Whimsical System

Chapter 1806: what have you done?

Therefore, even though he is currently in a situation of adversity, Chu Feng has no intention to give up. Moreover, judging by the current situation, he has a reason for doing so.

One of the most effective ways to come here is to exercise your abilities. You may not get anything other than that. Now that you have finally gotten such an opportunity, it is natural to take it, otherwise it will inevitably be wasted. This time.

Therefore, when making this decision, Chu Feng also considered it clearly. In the event of a failure in the process, he is responsible for it. No one can change everything for him, even if Lao Chu wants to Help him, it will take a certain amount of time, including opportunities, but now he does not have any opportunities at all, so this means that to make this decision, he must do something to himself Helpful measures.

How to fight this enemy, this is a question that Chu Feng has been thinking about at this time, and in the end he can get some results.

So just now he was still in a very predicament, but now that he has considered things clearly, he can still come up with some solutions to the problem, looking at the current level when he made this decision. There are bound to be some crisis situations, and these situations are not only a stimulus for Chu Feng, but also an improvement.

First of all, Chu Feng felt that he had to learn to grow in battle, but now it still requires certain conditions to get this promotion.

Although the opponent's strength has exceeded his expectations, this does not mean that he will not be able to defeat the opponent. In fact, the most important point is the way he uses. Now the plan is basically determined, and the only The problem that arises is what kind of preparation he needs to make in the process.

Especially during this battle, he didn't have much time to prepare for himself at all, so even if he already had the idea of ​​thinking about the current battle, it was just. It's just staying in the current state, and as for the others, it's just a plan.

But even if it was a plan, Chu Feng had already implemented it in reality and started thinking, and the final result was still satisfactory to him, because in the process of thinking, he did find some The idea that can really solve the problem, judging from the current situation, it is not so easy to solve the current problems, especially when the current situation is troubled by the appearance of many things, it has already determined a result The production.

Now Chu Feng doesn't have much opportunity to make ideas, so all he can do is to borrow the current environment to do some temporary thinking, and just when he is doing these temporary thinking.

He actually found some solutions to the problem. Although these solutions are only on the surface, Chu Feng feels that he can test it. Maybe he can solve this problem. Of course, everything is. Established in an uncertain state, but even if it is uncertain, it can still be accepted.

Slowly during the whole planning process, Chu Feng had already made clear what he wanted to do, and immediately afterwards he completely penetrated his thoughts into the whole plan. The final result indicated that from the current situation, he All ideas are actually acceptable.

It can even be said to be completely in line with the current situation. The power of devouring and energy are completely combined. This is not an easy process, but at this moment, Chu Feng is directly converting this not easy to reality.

Perhaps this is a process that is somewhat surprising, even inexplicable, but the final punishment is to realize the recombination of swallowing power and energy, and this time the combination is not just a toxin of energy, but energy. The full power of.


There is no difference when the two people fight each other. It seems that it was the same before, and it is the same now. It’s just that no one has thought that it is this kind of process that seems to be the same, but it creates exactly one. An extraordinary result.

Chu Feng just shook his arm slightly, and directly injected the Devouring Force into the body of the entourage along with the energy. Before that, the Devouring Force's attack was basically impossible to succeed, but now it is already. It has completely changed.

In this respect, what needs to be praised most is the ability improvement that energy brings to Chu Feng. This kind of improvement can hardly be described simply.

Originally, Chu Feng’s speed was already relatively fast, but with this increase in energy, this speed actually climbed to another level, and at this level, Chu Feng has completely mastered the situation on the battlefield. He doesn’t need to control himself at all, and he doesn’t need to care about what the other person is doing. He just puts his own ideas into practice, and then every move he takes can be proved in the process and a great Perfect result.

When the swallowing power just entered the body of this follower, the follower didn't notice any difference, and he didn't even feel the slightest pain.

At first Chu Feng thought that he had failed again, and his disappointed expression hadn't come out yet, but the entourage fell to the ground instantly, the same feeling as the previous person in charge, except that the entourage The situation is even more critical.

The person in charge was still breathing when he fell to the ground, and it was just a toxin of the swallowing power, paralyzing the person in charge.

But this time his attack directly robbed the followers of the "life".

This incident was unexpected and sudden. Even as Chu Feng, the initiator of all this, he didn't even know what happened in the process. At most, he just felt that he did his best.

But this kind of effort seems to be impossible to describe at all, and no one can prove that his effort is not playing tricks.

Even Lao Chu was a little surprised at this moment. In Fangtai's battle, he had seen everything in his eyes, and he hadn't missed every detail.

But all the things now make him feel a little unspeakable. What is the situation? He has no way to describe it, or even knows how to describe it, because all this is too fast, and the results obtained are really surprising.

"What happened just now? What did you do?"

At this time, Lao Chu could only ask these two questions, and perhaps all he could remember were these two questions.

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