Whimsical System

Chapter 1809: Real not noble

"I knew about this a long time ago, and it will end up like this. Forget it, in fact, I don't intend to persuade you. Anyway, no one can change the idea you have answered. At most, it is only a contradiction. The point, let us argue with each other. In the end of the argument, not only is it meaningless, but it will also give you an advantage. If the decision I made in the end was just for this, then I would not have this. In terms of thinking, anyway, this does not require me to make these plans and considerations!"

Old Chu had basically decided that this matter would be such a result, so he was neither surprised nor sighed by the appearance of this result, but faced it very naturally, even he thought it could be so. It's not easy for one to appear, at least it didn't make him too surprised, and if Chu Feng had any other plans at the moment he didn't know it, then it would be even more worrying.

"You are a little abnormal today. I thought you would stop me. I didn't expect you to let this matter go. But no matter what, if you do it like this, it still makes me very satisfied. At least I don’t need to spend too much energy on you, and in this matter, no matter what decision is made, it is actually a comprehensive change of this matter. I believe that as long as the premise is a comprehensive change Below, no matter what problem can be solved, what do you think?"

Chu Feng's performance is completely cheap and good, but now he is getting cheap, he is indeed worthy of him to do this, and achieved his goal, can't he say such a sentence with pride? Perhaps this is not deliberate, and it will not have any impact on who, anyway, this is a reasonable thing, and there is no need to add some unnecessary worries behind this reasonable thing.

"Why do I think about it this way, don't you know? If you really don't know, then I don't have to tell you, because you clearly want me to speak!

There is no difference between the two of us. Even if I can't determine 100% of what you are thinking, I can guess a large part of it. Now you should talk about your plan!

Compared to these useless exchanges, I feel that talking about this is even more important! "


Old Chu can't wait to investigate Chu Feng's plan for this matter. In fact, he also knows that in this matter, he can't play a leading role in "sex", mainly depends on Chu Feng himself. Will, anyway, as long as Chu Feng is willing, then no one can stop him, even if he wants to go back now, this is something that cannot be reversed. But anyway, even if he knows he can’t solve it, he still wants to find out more, and then think of an idea. If at some specific time, his ideas come in handy, that can save Chu. Feng's "life", so now when he asked this question, his attitude was very firm, and he was also prepared for everything, even thinking about it, if Chu Feng didn't want to say, what should he do, And the situation was not as bad as he had imagined. At least when he asked this question, Chu Feng answered truthfully.

"Plans and things, I am not particularly clear now. Anyway, I know that I can't leave now, and I can't stay here and continue to stay. The situation there is still in a fuzzy state. You have to go and investigate first. Although I also know that there may be some dangers in the past, but what about dangers?

Like the current situation, even if it is affected by some people, or even directly threatened by them, then I must face it, otherwise I will be farther and farther away from reality. This is not what I do. I hope to see it better. This is my overall idea. It is not too ambiguous but it is what I hope to do. If you want to stop it, just let it go, I will not deliberately treat you. What kind of attitude is there? Anyway, even if I have an attitude like this kind of thing, I can't help it. It's better to listen to your opinions than that. Maybe I can come up with other attitudes from your opinions! "

Chu Feng's trust in Old Chu basically still exists, and even sometimes this newcomer has surpassed himself, and his judgment is only with trust behind it and some other things. Now his mind has always stayed in a state where he wants to investigate and explore the truth about this matter. In fact, he also understands that maybe he cannot fully realize this idea, and there may even be some other accidents, but What is there to be afraid of? Even if there is an accident, it is still the answer he got within an overall plan. It is not worth worrying about, and there is no need to have anything on this issue. Other thoughts, so as long as you get a certainty on this matter and have a corresponding attitude, then this matter will not affect anyone. Now Chu Feng considers that, even if it is his purpose. He is worried, but he is not afraid that this worry will have much impact on him.

"I don’t have any other opinions on your thoughts. In fact, I don’t have many attitudes, and there is only one, that is, no matter what you do, you have to think carefully before doing it. Don’t be too blind. In blind situations, it is easy to have problems. Although I also think you can’t be too reckless, but there are some things that should be said. After all, this is not only for you, but also for myself. Consider, I don’t want myself to fall into danger because of you. If that’s the case, it would be too bad!"

It stands to reason that under a normal situation, Lao Chu should say something superficial, making Chu Feng feel that he was just thinking about him, but now Lao Chu has not done so at all, and instead said some big truths. That’s right. Chu Feng would definitely not doubt what he was talking about now, because it was true, and no falsehood could be seen from any aspect!

Perhaps this is his intention, to make things more real, and to make people more trustworthy, but behind the truth, it is inevitable that people will feel a little unacceptable, one is only for their own consideration, so they persuade others No matter what angle it is from, it seems that it is not so noble, but if you consider it from another angle, even if this matter is not noble, at least it is true!

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