Whimsical System

Chapter 1772: Persuade to leave

Chu Feng still has the advantage in terms of speed. After all, he has always had a high requirement on his body, so when he was training physically, he never relaxed, and this is just right here. It is a very good embodiment.

The completeness of the body and the acceleration of running speed made Chu Feng gradually feel a feeling of escaping and ascending to heaven, but this feeling is basically unreliable.

Because at any time, even if you feel that you are about to leave this predicament, you can't touch the edge of victory. At this time, Chu Feng has been reminding himself so that he must not be taken lightly. And with such a reminder, Chu Feng did things more carefully, at least he would not relax his vigilance too casually, and the more he thought about it in his heart, the faster his feet would speed up. Get up, there is no doubt that this is a good move, at least for the current situation, it will help Chu Feng out of the current crisis state.

It’s just a pity that nothing will end so easily and smoothly. Even if Chu Feng is ready and feels that he can get out of here, he still cannot escape when the crisis comes. One after another, the devouring power barriers are destroyed, and the destroyed things are still stone-like things. The same barriers are also because of the appearance of these stones, one by one turned into the powder of the swallowing power, in fact due to The power of devouring has been under Chu Feng's control before, and the ability to resist is naturally higher, but these barriers will never be held by Chu Feng, so when these barriers are attacked by stones, they are basically instantaneous. Will collapse.

It was as if a pile of dust was picked up by the gale for no reason, but his current state was indeed destroyed.

Therefore, a situation like this is basically impossible to prevent. No matter which force is involved, it is impossible to change the current situation. Chu Feng feels that he is gradually being approached, because he is the fastest escape direction. He also made it himself, but fortunately, his choice this time seems to be correct, because the stone attack is behind him, indicating that the opponent hiding in the dark is pursuing him at this moment, but has not been able to. When he approached Chu Feng, Chu Feng felt that he still had a chance to escape from the pursuit, but if he wanted to do this, he had to run as hard as he could and must not relax.

Otherwise, it may fall into the opponent's hands if you are not careful. In fact, if it was just a face-to-face fight, Chu Feng was not afraid, but now he didn't even know where his opponent was and what kind of strength he had.

So he didn't dare to face it directly, and because of the existence that he didn't dare, so that caused Chu Feng to be in a passive state of being beaten.

"Don't stop, now he just wants you to fight him. I have fully seen his mind. There is no doubt that the current direction of your escape is correct. If no accident, as long as you can stick to it. , Then you can leave here smoothly."

auzw.com Lao Chu seems to have seen clues from this, and he can hear the reminders that he has made. He has analyzed the specific situation and has his own With the assistance of Lao Chu now, coupled with Chu Feng’s own analysis, fleeing all the way has basically become a foregone conclusion. Unless there is a special situation, Chu Feng will not change at all. plan.

Logically speaking, this should be considered a relatively good decision. At this time, as far as what Chu Feng is currently encountering, Chu Feng basically has some room for resistance.

"Of course I know, I will definitely not stop. Now he is behind me. As soon as I stop, I will plunge into his arms. Then the little stones will not come straight to me. I Can't stand that feeling!"

Obviously, Chu Feng is already standing on the same thinking mode as Lao Chu, so the answer he made at this moment is completely understandable, and when he makes this decision, he can basically prove that he has already After thinking about it, how to deal with these problems next, even if the danger that exists next is not necessarily in the expectations of the two of them, but at least they are ready to deal with the problem, and they feel that As long as they can take the current troubles seriously, they can completely solve the current troubles.

So when the two minds are basically the same and there will be no major mistakes, the two of them will have the ability to deal with problems, and even the two of them are still preparing together in the next plan. How to proceed to the next stage of escape.

"I think we still have to get out of here in a way. As I said just now, for you, this place is simply a place to test your strength. Although you now have the ability to save your life, who knows what will happen next? What happened!

If there are some crisis situations later that you can’t deal with, I think it’s better to leave here as soon as possible. There is nothing you can linger here anyway, even if you are curious and want to explore the situation here, Then there is no need to put one's own "life" here, and I also feel that even if there are some people or things aimed at us in a place like this, there is no need to treat it too deliberately. "

From the current words of Old Chu, we can basically know that he has lost all interest in this matter, and the loss of this interest is not because he has no curiosity, but because the current situation has changed. , Making him feel too sudden, do not know how to do it.

So he wanted to persuade Chu Feng to leave here as much as possible. If he treats this matter from a normal angle, it can be understood that the current situation has suddenly changed, and Lao Chu feels Chu Feng’s safety. He was worried, so he hoped that Chu Feng could escape here as soon as possible, and that he would not encounter too many crises in this matter. After all, the safety of Chu Feng’s life directly affected his destiny. He didn’t want to leave himself without a trace. The resistance is in vain. Then he took all his fate into it. But for Chu Feng, the two of them are destined to have different ideas.

Even though Chu Feng is in danger now, and he also feels the arrival of this kind of crisis, he does not have any thoughts of leaving here. The reason is simple. Although the current situation is urgent and critical, it is not. Without causing the greatest trauma to Chu Feng, Chu Feng felt that he still had a chance.

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