Whimsical System

Chapter 1826: Contradiction

It is absolutely impossible for the old man to feel no pain during the process of change. After all, he has already fainted, so it is absolutely impossible for a problem like this to exist. How he endured it was probably related to Chu Feng's previous violent general method, but he had never thought that this old man would have such a high level of mind to compare himself.

He can even persist in the state he is about to pass. It has to be said that Chu Feng may not be his opponent in this regard, but in this process it can also reflect the level of a person's IQ. Nowadays, the elderly's IQ does not seem to be particularly high.

"Wake up... Hurry up and stop sleeping, wake up..."

When everything was ready, Chu Feng awakened the old man who had fallen asleep.

When the old man regained consciousness and saw Chu Feng, he was first surprised, and then instantly switched to beware.

Obviously he had forgotten what happened before. The pain caused him to lose a part of his memory, but his memory will be retrieved soon, but in the process, Chu Feng needs to make some efforts.

"What are you doing looking at me like that, we are all over!"

As Chu Feng said, he motioned to the old man to "touch" and "touch" his face, so that he could tell the difference between himself and the previous one.

And it was at this moment that the old man suddenly recalled everything that had happened before, and he also judged that the one standing in front of him was Chu Feng.

"No! Are you really Chu Feng? How could you change into this way, I really can't imagine what kind of process this is, your face, your appearance, and even your skin color "It’s all the same, is this where your ability lies?"

After realizing the change of things, the old man looked surprised, and then he asked this question, which is not surprising. It is estimated that any person will be very surprised when seeing such a scene. The old man is quite normal, and the most abnormal is the old man’s performance after discovering that his appearance has changed, the kind of crazy that loses the bottom line. Thinking of him, it seems that he suddenly became younger, and became a young man who didn't know how to measure and didn't have any standards!

It stands to reason that although his appearance has changed, his psychological age should not change accordingly, but in fact he does not seem to fit this category, and his psychological age has also changed, and the process of change Among them, it is also getting crazier and crazy, which makes people somewhat unable to understand.

"Come back to my mood, I can understand your current state, but we can't always be in this state, otherwise it will be a little troublesome, even if I don’t have anything else. Thoughts, then I will also consider, are you showing signs of mental abnormality!"

Chu Feng was a little helpless. Regarding the current actions of the old man, he could only use such remarks to express his inner helplessness. The old man also gradually returned to normal during Chu Feng's ridicule, but occasionally he would think The inner peace of the matter of his appearance changed gradually, but then he will restrain it again. Over time, this is about to become a habit of him, which is about to become a habit of him. Up!


"Have you thought about it? What is our plan?"

After completely restoring calm, the old man has all entered the current state. He hopes to carry out the next step of the plan, and in this next step of the plan, they have not thought about how to implement it. At least the elderly feel that they have not discussed it at all, so they feel that now is a suitable opportunity, and it is also a state in which this matter must be done!

Chu Feng replied: "I haven't considered it yet, but I think it shouldn't be very important, so we do need to have a specific plan to implement at present, but it should be possible to think about it temporarily!

After all, I still have enough confidence in you, so you don’t have much strength at present, but even if your strength is not so outstanding, but your mind is still relatively smart, now it depends on you Combined with my wisdom, we should be able to think of a way! "

Chu Feng was not completely dependent on the old man, but he already basically relied on the old man. In this process, the main purpose was to hope that the old man could come up with a reasonable plan so that Chu Feng could put more thoughts on his mind. On the elderly, not on this plan.

In addition, what he did was actually not aimed at the old man’s calculations, but worried about what other thoughts the old man would have. So let the old man spend more brains. In the planning process, it will naturally reduce the number of old people. Think about some other things, especially things like Yu Chu Feng.

I have to say that Chu Feng’s defenses in this area are relatively adequate, and he did not make the elderly aware of it. After all, from the beginning, he created a state where he didn’t have many ideas. The appearance of the result is still acceptable!

"I know that this matter is still up to me to consider. Actually, I have some doubts about who is in the dominant position in this matter. It's obviously that you have been giving orders, how come it became me in the end. What about this matter? If this is something I think is more important, then although it is reasonable and reasonable for me to do this, it is actually not the case, so there are some things that make people feel puzzling. !"

At this time, under Chu Feng's meticulous arrangement, although the old man had some complaints about this matter, he didn't have any doubts.

And then he launched an analysis of this matter, and then put forward an important idea of ​​his.

"According to my understanding of this area during this period, they are basically a large organization. In fact, the description of this organization is not very accurate. It is not so much an organization as a family. They all share a common blood. , It’s just that this kind of blood has been passed down for a long time, so it’s basically just a relationship of the same kind!

Nowadays, in this whole family, there are naturally a few high-ranking people to preside over the work!

The relationship between them is also very complicated. Although they are divided into gangs to rule, they are not coordinated. If we want to enter it, we must first gain the trust of one of them. Only in this way can we stand on our feet. And how can you gain trust?

That is to let the contradiction between them help us achieve this! "

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