Whimsical System

Chapter 1763: The only excuse

Chu Feng felt that he had completely discovered the problem, and he had to get a real answer at this time.

And he also knew that when he asked this question, the young man would definitely not be able to give him an answer, because things like this kind of fallen leaves came too suddenly, and on the other side of the forest, the young man never came. , But why did he do the previous explanations? This makes Chu Feng puzzled!

"Let me guess what you think, do you find it difficult to answer this question now, because you don't know what is going on, and you even start to regret it. Why did you have to explain it before? If you can tell me why you want to explain, maybe I can relax about this matter, but if you can't tell me, maybe I will do more to investigate this matter!"

Chu Feng did this for no other purpose. It was just to make young people feel a little worried about this matter. In fact, this is not a serious matter. It just wants young people to tell the truth. He knows what he wants to express. , Speak as much as you like now, don’t have reservations!

At this time, Chu Feng's question did indeed have an unexpected effect.

Regardless of whether it will lead to some other answers, when he asked this question, the young man was ready to answer, and he was unwilling to give some different responses!

"I regret to say those things before, but if I push back and let me reflect, then I really can't say anything, because when I answer your question, I have considered I want you to relax and not be too nervous, because there will be a lot of problems in this forest. If you have to deal with such nervousness every time a change occurs, it may be a little too impatient, or even There is no good result for the solution of the matter!

So as long as I can answer, I think there is nothing to be surprised, then I will tell you directly to let you relax your guard, don't worry too much!

But now it seems that I’m not doing it right. Sometimes I should be wary of this matter. Otherwise, there are some problems that I can’t solve. For example, I have encountered problems that I can’t solve. Now you When I asked if I wanted to get a result from me, it was a very difficult thing, because I couldn't make this answer at all, and I didn't know how to answer it!

But even if I don’t know how to answer, I’ll still tell you seriously how I think about this matter. In such a place, the falling leaves may be related to the temperature drop, but I may now I feel that the temperature drop is definitely not an accidental phenomenon!

Especially when the temperature is lowered to allow fallen leaves to appear, this problem is even more bizarre. There is no particularly high altitude here, and we are all flat ground all the way, so there will be no altitude problems at all!

So in this matter, there is only one result we can get, and that is that we have encountered a problem that we have never encountered before. As for whether this is deliberately caused by someone, I don't know! "

The young man’s answer was very sincere. If he were to make a judgment about his answer at this time, basically no one would directly doubt him!

Of course, there are accidents in everything. Even if you don’t doubt it, you have to ask a few more why. This is Chu Feng’s purpose of handling this matter at this time, and he also knows that if he can’t handle this If you ask more questions about one thing, it is very likely that other problems will arise, which is actually something that people cannot accept.

"Of course you don't know what caused this result, because you have no connection with this matter at all.

However, even if I know that you have no connection with this matter, this still does not affect the changes that have taken place in this matter.

We are all in the midst of this weird thing, even if we don’t know what happened to it now, we still have to invest in it to find a result! "

auzw.com Chu Feng deliberately emphasized that in a sense, he has basically stated his ideas.

Therefore, even if the current young man is unwilling to mix this matter, he can't escape at all.

At this moment, instead of rejecting and then being forced to accept, it is better to accept directly and be more straightforward!

"Yes, we really should intervene in this matter!"

Basically, young people don’t need to say much, because no matter how much they say, the most important thing is to express his attitude towards this matter. So in this matter, it’s better to say too much. Accurate!

"Yes! It seems that you also know what I want to express. Now that you know what I think, let's talk about it first. Let's start with the investigation."

Chu Feng looked at the opportunity and waited specifically for the young man to say this, and then directly questioned this question.

He didn't ask this question entirely with the idea of ​​making things difficult for young people. He just felt that no matter what, he had to listen to the young people's ideas first. After all, young people have always been more in this respect. experienced!

So if you get some suggestions from him first, you might be able to elicit more ideas.

In addition, in addition to this aspect that Chu Feng considers to be more important, the more important aspect is that currently Chu Feng has no idea about this matter at all, so he can only listen to the opinions of young people first!

"This one……"

The young man suddenly encountered such a question, and it was basically impossible to be able to answer it smoothly, especially in front of Chu Feng, he still had so much nervousness in his heart.

"what happened?"

Chu Feng asked nonchalantly, as if there was nothing to notice about this matter.

"It’s nothing, I just don’t know how to answer. After all, these questions are basically outside the scope of what I know. If I were to answer, I’m worried that my thoughts may be very different from the matter itself. different.

You said, if it is because of my analysis that causes problems to be resolved and deviations occur, isn't it a bit bad? "

Young people have to find an excuse for not being able to answer the question. Even he does not know how to answer, but he has to find an excuse to solve it.

Therefore, being afraid of taking responsibility at this time has become the only excuse young people can use.

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