Whimsical System

Chapter 1792: I want to challenge you

A series of attacks came, causing both Chu Feng and the old man to suffer great trauma. This time it was not a stone, but something that circulated water, but when the water touched the human body, it was as hard as steel.

Draw an arc in the air, and finally land on the ground, leaving deep pits on the ground. No one knows what kind of attack it is, like water drops, but its quality and state are completely different from water drops. Anyway, they The fighting situation was broken because of these things, and all that followed was surrounded by a group of people.

Chu Feng's guess was overturned after all, and Lao Chu's guess was the same.

Chu Feng has always felt that the people living here are not humans, but may be mice of another species. They all feel that the attack just now may be some machines or the like. As it turns out, these two guesses are wrong.

It is true that the humans living in this area are no different from those that Chu Feng had seen before, and the thirteenth masters and his group are no different.

The only difference is that they have some special abilities, and this special ability also acts on the structure of the body. Their arms have two elbows.

These two elbows make their arms almost equal to their height, and they can also fold their arms into a projectile "shooting" device to "shoot" something.

Obviously, the previous stones were released through their arms. This kind of mechanically-like arms can indeed cause great accidents and also cause great trauma to people.

Chu Feng never thought that there would be such a human being, and their shape was not different from human beings in any other place except for the arm. At the same time, this is also a problem that proves that they are human. There were some special circumstances in the body structure, which led to such a result. As the so-called big world, there are no surprises, and now in this vast galaxy, there is such a group of human existence, it is completely understandable.

"I've been watching you for a long time. The feeling of being "fucked" by people like this shouldn't be very comfortable, right? I know what you want to say the most. Do you want to ask? Why stop you The battle for you? Actually, I have no interest in participating in your battle at all. I just think that my participation will make things more interesting, and I can understand depending on your situation. You must be with those who want to come here. People who plunder wealth also have the same greedy mind. Greed makes you hate each other, so you will fight. People in other areas of you really cannot change your greedy habits.

It's just a pity, now you can't do it according to your own ideas.

I have already sealed all the outlets around this place. If you want to leave here, that is simply a wishful thinking. I am not saying that I did not give you a chance. When you first came here, I already warned you. , But you did not listen to my warning at all, instead you turned around again. I feel that this is a provocation to me!

If it hadn’t been for this old guy to appear just now, maybe I’ve already started to deal with you. Now I’ve watched enough farce. There is nothing special about your fight. Even if you fight, you won’t get anything at all. As a result, instead of this, it would be better to let me participate and let this battle end as soon as possible. Now I can give you two choices.

In these two choices, you may be able to find some opportunities for yourself, of course, it may also be directly to ruin!


The first option is that the two of you continue to fight, but you must do your best. I don’t want to see you stand in a stalemate here. Those who win the final will have a chance to leave here. Whether the losers will die, I will Take him away!

The second option is that you can escape as much as you want. Anyway, your resistance is powerless for us. It is no exaggeration to say that I can give you the most painful blow when you try your best. Let you know what absolute power is! "

In the face of certain specific factors, many things have basically been fixed. For the emergence of this group of specially designed humans, it seems that the whole battle has really changed, and it is no longer affected by anyone.

It's just that these two choices are really meaningless to Chu Feng. First of all, he doesn't want to be played like an animal. In addition, he also hopes to find some opportunities for himself, so some things to do next naturally seem normal.

"I don’t want to accept these two choices of yours. If you have to let me make a choice, I hope to be able to fight with you and let me see how capable you are. If I fail, no matter what I can accept all kinds of punishments, and if I win, then you can’t stop me from doing things here, because I’m not here for any so-called treasures, nor any intention to invade you, I just never Having been in contact with this world, I just want to learn more!"

What Chu Feng said currently sounded crazy to the old man.

The expression of nonsense "gibberish" really makes people wonder what he is thinking about, especially in the current state of falling into a state of failure.

To challenge the strong as a weak is simply seeking a dead end, but Chu Feng doesn't think so at this moment. He even feels that he might win in this way, and this victory is absolutely irreversible. !

"You actually want to challenge me? Have you forgotten your own identity? Do you think you have such a high right to challenge me?"

The special human in charge of "handling" the entire team is very young, almost a teenager in his early twenties.

There is not much difference in age between him and Chu Feng, and his thinking is not too leap, but in some of his educational thinking, some things are fixed, and he seems to have these worries, so he said When these words are said, no one will feel strange, because everything seems to be normal.

It’s just that Chu Feng didn’t give him any idea of ​​superiority. Just when he finished saying this and wanted to reject Chu Feng, Chu Feng smiled slightly and said, “If you’re so scared. That said, then I can choose to give up. After all, you may feel that you are not my opponent at all, and you can understand the idea of ​​escape in your heart!"

"You dare to look down on me! Well, I accept your challenge!"

With just such a sentence, Chu Feng directly achieved his goal. Everything seems to be very smooth!

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