Whimsical System

Chapter 1816: doubt

"Okay! This idea of ​​yours has become quite fast. Just now I was planning to plunder the treasure, and now suddenly I have doubts about the existence of the treasure. I don't know whether I should believe what you said. , If you were deceiving me from the beginning, isn't it a bit stupid for my current belief?"

With a smile on Chu Feng’s face, he was wondering about this matter in his heart. In fact, he had suspected something wrong with this area from the beginning. Now, hearing the old man say this, he is able to confuse some of it. 』An answer part.

However, he always felt that this matter was never as simple as they thought, and he was also trying to figure out where the old man's mind was developing.

If the old man is really just here to find treasure, then this is not a serious matter.

But are things as simple as the old man said? Just come to find a treasure, and then I am not sure if it is really guaranteed. If this is the case, maybe this matter can be solved really easily, but in fact nothing is as simple as they thought, especially When the problem is manifested, then it will take more speculation to determine it.

"The guarantee here is probably that you have no chance to get it. If he really exists, then I must also fight for it. In case it is a good thing, of course, if I don’t feel interested, I can let him For you, it’s just that I have a certain amount of advance power, and you may not have it, but I also know that you won’t compete with me at all, right? After all, we are in a state of mutual cooperation. If you have any opinion on me now, then you will be accepted!"

Chu Feng didn't have any basis, nor could he tell, where did so much confidence come from, anyway, when he said these words, he had certain plans in his heart, and he was also determining some ideas.

If the current old man disagrees, it will appear to be more real, but if the old man agrees, then this matter may have to be found fundamentally for some reasons. Does the old man really care if something goes wrong?

Or maybe he hasn’t got much interest in treasures and the like, but if that’s the case, then this thing seems to be a little inconsistent, and the most important thing is that there is always something when this thing appears. The reason is, but now the reason can’t be found at all, that’s a bit strange!

Even though Chu Feng is currently in an experimental state and has not considered this matter too thoroughly, even in the experimental state, there is no guarantee that he will not have any accidents. Moreover, the current situation is in many aspects. The unfixed need for a certain spirit of exploration should also have some ideas for sharing the whole thing. If these aspects are not available, then a judgment on this matter will naturally lose a large part of the basis.

After Chu Feng said these words, the old man seemed to have thought about this question, but so far, his thinking has not got a fixed answer!

"If the treasure is the first to fall into your hands, then I will naturally be unable to compete with you. After all, the treasure has no specific relationship with me, even if I am not willing to let the treasure out, but I don’t have any. Reasons to forcibly **** the treasure from your hands, unless there is a conflict between the two of us, this kind of thing will never happen!

In addition, I also said that this kind of treasure has not been determined so far, so we are now discussing it based on this kind of thing, and it has no special meaning. If you really just want to hear my response, then I This sentence can be said beautifully!

auzw.com For example, I am very willing to give you the treasure without reservation, even if it exists, then I will give it to you, as long as you get me I am very happy, even happier than I got it myself. Do you think it is really possible for you to believe it like this? Anyway, I would not believe it myself! "

The old man sees things very sharply. He knows when and what the outcome of a thing will happen, and he also understands what kind of mentality should be used to deal with these results, so whenever there is a problem, he can always be very Smoothly make a judgment on the matter itself, and then speak his own mind. Even if someone tries to figure out him at this time, it cannot change the situation and situation!

"What you said is correct, just now you don't know how false it is. It is estimated that no one is willing to believe it. Even if they hope to see this result, they don't have any belief in it at all! "

Chu Feng nodded. Regarding this question, he felt that he no longer needed to think about it too much, because it didn't make any sense. Instead of wasting time in this kind of place, he might as well consider some other plans, maybe This is more meaningful than this thing!

"Let’s walk around in this area later, I don’t know you don’t understand this place, if you understand, you can take me around then, anyway, I can basically say that there is nothing here. know!"

Chu Feng wanted to deepen his understanding of this place, and the most reasonable way at this time was naturally to stay more in this place.

In this way, what you want to understand and observe will naturally follow.

Of course, during this process, there may be more or less accidents, and under these accidents, how many problems will follow?

Chu Feng could not make a judgment on this matter. After all, this was just an idea in his heart. If an idea cannot be confirmed, it is just an idea!

"I don't know much about this area, but I can't say that I don't know anything. If you need me to help you understand, then there is no problem. Anyway, I just want to take advantage of this. Opportunity to deepen your familiarity with this area environment!

Besides, besides wanting to understand the environment here, do you have any other ideas? If so, it is better to say them together!

Anyway, one thing is the same, and doing multiple things is the same! "

The old man clearly knew that Chu Feng was definitely not just trying to understand the environment here. In fact, he had another purpose. Now he hopes that Chu Feng can speak out his purpose, and then he will deepen his thoughts again and make more judgments.

At this time, when the old man asked this question, Chu Feng was also caught up in the idea of ​​this matter.

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