Whimsical System

Chapter 1770: Flying stones

It happened too suddenly, even if Lao Chu was prepared, he couldn't deal with such a result at all, besides, he was not prepared for anything at all now, and the thing had happened directly.

A fireball came straight to Chu Feng like a meteorite falling to the ground, and Chu Feng seemed to have no angle at all to avoid it.

When Lao Chu discovered this, Chu Feng also realized the problem, but what could he do now? At present, besides using the power of swallowing to resist for himself, there is no other way to solve the current trouble.

As a result, the little stone came to Chu Feng with sparks, and penetrated Chu Feng one after another. After several layers of devouring power barriers, it gradually disappeared and turned into a pool of ashes.

You must know that for the emergence of this incident, it was unexpected by everyone, and it happened too suddenly and violently enough, so after being consumed to ashes at this point in time, Chu Feng did not relax at all. Apparently, on the contrary, he became more nervous. He worried that the surrounding attacks would come in front of him at the same time. If the number became huge, he might not be able to resist it at all.

Moreover, a very strong worrying thought has already ignited in his heart. Thoughts like this can be solved by more than just his own restraint. Because he had already determined in his heart that this kind of danger would arise, and it was definitely not something he could cope with, so everything that happened next would be directly connected with this worry in his heart, making Chu Feng unable to go. To solve it, all Chu Feng's mind was thinking about was the situation that the stone just now was about to fall in front of him.

"Are you OK?"

Although Lao Chu had already reacted to the danger just now, when he asked this question, the matter had already passed for a long time.

"It's okay! I was really scared to death just now. If this stone falls directly on me, I am afraid I will have a penetrating injury directly to my body. Don't think it is just a stone, but it is enough to hurt me. "Life" poses a threat. If I could not react in time, I still don't know what the situation will be like!"

Although Chu Feng didn't look like that panting, his expression had indeed changed significantly, and he also knew what kind of threat the danger would pose to him.

So at this moment, every move he does is to establish a premise that is sufficient to ensure safety, and when he says these words, his eyes have been hovering around, observing the surrounding situation, lest there will be more There was an attack and something!

"What happened just now is indeed a bit unexpected, but it is not surprising. You have already said that you are most vulnerable to attacks by others on the ground. The attack has already come. To be able to stay here, as a living target, you have to find ways to solve these problems. You must never let others treat you as a soft persimmon!"

When Lao Chu said these words, the punishment really wanted to refute him, because it was an act of standing without backache, but the current situation seemed to be impossible to refute directly, because the current situation is indeed the case!

"Oh! I was really careless. I always thought that my own strength has reached a relatively high level. There are not too many people who can threaten my safety. But now it seems that I have made a wrong judgment. , And I also know that I am so confident in this matter, but this thing that I am confident in cannot be believed at all. Now I need to change, but will I encounter it again in the process What about other people’s offenses? This is something I dare not imagine!"

auzw.com When Chu Feng said these words, wings were already gathered behind his back. At this moment, he wanted to leave here by flying again to avoid these dangers.

But when he made this decision, it had been shown from multiple aspects that he made the decision at the moment, and it was too late!

"According to my judgment, you should not be able to do this. Although you want to leave now, and you have enough strength to leave here, the current situation is not just what you see!

I think if you can, you'd better not change your way forward, because if you fly, it is estimated that those things will be more accurate for your attack, because you can't dodge in the air, and you can devour power. You still maintain it all the time. If you stay in the air to implement these two aspects, and at the same time test the power of swallowing, I guess you will not achieve this goal at all!

So in order to avoid this series of problems, you'd better not do this! "

Lao Chu is just trying every means to persuade, but he has not found any way to solve the problem, and according to his statement, to solve a problem, it is necessary to conduct research and analysis in many aspects!

But if you just judge from these aspects of research and analysis, it seems that there are some less appropriate.

"Then what should I do according to your opinion? Just stay here and let others threaten me all the time. It was just a stone, and it has caused such a big trouble. If it is a large quantity If so, how should I respond? I really can’t imagine, and it’s too dangerous for me!”

Although Chu Feng’s current situation is not too crisis, at least he already has some worries, and he is also trying to avoid these problems, but he later discovered that some things seem to be unavoidable. And even Lao Chu only made an objective suggestion, but he couldn't solve these problems at all!

"Okay! I knew you would ask this question, but if you just ask me to tell you an answer, then I don't know where to start!

However, I can give you an idea to avoid too many dangers! "

Old Chu was originally unwilling to participate too much, but later he felt that if he did not participate, it might cause more problems, so there was no way, he could only infiltrate it again to make changes!

"any solution?"

Chu Feng is currently in a predicament, and he naturally hopes to find a way to solve the current problem.

So when he heard that Lao Chu had a way, he acted very eagerly, and it could even be said that he was eager to find a way to solve the problem and deal with the current troubles!

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