Whimsical System

Chapter 1765: Outside the forest

The young man feels that he has a bitterness in his heart and cannot tell. This is a very simple thing. I really don’t know under what circumstances it suddenly changed. The peculiar smell he originally existed gradually became complicated, and this complexity also directly affected On his body, it is not so easy for him to investigate this matter now. Even if he wants to implement this idea and investigate it in one go, it will take a certain amount of time and opportunity!

What's more, even if it is the result of the investigation, what can be done? What kind of changes can be made to the matter itself? In fact, the young man didn’t see anything meaningful from this incident. At most, it was Chu Feng. He was a little interested in this incident, and then asked him to investigate. As for what Chu Feng mentioned , He went to take charge of the situation on the other side of the forest, but the young man didn't understand whether he was in charge of the investigation or just wanted to look at the scenery there.

"If you stay here for a while longer, I will give you a certain amount of devouring power to protect yourself. If you really have any trouble then, you will notify me as soon as possible. I believe I will be able to get over. !

In addition, if you find any new clues, you can also notify me. Anyway, as long as it is helpful to this matter and is not known to me, he can directly notify me, but tell me what happened. Something, maybe I can really find a realistic answer based on the clues you have given! "

Chu Feng felt that it was necessary for him to tell this matter how to solve it at this time, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble in the later period, or the young man himself didn't know how to do it and then made a "random" decision!

In fact, Chu Fengdao can be considered far-sighted about this matter. He always feels that there are some unknown things in the matter itself. Now, if you investigate it carefully, you can also make some changes to the matter itself. .

But if you just proceed from this perspective, it seems that it is not comprehensive to make a judgment on this matter. It is just that now that we talk about other things, Chu Feng does not know where to analyze it, so investigate It's just one aspect of it, but it can only start from this aspect at the moment.

"The power of swallowing, I don’t think I need it anymore. I think I can still protect myself here, and I guess that intelligence is very important to you. I also know that if you hand him over to me, then Doesn't this add a danger to you, and I don't know how to apply it!"

The young people all "sexually" rejected the deal of Devouring Power. Of course, this was completely based on the basic knowledge that he didn't know what the power of delay meant.

If he knew this, he would naturally not have this sentence, blurting it out.

And in this matter, there are many grounds for not being able to make judgments.

At this time, Chu Feng naturally wanted to give some explanations on this issue. Otherwise, he would really not be able to keep his plan going. The young man felt that he could save himself. This was just his own self-righteousness. And if there was any danger, he would probably regret making such a decision.

"For me, the power of devouring is like a steady flow of blood in the body, and even if this part of me is completely abandoned to you, it will not have any impact on me!

So you don’t have to worry about the changes to me after the devouring power is lost. As for the aspect that you will not use the devouring power, there is actually nothing to worry about. What I can do now is to make the journey of devouring. Obey your orders and protect you, even if you do not take any command, Devouring Force will take the initiative to provide protection to you. I believe this aspect should not make you too embarrassed! "

Chu Feng explained in detail about the power of swallowing, as far as possible to let the young man understand the importance of this matter and to protect himself, he can only rely on his own focus.

In short, after listening to these explanations, although the young man is not particularly clear about some parts, he basically understands the power of swallowing, which may not be so important to Chu Feng, and the power of swallowing is for him. But it may be an important tool to save lives at critical moments.


Therefore, under the generalization of the scope between the two, the determination of some truths naturally does not need to be too careful to study.

So at first the young man nodded decisively, and then accepted the gift of Devouring Power.

After finishing all the punishment and arrangement, he directly used the power of devouring to turn wings and leaving this forest. He felt that there was nothing left to worry about. The young man had the protection of devouring power, and he could also Intervene in the young man's next plan anytime and anywhere, but he would not do anything in these areas under normal circumstances.

After all, all this was done in a secret situation. If the young man knew that even though Chu Feng had left, he was still monitoring him, it would inevitably make people feel unsuitable.

Chu Feng left the forest and came to another area. This was the farthest place he had been to since he came to this space.

At the beginning, I only knew this space, which was different from the space he was familiar with. But he didn't realize it until now that this is different, and there may have been differences from the very beginning.

In this space, are humans really in power? Perhaps Chu Feng has always thought so, but now he thinks he should change his opinion, because in an unknown corner of this space, there will also be some worlds without humans.

Across the other side of the forest, it was a thick sandy bush.

And the plants growing in these beaches are filled with dangerous breath in the gaps.

The surrounding environment seems to be darker than in the forest, but it is not the shadows brought by the trees, but the real sky.

Dark clouds in the sky are rolling, and it seems that there will be an unexpected downpour in the near future.

But in the dark clouds rolling, there was no thunder rolling hidden.

It seems that it is a kind of "color" color, just like those ordinary clouds, just used to decorate the sky.

As for the heavy rain that has always been expected, it has not appeared in this desert, and drought has become synonymous with it.

Chu Feng landed gently, touching the soft sand with the soles of his feet.

In addition to the burning sensation, the overall atmosphere is still acceptable, especially the vegetation full of vitality, which makes people feel the meaning of life.

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