clearer and clearer. The appearance of the beast may be just an unknown risk, and now this risk is not unsolvable, but he can’t get rid of it. If he hadn’t been exposed to this matter before, perhaps he would not have gone for it. Thinking, but now that it has been integrated into this matter, it can’t be thrown aside casually, regardless of whether it is asked, and Chu Feng is also considering whether it can be better through one study. Many things.

In fact, the existence of many things can be fixed, and some certain factors can be understood in it. If Chu Feng wants to leave here, he must fully absorb and digest his own understanding of this place, but now There seems to be more and more unknown dangers in this space, and Chu Feng doesn’t know what these unknown dangers actually represent. He just feels that he needs to keep exploring to learn more and determine some fixed factors. , And as for whether these fixed factors will bring any particularly big changes, he actually couldn't think of it.

So in the end he came to a conclusion that he should try his best to do something that makes him feel satisfied.

"After crossing this congested passage, you are almost at the core of this forest!

I think there should be no wild beasts around here, and there will not be too many dangers, anyway, now I have not found anything inappropriate! "

While the young man introduced, he continued to search there, but in fact he couldn't find the situation around here at all.

And he is also not aware of the surrounding situation, maybe he does not know whether the impact of this environment will cause too many changes to them!

"Go ahead! I want to see what the dangerous place you have been describing exaggeratedly is!"

Chu Feng had no idea about the unknown, all he wanted to do was to explore the dangerous influence!

Anyway, when he faced these problems just now, the idea in his mind was to go to that place as soon as possible to investigate it and see what the situation was there.

auzw.com And he doesn’t have any special expectations, because in his opinion, even if there is a real danger, it just gives him more opportunities to solve the danger, and this opportunity is also Not what he expected.

Even if it is for young people to deal with this matter, it feels that it is even more troublesome. If it can get rid of trouble, it would be better.

"In fact, I really want to see what kind of sight he is like, but I am worried, alas, I will regret it a little after reading it, because I am not sure whether I can bear the scene that comes after that. The effect, even I am a little worried. When I encounter these problems, I can solve them myself. If I can’t, I’m afraid it will be a little troublesome, and I’m not sure whether we can smoothly follow Leaving here, now I also know that it is difficult even to look back, but it is always more leeway than directly entering and facing danger!"

Young people have fear in their hearts, but this is also a very normal thing. It is also appropriate to have fear in some special circumstances, but he thinks that this fear may have a great impact on him, and he does not know it. How to make a decision, especially at the stage when some normal things are about to highlight its value and bring some huge impacts, this is even more unacceptable.

After careful consideration for a period of time, the two people made a decision very tacitly, and quickly confirmed the matter.

Chu Feng felt that he had nothing to hesitate at all. This incident would not have any particularly bad effects on him, and he also knew that doing so was a process that had to be passed, and there would be no other problems. No other problems are allowed, so when these things are considered clearly, the solution of the problem becomes very simple, and there is no need to think too much.

Entering an important position in the forest is a big adventure. In fact, this kind of adventure has been determined from the beginning, and in Chu Feng’s view, this is not an adventure, but young people have made it too magical. That's why this huge pressure is generated. Now it seems that this kind of pressure does not need to be too entangled with its existence, and they will never consider the impact of this pressure.

Anyway, the end result is that this matter will not cause too much trouble, and it will definitely not make people difficult to accept. From the overall point of view, this is a fixed thing and it is completely acceptable.

The two people are in the most central position of the forest. It is a corner that is no different from other places. It is also extremely cold, and there is no sound of animals. It seems that no matter where you analyze it, it is no different. , But young people will always have some unreliable minds at work, even he feels that the danger has come, but they are not aware of it for the time being.

"I think my worries should be justified, but now I cannot prove my worries are justified, and I am also considering whether I should do more thinking on this matter, otherwise there will be problems eventually. Yes, but now it’s useless to think about it too much, because no matter how much you consider in the final settlement, the things you need to face will eventually be faced, and there will be more and more troublesome issues that make it difficult to make choices !"

The young man has a lot of reflection, but this matter may not be too important to him, and there may even be some uncertain factors. People who wander around in it do not know what to do. How to make such a judgment.

"There is no danger. I always feel that there is never any danger here. It's just that we take this matter too importantly, so we have some wrong judgments. If it is only an analysis from a superficial level, then this This kind of thing is normal. Now that we have walked through the most dangerous zone you call the most dangerous zone, I am afraid it will be time to pass through this forest next!"

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