Whimsical System

Chapter 1811: Orderly

Lao Chu’s painstaking persuasion can be considered as a dedication, whether it is for himself or for punishment, anyway, he has made his efforts to the extreme, if even this is still unable to achieve the result he wants, then he can also Said it was impossible to make some changes.

At this time, Chu Feng was still in that kind of casual state regarding Old Chu's persuasion.

He was not worried, because he felt that it was better to think about some ways to solve the problem seriously, after all, that is the most important thing, and now there is no need to worry about these things.

The two people did not discuss this topic for a short time, and did not involve a deeper level of content. At most, they only had some discussions on this topic, and finally did not come to a result, and Chu Feng was totally right. There is no special emphasis on this topic, and even he feels that spending so much time on this matter is basically meaningless. Instead of this, it is better to devote more time to those meaningful places, such as continuing to explore In this space, learn more about other aspects.

So it’s a risky move to go back after the two of them have completed this exchange. But for Chu Feng, even if it’s a risk, it must be done, because if he doesn’t take this risk, everyone It is possible to lose a large part of or the opportunity to know the truth, so since I have this idea now, and can also have this condition, then why give up at will!

So immediately after Chu Feng made a decision, he was going to explore this space and thoroughly grasp what kind of background the people here are. Chu Feng is very interested in a brand new world that he has never understood this time, but he also knows that today's interest does not necessarily have to be implemented with enthusiasm. He just got into such a big trouble here, no one can guarantee that there will be some other doubts, so for the sake of safety, every decision he has to make now must ensure that it is absolutely impossible to execute in a smooth state. Involved in any trouble.

auzw.com returned to the position where he had escaped before. Chu Feng felt that after he returned, there should be no more people left there. Although this was just his guess, the facts were true. So, when he returned there, the person in charge had already left. Although I don't know who brought him away, it was empty anyway.

And the followers who chased him have been defeated by him, as if all the opposing forces have been eliminated, and as to where they went and where they came from, Chu Feng still knew nothing at this moment. , Maybe the clues have been broken here, but sometimes luck will occupy a large degree, and this occupation of luck is not even subjectively controllable.

Just when Chu Feng arrived at this place and left when he wanted to quickly understand and understand, the old man who had just disappeared suddenly appeared at this moment. I don’t know if he is visiting the old place again, or waiting for Chu Feng here specially. Anyway, when he saw Chu Feng, some surprises appeared in his eyes, but he soon calmed down. From his appearance, it seemed that he was unwilling to let Chu Feng notice the change in his attitude. As for the appearance of the old man, he felt anxious and uneasy. He was not sure what the purpose of the old man came here, and he even felt that this was the one that the old man had laid in ambush here. Trap, if he falls into the trap at this time, wouldn’t it be equivalent to handing over his own destiny to the old man’s hands, and not long ago, he had just fought the old man to death and life. Now this change is also It is really difficult to stabilize emotions.

"You actually came back again. Now that there is nothing else besides being able to prove that you are bold enough? But now that you have come back, let's go back to the previous thing. Anyway, our affairs are still If it has not been resolved, I can take this opportunity to discuss it again!"

The old man can prove one thing as soon as he speaks, that is, he is not here specially waiting for Chu Feng to return. Maybe the two of them met again by accident. However, whether it was accidental or not, they were anyway. The two people have already rendezvous again, and in the process of bringing the rendezvous, there are some things that need to be paid attention to, such as those that the two of them care about now. They had contradictions before the matter was resolved, and the contradiction seemed to have reached an unadjustable state. Both of them wanted to get rid of each other quickly, and now they return to that environment again, although they no longer have the previous one. The hostility, but the unhappiness in my heart, and the idea of ​​trying to solve the problem still exist.

However, no matter what method they want to solve now, Chu Feng's mood is gradually stabilized anyway, as long as the other party is not prepared for a long time, then he has nothing to worry about, and as for solving the current problem. In fact, Chu Feng didn't have too much thought, after all, that was what had already ended just now. Even if they did not actively want to end it, but since it is over, there is no need to spend too much time to solve it. Unless it is the old man who is reluctant, Chu Feng is willing to give up. There is not much hatred in between. If it weren’t for the old man’s obstruction to him, he wouldn’t be able to do what he did before. Now it’s finally over, and he has other things to do, so he doesn’t want to entangle him too much. Even if he still has a certain interest in the environment in which the old man lives, all things must be done one by one. If they are all taken care of, it is estimated that nothing can be done, so in this state, Chu Feng wanted to put aside the old man’s affairs for a while, and waited for him to settle the matter here, and then pay some attention to the old man, but the old man Coco was not willing to give him this opportunity. It seems that resolving those problems with Chu Feng now is the only thing he has to do now, so when the time sequence of the two people is different, the contradiction in this aspect naturally arises.

"Can we wait for the matter of the two of us? I am not very eager to get an answer from you, and there is no special contradiction between us, so if nothing happens, you Don't influence me first, let me do what I want to do, and when my side resolves the matter, I will naturally give you the theory again!"

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