Whimsical System

Chapter 1837: Small village chief

However, everything will come unexpectedly with some specific time. Just when the two of Chu Feng were worried and didn't know where to go. An uninvited guest passed by in front of him.

Chu Feng glanced left and right, and then looked behind him. No one else was there. Obviously, this person went straight to the two of them and smiled at them.

"Where do the two guests come from? This place hasn't been a new guest for a long time. Both of you have broken the silence of dust for a long time!

Introduce myself, I am the acting village head of this village, and the village head is my father, but I guess I will become official soon. Even during this period, I may need to suffer more, but sooner or later. Will be able to achieve such a result, if you don't mind, you can directly call me the village chief! "

The self-introduction of the uninvited guest can be said to express this place, but there is no confession to himself.

"This is probably someone who wants to be a village head and is crazy. Since he said so, then we can satisfy him. At least we can win his trust from this aspect. Maybe it will be useful for our future plans. !"

The old man was afraid that Chu Feng had said the wrong thing at this time, so he hurriedly reminded Chu Feng in a low voice.

At this time, Chu Feng had already figured out the wording.

"The new village chief is actually not much different from the old village chief, but I'm afraid that calling you the village chief may affect your father. If your father misunderstands this, wouldn't it have some bad influence on you? So I can call you the little village chief. After all, the little village chief and the old village chief have a father-son relationship and show your identity. Anyway, this is more formal than the acting village chief!"

The title of the little village chief was also temporarily remembered by Chu Feng, and as for the old village chief, it sounded like the name of wine. Chu Feng was really unspoken, and the explanation he just made just made the little village chief only. Understand, he is not saying that he is unwilling to bark, but that he is afraid of affecting him!

With such a direct explanation, even if the little village chief heard of this title for the first time, he could fully understand Chu Feng’s intentions, so when the little village chief was called out, his face was still filled with excitement and excitement. happy.

"You are a smart person, and I like it very much. We can deal more with each other in the future. If we have the opportunity, we can be friends. Maybe then we can help each other or something!"

However, it was only Chu Feng who changed such a title, which directly made the little village head happy, and even had a bit of a desire to make friends with Chu Feng, even if it was only his temporary thought. , But if this emotion can continue, it would be really good for Chu Feng. It's just that now the two of them don't pay much attention to this point. The main thing is to get here first. After all, their purpose here is to find the brother who lives here.

"It's easy to talk about...I just mention what I need in the future. As long as I can help, then I will definitely help as much as possible, and we are here to go to you!"

auzw.com The old man talked to the side, and his words were eager to express his thoughts and intentions for coming here. In order to implement the plan smoothly, he took the time to do everything he could Expressed moves.

It's just that the little village chief didn't pay much attention to the old man's words, and his attention never moved to the old man's side.

It seemed that at this time, he seemed to have a good impression of Chu Feng alone, and this good impression was mostly due to the change of title. As for the others, maybe he didn't have much.

Otherwise, he should have responded to the old man's expression, but now that he does not have it, he can just prove this.

"I'll take you two to see my father first. No matter what the purpose is for the first time here, I have to register my identity first, otherwise it will not be easy to mediate the registration when there are problems in the future. I actually handle the work, so as long as there is nothing wrong with me, basically my father will not say anything, and from this you should also know who makes the decision here after all?"

The little village chief couldn’t help showing off his rights again. It’s just that his right can’t take care of the entire village’s public security management, but he seems to be very complacent, and he has even reached the point where he can show off to outsiders. This kind of behavior is really unsightly for the two of Chu Feng!

The two followed the small village chief all the way into the village. In fact, they almost realized that the size of the village was still very large after they entered it. The first sight from them does not seem to be able to fully summarize the village. In addition to the entire range of the village, there is a corresponding place on the other side of the village. According to the introduction of the small village chief, it seems to be a segregated place where the most noble people live.

Normally, they will transport part of the products from their own village and some grains to the residents over there.

Occasionally, for a period of time, those residents would also send some money to the village as a thank you. Anyway, the rumored place in the village is basically a symbol of wealth. There are countless treasures there, but even if this rumor circulates in the village, no one can raise the arrogance of those treasures.

This feeling seems to be a little bit religious. They are very dependent on what they believe in, but they will not violate or overstep.

The small village chief took the two to the so-called office of the village chief. The two people stayed in this room and felt a little depressed, because the room was too dim. It was not because the house was built low, but the house was too tall. The distance between the doorway is also farther, and when the distance reaches a certain level, the dark feeling in the room will arise, as if the two of them are completely in the dark, it is not easy to escape, nor can they go. Fight against the darkness.


The village chief opened the room, and there was a light on the desk in the darkness.

"Have you come to our village as a guest or to visit? Our village has been without outsiders for a long time. I thought outsiders had already ignored our village!"

There were some complaints in the village chief's words. Obviously, he was not so excited and optimistic about things like the little village chief, and even he somewhat rejected the arrival of Chu Feng.

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